Despite the club's motto: "You'll never walk alone" rightoids are told that doesn't apply to them

1  2019-12-12 by Goes_Down_on_Women


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Streaming is the dumbest thing to ever get popular that I hope this venture does as much damage as possible to the entire platform. I will support any and every cause to nuke all streaming platforms. It was a mistake to dabble in these dark arts, and it must be dealt with.


  1. Despite the club's motto: "You'll n... -,

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Mo Salah made him say it

I mean the only Bongs in Liverpool who would vote Tory don't remember Thatcher and "managed decline" or are already rich and would love to see the poors without healthcare.

Poors don’t deserve healthcare so seems Iike the better option to me.

I smell a bong like stench emanating from this direction.

Scousers deserve everything they got.

Why is he yelling

He gets paid 20x your salary to do that

I wish I got paid 20x my salary just to yell and act retarded tbh

Whats 20x zero?

I know

Socially conservative and Economically left is the most centrist and correct political alignment.

Sounds like a welfare leech redneck. Socially left and economically right = cool elites 😎

Socially up (the higher ur caste the more privileges) and economically down (strong take money from the weak) for me

No. Because this gives the poors free stuff and they don’t deserve free stuff.

You just have to be creative with how you define economically liberal. If you feel like people should be able to buy retarded shit like heroin., technically, that's liberal. In practice it generally extracts even more money from the poor, without having to give them anything.

But I think we should tax the rich less and tax the rich more

we should tax the rich less and tax the rich more

Yes now you get it

Radical centrism.

Soccer 😷

YWNA!!!!! Except if your opinions on capeshit, politics or football differs from mine in the slightest

if you want to be a tory cunt and watch footy just choose chelsea or burnley or something. complaining about people hurting your fee fees as a rightoid liverpool supporter is as retarded as whining about how hard it is o be a leftist lazio fan

I'm amazed anyone could "support" LFC and not know this. Like cmon ladies... at least hide your tory cunt if u just want to be 1 of the girls smh

Scousers should be buried under the stadiums they can't help murdering opposition fans and, occasionally, 96 other scousers in.

America's left is really rest of world's right


And by rest of the world they always mean Western Europe.

Isn't that the rest of the world?

Everything else is completely irrelevant.

This but without a shred of irony

Europe is part of rest of the world.

Boris johnson would be a democrat conforned? Margaret Thatcher would be a bigger leftist than bernie Sanders in America

Your average European 25 year old is less politically tolerant than the most woke soyvegan San Franciscan tranny.
