Poutinecels are trying to figure out how to identify themselves

1  2019-12-12 by metameanderer


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Hahaha, you were so butthurt you reported all my posts to the moderators too.

You win this one, I'm not allowed to make fun of you anymore. Enjoy living your internet life every day, goodbye.


  1. Poutinecels are trying to figure ou... - archive.org, archive.today

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Based. Quebecois may survive, but anglo canadians will all be indian and chinese.

Cathbols are the future.

As a poutinecel myself even though I'm not the biggest fan of a lot of the shit Quebec pulls I love that they just absolutely give no fucks if you find what they say offensive, can't say the same for the rest of Canada where we have a joke of a PM who says we "have no culture" and are the "first post-national state" just to appeal to immigrants, maybe when Quebec moves from banning muslims from public office to banning them completely I'll move there

Yeah but then you'd have to speak french and pay a fine every time you say bonjour hi instead of bonjour proof of Catholicism and french speaking please.

They need to take a page from Tariq and call themselves Foundational French Canadians.

The First Frog Nation

Quebec is pathetic

The problem with constructing (or more aptly reconstructing) Canadian identity is shown pretty clearly in the comments. Whenever you say something like “beer is Canadian” you get a flood of people saying things like “what about Pakistani immigrants that collect welfare? They’re just as Canadian as anyone!” Immigrants are immediately invoked as some sort of counter to anyone trying to outline Canadian identity.

Pro tip to the people on CanadaPolitics saying “what about the Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, etc. French Canadians?”, they’re not Canadians in anything beyond a legal sense because they don’t share those features of identity.

Quebecois de souche

Awfully close to officially being douches.

I was almost fooled into thinking they might be based papist frogs

Also your use of 'French-Canadian' is so blatantly out of touch with modernity. Its a dated term that erases the Quebecois identity.

But then I was reminded they're still limp-wristed moosehumpers.


Anyone that speaks French is a fucking faggot