Pizzashill tries out Tinder

1  2019-12-12 by Woolgun


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"Internalized misogynist" and "prude" are the new slurs for women with standards and boundaries. Don't let newspeak fool you. ;)


  1. Pizzashill tries out Tinder -,

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This is why people hate us

Based sentient Neo liberal

Dating websites are for trolling and memes, not dating. Foids on dating websites are the lowest value foids.

So it's perfect for you!

t. pedo virgin

this was a magical moment

Lol what the fuck? How is using reddit speak on a dating app talking to a foid in ANY way ‘magical’?

It’s because they are the worst sub possible.

Imagine following an ideology so pervasive almost the entire western world is in line with it, yet still feeling persecuted because people that disagree with you exist. That’s what that sub is, a sub full of babies that think practically owning modern economics isn’t enough because someone bullied them on Twitter once.

Imagine using a dating app.

Does Grindr count?

That's a buffet app.

Hillary Clinton knew about Epstein and Bill.