Bongs Cope

1  2019-12-12 by betazoom78


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  1. Bongs Cope -,

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Biggest Tory majority since Thatcher, worst Labour result in modern history.



My friend, let us celebrate this day.


Based and dramapilled

It's seriously so satisfying after the past few years of self righteous bongs talking about what a shithole America is because drumpf and now they've got their own. Hahaha. So good.

Now if they were only wrong with their mockery.

Now if Argentina tries to stir up shit with the Falklands again, the next decade might be actually good!

Even for britbongs that’s a shit ton of cope

The biggest since Thatcher! What the hell is wrong with people. Why do people not care about the lies and deceit!

Somewhere, a man in Israel smiles. He looks out the window and says " Fuck with the Jews after we made you? Heh. Welcome to the reckoning, niggers." While he feasts on only the most supple of foreskin.

Lefties lose elections because they only lie to themselves when they should be lying to the voters.

>implying they dont lie to their voters as well

T. Brainlet

I said it yesterday: they lie to themselves, not the voters. They believe the stupid shit they say, if they want to win elections they need to say stupid shit that they don't believe.

wahhh party I don't like won, the world is going to shit

literally nothing changes

burger has 0 understanding of other country but decides to chime in anyways

If tories didnt win then brexit wouldnt happen which is a big deal dumbass.

It probably wont happen either way. Why are you always the biggest faggot no matter what comment section you're in?

such is modern politics

which is why you should support my run for world emperor. I'll rid of any minority you want, no human rights, church is law, military state and we will have taco Tuesdays every Tuesday

That's nice and all, but will you bring women and the elderly to heel?

I'll break their will and soul under my boot

I just donated my bussy to your cause!


goddamn bo jo social media team has way better memes than trumps

It’s all on Bernie and us now. There’s no other way

Why do these people have to act so faggy?

Why do these people have to act so faggy?

The sky is always falling for them because they're loaded up on estrogen and the media they consume consists entirely of faggy despair merchants.

Their life is so sheltered and so far removed from any hint of hardship that they live vicariously through fiction, and in turn that fiction becomes the lens they interpret their real world through, turning themselves into the hero in an epic struggle, and the opposition into a cartoonish evil hellbent on destroying everything positive.

Ceterum censeo the industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

Prepare for a widespread blackpoll among chapos

Bing bong bing bong!

Something I find hilarious is how they keep claiming the Conservatives are going to privatize the NHS, with absolutely no proof, while at the same time saying that they won using lies.