Another school shooter is born

1  2019-12-12 by collectijism


Damn Girl Are You Wearing a Diapy Cause That Booty Poopy


  1. Another school shooter is born -,

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Abraham Lincolns kid

Well Maga supporters have normalized violence got what you asked for I guess.

Basically oggley boogley

The dems are doing everything they can to make sure this kid can’t vote come 2020, it’s sickening!

So how much shit was this kid talking before he got his ass beat by a girl? Lol.

Seems he was supporting our commander in Chief

from what? the video starts with just random screaming and fighting without any context except that the person who posted it, who didn't record it, says it was

Cause the anti narrative says it’s against the real narrative retard

bitch nigga 😂

around youths, never be uncouth

And 5 more will be out of school and unemployed

When the leader of the confederate states said that we lose this war the slave and the master shall be overturned and we will become the slaves. This is what he meant would happen

Slay Qween 💅🏿

Kid deserved it though. He’s far to fat to not be bullied. Also, I too can find a video of a middle school bus race battle and make up a story to fit my narrative.

He’s the back of the bus fat and your Rosa parks

You have to be a real bitch to be beaten up by a girl instead of her just telling you off

How many 200lb female guerillas have you fought irl?


Okay zoomer

I’m just sayin white gurls always act all tough online but it’s the cheerleaders with older brothers you really gotta watch out for. Fastest way to worldstar is to get yo ass beat by a cheerleader thats 8 leagues hotter than you.


lol subtle

What animal does she look like poindester?

i thought they sounded and acted more like chimps but you probably voted for drumph and can’t appreciate the subtleties of hominidae, you fucking racist

The shrieking and ape punching definetly did come off more chimp like I agree fellow racist

Find a real source with context

That's a lot of effort for an enraged rightoid