Progressives of NYC get schooled on the JQ by fierce Kween

1  2019-12-12 by MoistLanguage


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Hahaha, you were so butthurt you reported all my posts to the moderators too.

You win this one, I'm not allowed to make fun of you anymore. Enjoy living your internet life every day, goodbye.


  1. Progressives of NYC get schooled on... -,

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Ya know I love good drama but this one made me sad.

Jew Shananigans

What exactly would that be? Unlevening her bread? Giving bad financial advice?

Telling bad stand up jokes and oppressing Palestinians outside the Holy Land.

I believe that is a Basketball American failing to understand that Black Israelites are just black and not really Jewish. She probably assumes that Jew on Jew crime exists on the same scale that black on black crime does.

Honestly based for being that emotionally reactive and mentally retarded

Draining the blood of their children and using it to make matzo.


I've seen videos of random black guys on the street, like, not even nation of islam loons or anything invoking the protocols.

Inner-city blacks do not like jews at all.

inner-city blacks hate any generally successful minority group, on the west coast they bitch about Koreans and Chinese nonstop.

This is like that episode of Sanford and Son where the old guy claims that Harlem used to be a great place before the Puerto Ricans started moving in. Except for some reason I don't hear any laughing.

Black people don't like Jews

Uhhhhhhhhh this is Trumps fault

If there is one group that treats Trump like authority, it would be blacks.

Unstoppable force vs. immovable object

Here we have one group which is basically allowed to say the wildest most ridiculous shit they can think of with total social impunity facing off against a group who nobody is allowed to say anything about under any circumstance, even by punishment of law in many countries...

Now would be a good time to invest in popcorn.