kings and queens give sissy wh*te boi a taste of the upcoming mayocide. racist mayos mad (x24)

1  2019-12-13 by Dramacel69


Have you posted bussy yet?


  1. kings and queens give sissy wh*te b... -,

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Why have I literally never seen a video of some poor black child getting the shit randomly beaten out of him by a bunch of savage mayos, but I've seen dozens of videos like the above?

Because noone would post a video like that on r/drama.


Because white supremacists have learned to not record their crimes

Something something bell curve

what color is the top end?




Lol no, because blacks do this shit way more than mayos. Nobody cares what blacks do to whites because it is what is expected of them.


I thought this sub was filled with centrists, not basketball Americans.

Because you spend all of your time looking for things that justify your pre-existing worldview.

It's a crazy thing called "confirmation bias."

For example:

Get the fuck out of here with your libertarian propaganda. If we're ever discussing fucking children, we'll call you.

Or if we want to discuss dating discord trannies

I don't think you really need to look to hard for it, the fbi still posts the crime data

The one video you posted that wasn’t a hundred years ago is a one vs one fight that we have no idea how got started. Little black kid did get his ass beat though.

Based pizza

Ok cuck,try not to diddle any kids

Not up to date, why is pizza a pedo now?

He's a, and may Allah forgive me for uttering this word, Libertarian 🤮🤮🤮

Also random group attacks on black kids were more common before everyone could record, you can find articles like this:

Almost like racism towards blacks has gone down over time? 🤔

Weird that these types of attacks increase while the 'racist whites' are less and less racist.

Go fuck a child pedo lmao.

pizza you are such a fag unblock me you bitch

Because you spend all of your time looking for things that justify your pre-existing worldview.

Not really, I just watch what gets a lot of attention on r/videos or publicfreakout or whatever goes viral and shit, I don't go out of my way to look for it.

It overwhelmingly always seems to be blackers beating whites.

It totally could be that somehow only the videos of blackers beating whites are getting distributed for some raisin, I guess, though.


For example:

Thanks, now I've seen one actual example of a video of whitoids beating up on a black kid. It's useful to know that exists.

It's part of their culture.....isn't it beautiful

There’s no white version of world star that we record and post all our crimes to for clout.


>fat, poor, underage, weak, and unable to fight


This is very upsetting.

They unironically sounded like chimps.

That's what all middle schoolers sound like tbh

Adolescents are animals

Minecraft and dabbing isnt a crime, sir. 🤫


Needs to be a campaign slogan. They'd have my vote.

Also the flailing arms and 3 of them trying to sit on him at once. Last time I saw that style of martial arts was in a Jane Goodall documentary.

He’s fine, those windmill style punches rarely have much force or precision.

We can only hope the AR-15 he brings to school will.

windmills of friendship and tolerance :)

He was asking for it with what he was wearing.

I heard some dude tried this in court once involved with a rape and some fag judge got all butthurt about it like a smooth brain bitch.

Lmao, how long till the other shoe drops and it turns out the kid was being a cunt and got what he deserved

Yeah,that justifies a straight bitch fight.

Having friends is a useful strategy.

Does anybody know what the kid looked like after the attack? Seems like a middle school fight blown outta proportion by twitter

I never saw a 8v1 in middle school lol, just a good ol fashion 1v1

Yeah but have you taken the wrong bus home from school?

Yeah, got into a 1v1 with a poc and a hand jibber on the bus (not at the same time)

i forgot if this is pizza or lawlz, not that it makes a difference

Taking bets on which media group first dives into this and hides everything race/political and instead takes the hard stand of "BULLYING IS BAD, RIGHT??"

My vote is for Vox.

bullying is bad = popular kids are bad = black kids are bad = you are a racist


I don't know what's worse, raising your kids to act like apes or putting a fucking MAGA hat on your kid and sending him out to get attention on Twitter for you.


100% feel like all those kids throwing punches are going to become productive members of society...

Black kids

Acting like gorillas

Don't call us Nigger tho


Missing link?

Don't use your kid as a political pawn lmao. She knew sending him to a black school with a maga hat would result in him getting decimated by the 13%'ers but she wanted to be a victim without actually putting herself in danger. Fucking pathetic woman.

shout out to the 13% crew

Was that chubbykins squealing like a pig while getting his ass handed to him by a girl or was that someone else?

nigs gonna nig lmao