Losing bong names the jew

1  2019-12-13 by Coonass_alt


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No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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The former London mayor said Jeremy Corbyn would "have to resign tomorrow" - adding the "Jewish vote wasn't very helpful"

Well, that's one way to commit political suicide for your party.

It's like he made corbyn commit suicide with 2 shots to the back of the head

is he the bong hillary Clinton?

I knew they were gonna blame Jews for the loss. Reminder that Oswald Mosley was in the Labour Party before he started the British Fascist Union.

Mussolini was a socialist as well.

“This extreme doesn’t work. Better try the other extreme.”

We shouldn't demonize growth. He got better about his beliefs later in life and that's a good thing.

The horseshoe touches tips

Shattered the glass and got bongwater everywhere

The Jews did it!

I’m actually kinda confused and wasn’t paying attention. Why didn’t the Jews vote globohomo?

Corybn is constantly paling around with terrorists

No I said why didn’t they vote for him.

He tried to take their money AND constantly played with terrorists.

So why didn’t they vote for him?

> 💰


If you were Jewish would you vote for a party in which Sadiq Khan is a rising star?

Since they make up 0.8% of the population, I guess by "Jewish vote" he means they have a lot of votes on the Illuminati council or something.

Lots of leftists are seething about (((them))) but naming the Jew. It’s pretty funny to watch. They are also saying they wouldn’t be surprised a “fix” was in, or that the Russians were involved 🤣

If there was any Russian involvement it would have been them telling their boy Corbyn to alienate as many people as possible and make sure he lost.

The Russians have become the left's equivalent of rightoids sperging out about the Jews. The only difference is the Lügenpresse is on their sie now.

ukpol is laying a suspicious amount of blame on the (((media)))

media is owned by (((them))) acc to the left

They've been seething about them every time they talk about "Old white men". They just pretend they don't know they're Jews

(((“The Russians”)))

(((Human Civilization)))

There's a difference between antisemitism and criticizing a bunch of (((scheming, greasy, bloodthirsty, lying elites who would gladly stab their nation in the back just for the sake of protecting their own or even just making a quick shekel.))) Not all Jews are (((ratfaced Zionist parasites))) and it's so dishonest for the media to be conflating the two like that.

Since they make up 0.8% of the population

its more like .1%

Sucks to sucks, dirty goyim should get their bread up.

It's over for low IQ whitecels, you can't compete with chad Jews



Stupid got deserve to be treated like cattle. Now you know how it feels to be black.


Goddamn Jews sneaked shit in my pants again, why does this keep happening???


Lmao isn't Corbyn about two steps shy of just straight up coming out as an anti-semite?

Wonder why jews wouldn't vote for the guy...

Corbyn and the Labour party aren't anti-semitic and anyone who claims otherwise is a filthy Jew!

Holy shit I may not understand Uk politics very well but It was my understanding that labour was equivalent to the democrats in the US, why are they so based on gods chosen?

the Lib Dems are more like the Democrats (sort of), Labour are more left wing and therefore hate our greatest ally Israel with the fury of a thousand suns

once again 🐎👞 is proven right

Given what a hero Sadiq Khan is to Labour, I'm guessing it was only ethnic jews that still voted Labour. Labour seems to be the anti-Semitic party at this point.

Lmao I knew it was only a matter of time Labour was gonna go full /pol/. I’m sure a week from now /r/UnitedKingdom is going to accuse Israel of election interference.

Also is there a place where you can view who Bong Jews voter for the most?

r/ukpolitics already has.