Once Upon A Time In Hollywood (film review)

1  2019-12-13 by HodorTheDoorHolder_

Omg... Tarantino is shitting on actors and celebrities this entire movie. That's it. It's a big fuck you to actors and celebrity culture. Hilarious!


every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


  1. Once Upon A Time In Hollywood (film... - archive.org, archive.today

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I thought we all agreed not to give Tarantino any more attention. It’s not good for him.

Tarantino is pretty good at finding superficial stuff in weird genres like Japanese 1970s pervert movies that he can copy. I would be utterly baffled at why he's treated like the Frank Capra or Preston Sturges of our generation if I didn't know that everyone is retarded now.

Ok boomer

Thx that's the nicest thing anyone ever said about me. 😁

name drops directors from the fuckin 30's

lmao SNEED

silent era

Frank Capra or Preston Sturges


I might begin to attempt to take your seriously when you get your GED. 🤭

As if a philistine like you would understand embellishment for rhetorical effect.

I'm pretty sure there is something between 1960 and 1990 but I'm not certain

I don't think any person has ever even once compared Tarantino to Capra. That's the dumbest comparison ever.

Tarantino is Reddit

I think it was a good movie but not a good Tarantino movie. As a fan of Tarantino and Tarantinoesque movies it didn't meet my expectations unfortunately. It lacked in action, escalation and dialogue. Except for two or three scenes we didn't see Tarantino's vulgarity, "criminality went wrong"ity, authentic dialogue styles etc. But as a stand alone movie it was entertaining and pretty good tbh.

i thought it was a fun movie but had a bit too much woman beating at the end tbh

It was an appropriate amount.

Hippies aren't women, just like trannies.

I hope this is a ironic post.

Worth the ticket price just to see brad Pitt redpill the audience on Bruce lee