Trumptards on suicide watch

1  2019-12-13 by fauxbreaux


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


  1. Trumptards on suicide watch -,

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Why are we hated so? What did us fat people ever do to you? Do people really think it’s our fault that we were forced into a system of consistent caloric excess? That foods these days are just so jam packed with delicious sugars that out monkey brains crave? That maybe self control is impossible in this age of excess. This disgusts me.

Fat people don't exist, after a certain weight you are not a person

Being the only person in the room who can walk for more than half a mile and lift more than ten pounds is never not going to be satisfying.


Wtf i love ben garrison now

Why are commies only capable of copying things and thereby making them worse in the process? You see this with memes, technology, rhetoric, etc. Is it intrinsic to their world view, or the abject retardation they all possess?

Yeah because Ben's comics were really fucking great right

No of course not, but you look at entire subs dedicated to copying stonetoss, or the recent phenomenon of switching the "Right wing memes vs. Left wing memes" meme. China steals our tech, the USSR frequently stole our technology or had it sold to them. The collectivist bug ideology these imbeciles possess is anathema to innovation. Especially the western communists of today who are, by and large, trannies, limps wrists, and other societal outcasts. Sorry for serious posting by the way.

Lol more like schizoposting tbh

If you're incapable of following a fairly simple train of thought, then I'm sure it does look like a schizo post.


Awww, someone just learned the word schizoposting and was over-eager to use it.

Imagine taking pride in browsing the internet

Imagine imagining things. If I can't see it, it doesn't exist. Take the solipism-pill, bro.

Lefties are incapable of creation, only critique. That's why all their communities devolve into backstabbing frenzies of trying to out-woke one another, because they can't actually put their collective energy into building something. Every time I've ever engaged in an online community project, there was always some shit flinging commie who would join and try to derail every conversation to something anti-capitalist, and none of them ever had the skills to do much besides basic photoshop work, enough to, say, edit a political cartoon.


Apply this exact train of thought to Rightoids and music. They take good music created in the den of sin that is rock and rap, and then plaster Jesus or some retarded message about "family values".

Just because christian rock sucks, doesn't mean that all good music is from lefties. If you see a musician, actor or comedian who's politics you don't know you should probably assume that they are conservative.

blah blah blah rightoid copeposting

I totally agree with you on Christian Rock.

Damn /r/drama has fallen if you guys are downvoting the lolcows and seriousposting.

And don't forget this classic

I could never not upvote this.

This! So much this.

How did you know what I was bumping in my '64 this AM.

That' actually pretty good. Now it's in my head... Thanks a lot.

I actually like that song. I showed it to my gf kinda jokingly calling it "incel punk"

She was not a fan

How the fuck can you mention incel music and not link this fucking masterpiece

That has to be one of negative XP’s worst songs, the lyrics are monotonous and the melody is droning as hell. There’s better stuff on his album sophomore

I like the lyrics for the subject matter.

But its catchy and thats whats important.

It’s really not as catchy as his other shit

I like Mk Ultra victim more. Or Left on Read, OR "I'm tired of living".

Those catchy enough?

The last one is good yeah

Christcuck cope. The only good music to come from rightoids is tech death shit like the faceless or archspire, but they're in the batshit conspiracy rightoid territory. Any other rightoid music is 🙄🙄🙄. Most really fucking good music leans left.

Norm Mcdonald.

He’s terrible. Woke comedy is the future

Are you saying Norm isn’t woke? Have you heard the bit where he talks about that guy who is so homophobic that he wouldn’t even give his best friend a handjob?

Norm is conservative and he's the only comedian still making fun of gays in 2019.

What? No, Norm is obviously a chapo user chud.

chapo user chud


I agree entirely. Truly great works of music typically come from the mentally ill and unstable.

The music thing is a mayo problem sweaty. Pretty much all good American music genres originated in the South, but that’s only because that’s where all the musically gifted Americans were.

It's amazing how African Americans created basically every pop music genre that exists. The only one that's arguably mayo is country, but that takes as much influence from pop, rnb, and blues these days as it does from whatever true Scots Irish folk influences are remaining.

lefties are incapable of creation

Are you retarded? The majority of musicians are left wing lmao, some of the greatest American musicians and filmmakers were straight up communists

Neo-radical leftism I should have specified, most successful creatives are a virtue signalling brand of limousine-liberal that throw the welfare state a bone but never really put any effort into changing the status quo to their detriment for the sake of the poor. Pink Floyd's Money is a seething critique of greed culture in capitalism, and I'm pretty sure all the surviving members have multimillion dollar car collections like they lampoon in the song. My observations are based on personal anecdotes, I've encountered probably a dozen organizations both online and in real life that championed social justice, Democratic Socialism, leftist themed volunteering and the like that devolved into infighting like clockwork before they could actually get anything done. It'd be funny if they didn't actually manage to influence real politics.

If we’re talking about Pink Floyd Roger Waters has spent his entire life fighting for legitimate change so I don’t think that’s a good example.

I agree a lot of musicians are feel good liberals who don’t actually care besides seeming woke but we also had people like woody Guthrie

the majority of musicians are neoliberals who love the status quo and just pay lip service to the plebs.

I don't really give a shit what rage against the machine sings/raps about, when you sell $15 che tee shirts at your concerts, headline at the warped tour, and play on MTV TRL, you're not left wing, you're bougie as fuck

Why do rightoids serious post on /r/drama so much?

You're a "person" with over 400,000 points of Karma on this hellscape. In a just world you wouldnt be allowed to speak, let alone ask me a question.

That’s a little better.

Thanks, the validation I receive from NEETs such as yourself is very important to me.

I say legitimately whatever I think to people in the "real world". normal people don't care if something is controversial if it comes from someone they know. You'd be aware of this if all of your friends weren't behind a screen.

RIPGeorgeHarrison [be kind hes retarded]

LOL nice flair retard.

Also, why the fuck do leftoids seethe so much about the 3 righties posting here?

It’s bc they can’t handle their retarded world view being challenged, even for a second. As a radical centrist, I see drama as having a decent balance, but will agree there has been a mdenerate problem lately. I think a blanket ban on all consumeproduct users could help with this.

I hope you wouldnt want to remove medue my rightoid leanings. I love this place and I love the culture of barbarity it inspires.

No normal rightoids are fine and help make this sub centrist. Mdegenerates are Mongoloids that only serious post and seethe their retarded extremist world view.

Unfortunately I don't think I fit your definition of a normal rightoid. Regardless, I will say that I think you're one of the best people here and I enjoy reading your posts. I hope you have a good day and thank you for helping preserve the culture of Radical Centrism here.

You’re good my dude, and thank you!

I've been meme banned dozens of times for being a rightoid, so the last thing we need is more rightoid bans. Perhaps we need some jannies on the staff that will meme ban leftoids to keep them on their toes. The leftoids in here are getting quite stale and mundane.

Problem is that rightoids generally have a bigger issue with serious posting. I’m talking the folks that post in far right subs, and have an agenda to serve. Other than ps and few other lolcows, the leftoids aren’t as bad about it.

Oh right, and pizzashill and his low rent retarded cousin watermark don't?

I’m not convinced watermark isn’t trolling tbh. And ps is a lolcow, so nobody takes him seriously. I’m not saying all rightoids, drama has a good few now that are great commenters. I’m talking about actual far right users that are unwavering when it comes to pushing their agenda, and can’t drop their agenda for the purpose of making a joke. I haven’t seen one in a few weeks, so shit might be figuring itself out.

And ps is a lolcow

No, he's not. Lolcows have redeeming qualities. Ps is a degenerate neet with no redeeming qualities.

’m talking about actual far right users that are unwavering when it comes to pushing their agenda, and can’t drop their agenda for the purpose of making a joke.

Meh, I've been called worse by more important people so I'll take it.

I don’t see you as that though. I’ve seen you make funny comments and don’t see you seethingly push your political agenda.

Trust me ps is a prized lolcow. His redeeming qualities are him being such a stereotype, and giving us all a reason to punch down.

Trust me ps is a prized lolcow. His redeeming qualities are him being such a stereotype, and giving us all a reason to punch down.

I wouldn't say it's punching down, it's more like throwing cinder blocks into the well when you know little timmy is stuck at the bottom.

Developing countries often steal technology in the process of developing. Like the United States stole a lot of tech from Britain during the industrial revolution.

The USSR did make some impressive technological advances on its own. In WW2 its T42 tank was extremely impressive because of its bang for the buck. Early on it had a technological advantage (the first tank with sloped armor) but later on it was more important that they could cranj insane numbers of them out because they were so simple to put together. Later German tracks were technologically superior but overly complicated, they couldn't ramp up production and they became prone to break downs in the field that couldn't be fixed because the technology was overly complicated. Their AK47 was also the first impressive assault rifle.

Later on of course they made advances in the space race. Their kerosene engine technology specifically allowed for highly efficient kerosene engines with impressive isps compared to other kerosene based technology. The United States actually was never able to replicate that and build kerosene that efficient, until we basically looted Russia after it fell to capitalism. Now these Russian engines are actually used on some American launch companies launch vehicles. Although paranoia over Russia has lead to this being reduced.

Also, the CDMA technology used in a great deal of cell phones to this day was actually invented in the Soviet Union as part of their early cell phone technology they invented in time 50s.

Good job bobby, here's a star

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Unless it's a yellow star on a red background he doesn't want it.

At least the left was original enough to invent the idea of parody.

Like these lefty edits are any better? lmao

This absolutely does.

Hey! Our guy Ben is out there making these every fucking day.


Because their goal is infiltration and takeover of other groups, while the rightoids prefer to create their own groups first and then do internal purges.

Communists are pretty good at purges

Purging your own army right before the war to own the west.

the labelled sky, football and field are mildly amusing at least


It'd be funnier if they weren't labeled with what they actually are. Ben labels things, and sometimes they don't make sense. Like, he might label the playing field "twitter" and you're like, "okay, I guess, but that's a stretch."

If you want your counter-meme to be funny, you should label things in ways that definitely don't make sense. Label the field "China" and people will go, "huh??" - that would be calling out Ben for his retarded labels.

Communism's whole thing is "hey, gibs me dat!" what did you expect?

"da more gibs it gib, the more communister it is"

-Karl Marx apparently

he doesn't know ben garrison's edits originate from /pol/

Communism is the ideology of the over “educated”, untalented petty bureaucrat who believes he is owed more than what he earns. It’s hardly surprising this is all they come up with

I am owed less than what I earn

system of government designed on stealing from everyone attracts petty losers with no creativity

Who woulda thought



Why are rightoids so inclined to serious posting on /r/drama

Yeah because the right doesn't appropriate memes, music and rhetoric to use as dogwhistles.


Its not the left that has problems coping with the truth.

LOL I can't tell if that's some advanced level of irony or if you actually believe this.

Have you seen the entirety of reddit since Jeremy "Gas the Kikes" Corbyn got schlonged last night?

Does the reactions of some politically retarded incels on reddit affect Corbyns politics?

> leftoids absolutely cope and seethe on reddit

> rightoid points it out

> leftoid responds with

Its not the left that has problems coping with the truth.

Stop malding and projecting.

issue solved for the future:

Keep proving my point.

that you're retarded? we need no more proof of that

"Despite their important implications for interpersonal behaviors and relations, cognitive abilities have been largely ignored as explanations of prejudice. We proposed and tested mediation models in which lower cognitive ability predicts greater prejudice, an effect mediated through the endorsement of right-wing ideologies (social conservatism, right-wing authoritarianism) and low levels of contact with out-groups. In an analysis of two large-scale, nationally representative United Kingdom data sets (N = 15,874), we found that lower general intelligence (g) in childhood predicts greater racism in adulthood, and this effect was largely mediated via conservative ideology. A secondary analysis of a U.S. data set confirmed a predictive effect of poor abstract-reasoning skills on antihomosexual prejudice, a relation partially mediated by both authoritarianism and low levels of intergroup contact. All analyses controlled for education and socioeconomic status. Our results suggest that cognitive abilities play a critical, albeit underappreciated, role in prejudice. Consequently, we recommend a heightened focus on cognitive ability in research on prejudice and a better integration of cognitive ability into prejudice models. "


Facts don't care about your feelings.

Thanks but I said we didn't need any more proof of your mental retardation.

You play video games. You lost before you even started sperging.

Ah yes, and an incel of your magnitude swallowed the ironpill in the hopes of getting a girlfriend and a personality?

Pure projection. Have sex, sweaty.

I love that you go full "NO U" and prove my point.

If that’s what lets you sleep at night 😴😴😴


fuck off faggot

Do you even know where that word is from?

Malding autistic fucks like yourself?

nope LUL.

Have sex

The left can't meme; it is known.


Tfw when you kill nigs

it's part of seizing the means

Why are commies only capable of copying things and thereby making them worse in the process?

A theology student I used to know told me that "everything evil is a mockery of something good." Evil is a corruption or corrupt interpretation of the natural order. That's why their comedy lacks humor, their reason lacks empiricism, and why they revere deviancy and abhor the traditional values that have allowed civilization to flourish and advance.

I agree with this entirely. Was your friend a Catholic or a protestant? Thank you for your answer my friend.

They were from a Latino family so I'll assume they were Catholic. It never really came up.

That's why Christianity is a mockery of Judaism.

Based and gentile-pilled.

Because it is an ideology by its very substrate philosophies strives for mediocrity. When your whole systems appeal is that even the biggest retards get a slice of the pie and creativity is bad it’s not that surprise that the best “art” they can create is so derivative that it is literally a photoshop of some racist boomers e-comic.

I really enjoy the answers I'm getting. I'm mostly using the question as a rhetorical device, but im glad so many out there are willing to answer with conviction.

I seek to please, master.

I thought silicon valley was a leftist cesspool

if commies could actually produce original, good stuff they wouldn't be commies

This would have been it pretty good edit if it wasn't for the dumpster tier Karl Marx that completely ruins it.

You kidding? Putting Marx on this comic is like putting a dog filter on the Mona Lisa, it elevates it to a glorious new realm of utter trash.

I'm talking about the shitty face

Not enough whale oil and brain medicine. Left just can’t meme I guess...

Labeling the field and sky is funny as fuck to me for some reason

⬇️ floor

↑ Username

👈 Upvote button

I have no idea what's going on here, but I love it.

Not enough labels. I'm starting to get suspicious that this isn't a genuine Ben Garrison.

Odd timing given what just went down in the UK.

What does this even mean



God u know its over when Ben garrison admits it. When will u righties learn.