Crazy bitch changes the router password and puts filters on her boyfriends computer, in order to catch out when he tries to look at porn.

1  2019-12-13 by TeeEssDoubleU


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  1. Crazy bitch changes the router pass... -,

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Guess who'll be single in a few hours and beg her ex to come back?


I’d be fine with my girl cut off porn if she was willing to help me bust a nut whenever. But you know these girls prolly do sex just on Saturday nights

Oh sweetie, do you think these foids put out that much? Why would they subject themselves to such emotional labour like trying to make their man cum?

but baby please I want to cooooom!

I’d be fine with my girl cut off porn if she was willing to help me bust a nut whenever.

I could probably be persuaded along those lines, but that's just for a start. See, if she gets to set rules based on her moral standards, then I get to do that as well.

For example, maybe I think that the literal fire hose of attention and validation that women receive on social media is just as harmful to our relationship as she thinks porn is. So maybe, if I'm giving up porn, maybe she should give up social media.

Now obviously, the dumbasses among us will retort, "facebook isn't porn!!" but I didn't say it was. What I said is: you have a moral objection to porn. One component of that objection is the belief that viewing porn damages our relationship. Maybe I have a moral objection to social media, and maybe one component of my objection is the belief that social media damages our relationship.

Autism, not even once.


If we're friends, then that is a relationship.

I know it's hard to tell, considering your autism, but I was being sarcastic

I was just playing around

I wasn't. And this time, it's legal. *points to moderator list*

alright friendo

It is a relationshit, if anything.

The 'tism is syro g in this one 🙏

Once a week ain't bad, there are some monthly foids that have sexual drive of roadkill

Hah, let's all line up and cheer Mr Gets-Laid-Once-A-Month!

Also my peepee is small!

This,no hentai? Then you better get use to being my onahole.

Who do you side with if you think porn is probably bad, but you also refuse to allow a foid to be right about something?

We should pass a law to forbid voicing their opinions. That way they can never be right.

Good idea, but think of how many enterprising youtubers we'd put out of work if they could no longer make "Evil Femanazi BTFO compilation no. 574" videos.

Putting utumours out of business is an unmitigated good.

There's no way all porn is bad. It's like one of the best jobs for a woman. Where else can you get paid, potentially hundreds of dollars, to be spit roasted by a bunch of black dudes and face fucked until you puke for 12 hours with no previous skill set.

On r/drama if you ever get your patreon off the ground




RIP Saruh's patreon

War against porn. Isn't that Mitt's idea? He doesn't need porn, he can have tons of wives. Except for the secret gayporn.

Porn=good Controlling girlfriend=depends on what u want... 🧟‍♀️


You ban both porn and women's right to vote

Ah, I was looking for a sub for stalkers.

I think porn should be avoided but imagine doing it for a woman 😂😂😂 hahahaha

What the hell is a PA?

Palestinian Authority

Porn addict is my guess.

That would make sense. But reading through some of the stories, some of the guys they talk about sound like they arent addicted at all

Porn addict from the pov of the denizens of the subreddit is probly closer to what it means.

No you're wrong and an incel, these psychotic bpd femcels would never exaggerate

Physician's Assistant

Personal assistant. Right?

I thought it was pensilvenia

this is my fetish


western women are trash

Planet full of men. Who's on board? Hold on a second i'll get a male body from the secret cloning factory. Gay yay!

Last night my bf (27m) and I (28f) hosted a late Friendsgiving. We have a lot of issues we’re working through, but last night was really fun for the first time in a long time. We cooked together, cleaned together, and did a lot of stuff we haven’t done in a while.

Well, everyone left and I sat on our couch for a few moments to just rest (I’m six months pregnant, shit makes me tired). We watched a show on Netflix, and then got up to clean.

We were in the kitchen, putting stuff away when something I picked up accidentally made an immersion blender fall over, which knocked some plates of the counter, and caused them to fall and a couple broke. He immediately got upset. “Why’d you do that?” I told him it was an accident and they got knocked off and he told me that I need to take responsibility for what I did. I kept telling him I was sorry and it was an accident, and that it’s just a plate. He told me to leave, he didn’t want my help cleaning and to just go to bed. My partner literally sent me to my room. Over a broken plate. This morning he said he was sorry but I still need to take responsibility for what I did.

I feel like he’s going overboard. Thoughts?

You didn't have to clean? Break more pl8s hun.

Break more plates while looking him directly in the eye and masturbating to establish dominance

Dude hes fucking nuts. You're in for a rough rest of your life lmao

Time to switch on mobile hotspot

Lol wat

D/s relationship?

If my wife put a porn filter on I’d have her hold up the porn mags while I beat off. (not really, she scares the hell out of me but it’s fun to pretend that I’d dare to try it)

I hate cumbrains but this bitch is worse

I have /u/ foreverinfinate tagged. She's super butthurt about men watching porn and is in a loveless marriage because of it but, she watches gay porn herself. Biggest fucking hypocrite.

but, she watches gay porn herself.

Lmao, please, I NEED a link

It's buried in her post history. I lurk /r/relationship_advice to laugh/get angry at all the bad one sided takes people have and she post there often.

Wait what? Yo that sounds like abuse, psychotic bitch. He should beat her more instead of his meat.

(((Accountability software)))

Porn’s bad for you, but obviously the typical statist reaction to that is to BAN EVERYTHING, because apparently the act of convincing and educating about the truth is too hard for them.

porn is less bad for you than fucking whores and getting STDs and pregnancy, CMV.

You know that women want sex more than guys right? If you think that girls who hook up are hoes then you’re mostly wrong.

Also Porn has been ingrained into modern society for a decade now, many dudes just think it’s normal to be wanting it to loli and it’s not

You know that women want sex more than guys right? If you think that girls who hook up are hoes then you’re mostly wrong.

casual sex leads to single mothers and STDs, whacking it to porn leads to a tissue in the trash can and maybe a couple seconds of feeling self pity, if you have some sort of religious guilt or some gay shit, idk.

i'm not even defending porn but i also don't expect people to be puritans, because it isn't realistic, and if niggas are gonna coom, they are better off doing it to a screen instead of getting an STD or getting a whore pregnant by accident.

Buddy you’re slipping into incel mentality, save yourself before it’s too late because that shit will ruin your life. Now about what you said:

Porn rewires the dopamine receptors in your brain so that you can only sexually gratify yourself trough porn. This rewiring is similar to Cocaine, TV, High Carb Junk Food, and the Outrage Media cycle. Porn has repeatedly been shown to cause depression, Erectile Disfunction, and disinterest in real sex. You can read on various other negative effects online. It is definitely an unhealthy habit conditioned to us by Mass media who wants to keep us docile and consumed by negativity. It’s not a cabal style of “le kikels did this” type of conspiracy, but more of an implied agreement by certain corporations in the entertainment and drug industry. They just like Americans to stay hooked on Big TV, Big Media, and Big Xanax.

Regarding women, realize that they are just as human as us. (shocking right?) And humans have been having casual sex since the Sumerians. Shaming women for acting on their instinctual hormonal urges is bad, and negates the fact that we want to do it to. Humans are naturally meant to fuck for pleasure, and have had more casual sex than we do today. The reason for a decrease in males having sex today is due to high societal expectations, low libido from porn, and an erasure of the glorification of responsibility. There is nothing wrong with having casual sex as long as it doesn’t come out of a place of desperation or neediness, and as long as you practice safe sex with a condom until you know your partner is clean or on the pill. That’s the real redpill I’m giving you here.

"hey buddy you are incel"

proceeds to type out paragraphs of literal nofap virgin science lol.

i can get laid, with actual hot girls, porn being available to me has actually STOPPED me from fucking skanks it was best i avoided.

banning porn probably benefits the weirdo virgins who inhabit nofap/MDE/MGTOW and other autistic spheres because you losers get addicted to it because you have no access to girls, but for men who aren't losers, well, we have an alternative to just nutting in every degenerate skank that is available, if porn didn't exist for the average man, they'd just be out busting nuts in whores while drunk constantly because it's the only sexual thrill they could get besides staring at the ceiling and having a sterile nut.

Lmao I’m genuinely trying to help you and you lash out with your negative energy. Have fun CONSOOOOOOMING your “healthy pornography”. Also if you actually were a Chad who fucked girls you wouldn’t have to plaster it in your post like an insecure subhuman redditcel.

I should learn to never give a disgusting redditor proper advice.

mdecel nofapper thinking he has anything of value to say


whats mde? I don't spend enough time on the internet to know all these bullshit terms

This isn’t just cope this is hyper mega cope

Here's a (you) faggot


Ban this guy

i know you aren't an MDEtard because they view casual sex with as much disgust as porn, they wouldn't be like "dud lol stop consoooming porn and just go fuck every skank you can".

and who the fuck asked for your help and why would anyone want it lol, when did i indicate i had any problems? it's your fault you're retarded enough to think anyone wants advice from you.

Wrong. Women have lower sex drives than men.

Lmao ok keep believing that


The sex drive refers to the strength of sexual motivation. Across many different studies and measures, men have been shown to have more frequent and more intense sexual desires than women, as reflected in spontaneous thoughts about sex, frequency and variety of sexual fantasies, desired frequency of intercourse, desired number of partners, masturbation, liking for various sexual practices, willingness to forego sex, initiating versus refusing sex, making sacrifices for sex, and other measures. No contrary findings (indicating stronger sexual motivation among women) were found. Hence we conclude that the male sex drive is stronger than the female sex drive. The gender difference in sex drive should not be generalized to other constructs such as sexual or orgasmic capacity, enjoyment of sex, or extrinsically motivated sex.

I mean it's been studied plenty so I dont really have to just believe it it's just like a fact

You know that women want sex more than guys right?


If you think that girls who hook up are hoes then you’re mostly wrong.


ALL women are whores

You'd think it will make things easier for incels then...



Why must pinging be cucked 😭😭

Lesbian is jealous of manly men. That's all that is

He’s been caught a few times, and has accountability software on his devices

How little self respect must you have to let your girlfriend install spyware on your personal devices. No gussy is worth that.

My partner (35M) had a controlling ex like this. He was made to feel bad and disgusting for watching porn and was not even allowed to masturbate. How little self esteem does someone need to have to be that fucked up? It took some time and a lot of my reassurance to make him feel comfortable doing it. Some of those posts are truly fucked up and I feel sorry for those men.

I want to see the dudes they subject to this most. Why do the coomers not rise up as was suggested?

This subreddit is honestly just sad. Its BPD women and emotionally broken men locked in horribly paranoid dysfunctional relationships.

Famtastic drama though, never disappoints with how batshit crazy these foids are.

Won't a VPN allow him to view whatever he wants?