Commie mommy compares the house to Hogwarts which brings the manchildren out in full force

1  2019-12-13 by charming_tatum


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


  1. Commie mommy compares the house to ... -,

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People who reference Harry Potter as an adult should be beaten.

Wandshit re-education camps when?

Lol epic burn fello epic style king 😎 🔥

t. wandshitter manchild

I would tell her to read another book of it weren't for those milkers

Blessed bartender milkers!!

Coconut Milk Mommy is better

Deep knowledge of these rules is rare but can be powerful.

Absolute bullshit for anyone who's been around longer than 24 months

Is she admitting that she doesn’t understand Congress?

she's admitting she didn't understand her first vote as a congresswoman

Harry Potter and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race


it is consequences

Maybe he should of read some harry potter after all 😏

“Should of”

Got heem

lmao it's should have u retard

*the foid race

I love and appreciate that people like this don’t actually vote

I'd be more likely to vote if there was a Family Man running for office

He’s be a good candidate!

But he might get smeared because of his relationship with M*g!

Take. It. Back. 😡

There's no denying that he lives with M*g! But he will overcome this hardship!

I will say this now. I could kick your ass in real life probably. You want a real picture of me? I can share that now. I am a Army Cadet, I was in Army JROTC, and I have done lots of Competitive Shooting and Tactical Shooting. I have done Krav Maga and Grappling. You and your white supremacist fucks can go and join up with Hitler in Hell, because that is where you morons belong. You think that REAL American's accept you, cause those who do, are no better than dirt. You and your KKK deserve to fucking burn in hell, like you burn Crosses, and had lynched African Americans. All Lives Matter, no fucking White Supremacist or Racist will be praised by God. God doesn't allow Racists in his kingdom, I am a devote Christian, but so are African Americans, and other Minorities. Also if you really think that Christianity is any different to Judaism, you are kinda wrong; Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all have the same God. But with factual proof backing me, ISIS and your KKK fucks are no different besides the Religion you follow. ISIS follows an Extremist version of Islam, and the KKK follows an Extremist Version of Christianity.

If you think this is funny, you are going to get your ass-handed to you one day. Because I will not hesitate to get one of my buddies who know how to Hack and get your location, to do so. I have someone on Skype who will fucking do so. I may not be active-duty military, or a veteran, but I have friends among the Civilian population who can do just as much damage.

And so what if I have a Minecraft image, What the Actual Fuck does it matter to you? You don't know shit about me as a Person. I will give you a few things to know, because I am not a coward like you.

• ⁠I am a Former Army JROTC Cadet, Sergeant Major. • ⁠I am a High Level Tactical Shooter • ⁠I have shot someone who has trespassed on my property, someone who had attempted to take the life of one of my family members. • ⁠I have training in Grappling and Krav Maga, both of which are Self-Defense as well as ways to neutralize and kill someone if needed. • ⁠I am of the Methodist Sect of Christianity • ⁠I am a supporter of LGBTQI because I know exactly how they are as people, not what my ignorant ass Confederate Parents like yours tell you. • ⁠I Believe ALL LIVES MATTER. • ⁠I have lots of Muslim, African American, Mexican, and Jewish friends, unlike you. • ⁠I am relatively Moderate with my Conservative beliefs. • ⁠I am a Competitive Shooter as stated Earlier. My longest shot was at 800 meters with Iron Sights, the grouping was around quarter size [I doubt you even know what a Grouping is] • ⁠I absolutely despise those who call themselves White Supremacists. • ⁠I Play Minecraft, because I find it fun sometimes to just get a fucking break from real-world issues. • ⁠I am a Gamer, because if people should have some fun when it comes to games sometimes.

So now you know a little bit about me, so can it. I don't have time to waste with racists like you. I can probably say something racist to you, and you will get so offended. Because unlike African Americans, who actually took the word you people used back in the day and turned it into a way some of them use as a greeting or way people say brother, you "White Power" folk will take offense and use it as an excuse to hate Minorities. So I am going to direct this word as the way it should be directed. Towards White Supremacists. Shut the fuck up you Skin Head, if you want to be a racist and criticize other people based on the way the look. Or the way they represent themselves, then you should fucking kill yourself instead of those people you threaten day-to-day.

As for how you commented on my profile image. I DON'T GIVE A SINGLE FUCK, I am just commenting on how you are representing yourself online, as someone who supports White Power. All of you KKK folk and Neo-Nazi's will one day be put on trial for hate crimes. You are lucky that the First Amendment protects your Freedom of Speech right now, because one day, it really won't allow Racist Groups like you to exist. And thank god for the Second Amendment, because if one of you guys send someone my way, they will be greeted by a bullet.

You can type 10,000 characters and you decided that these were the one's that you wanted.

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Who took your off you mag lover

I still have this stain on my account due to the Black Israelite, AnnoysTheGoys


Das rite

Boomer libs definitely vote, thankfully there's not many of them

Yet they still vote more than commies 😂 cope

I know we have a duty to be triggered by Harry Potter wherever we see it but most of these replies seem pretty normal.

um sweaty, we have to sperg out any time someone brings up this popular book series, even if it's just a normal reference and not some grandiose philosophical or moral statement





I don't see the potter reference?


Really, Hogwarts? Nerd!

Commie mommy is my favorite nick name.

I would tell her to read another book, but she'd probably pick something like The Communist Manifesto.