BPD foid seeks comfort from fellow nutcases because her boyfriend laughed at stand up comedy with jokes about porn in it.

1  2019-12-13 by TeeEssDoubleU


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womp womp


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this is the OP of that post if you're wondering what one of these crazy broads look like lol....

Of course she is fat

As a male in a society that says you should look a certain way, I just want to say that I believe that real men want women with some meat on their bones. I'm just saying don't ever let a man or society tell you that there is something wrong with your size and eating. Also, I'm not trying to discredit any issue threat you or others struggle with, but if your man can't support you in your journey then you could do better. This includes things knowing that you struggle with it and not looking at the opposite type of women full well knowing that it could impact his partner, you! If you haven't already you should communicate your feelings with him and if he isn't willing to try to change his actions for you them you deserve better. You deserve, everybody deserves, someone that will walk with then in both the good times and the times of struggle!

The absolute absolute state of redditors, jesus

The thing is, i know that his exes are all on the bigger side, like I'm his type,

And of course his moid is only capable of scoring land whales

Redditor finds redditor, a perfect love story 🤢🤢🤢

r/MomForAMinute As a male

Jesus H Mother Fuck

Le ivory knight has arrived

how the fuck do people have an eating disorder and still be fat lmao

Jesus, thank God for throwing up at least slowing them down.

By eating disorder they mean they can't stop shoveling junk into their face

Typically they will blame binge eating disorder, which I have no doubt is real...

But as with most mental illness these days, I think people will bend the rules of "clinical significance" in order to take on a label that will excuse shotty behavior. i e. "It's not my fault, my brain is broken"

People absolutely gain significant weight because of mental illness, often because eating helps mitigate the negative feelings. A person with a genuine problem is going to be miserable and want to fix the problem. Treatment is a relief because it gives them back control. The hard part is recognizing a mental illness as separate from normal emotions, but she's already said "I have this disorder"

Foids ... they need to collect 5 or 6 "diagnoses" so they can spend the rest of their life never doing anything they don't want to. Then they can bitch online about how hard their life is, and label themselves as an "activist" because apparently that's more laudable than professional success.

You think eating like a pig isn't an eating disorder?

Bruh that eating disorder didn't go far enough 😦


please dumb this guy

Good to see good advice in the top comment

You're probably right, at the minute my plan is to get some therapy and get back on antidepressants and see how things go from there. Not that this whole thing is my fault, but I think I'd react a lot more reasonably once I get my shit together a bit

Ah yes, sounds like a stable individual

Yeah her boyfriend doesn’t deserve this imbalanced and unstable queen 👸

I bet she's one of those fun people that stops taking their antidepressants for weeks at a time, then rails at their doctor for not feeling better.

Damn, that sub really is a goldmine. Of course it is normal to have a hysterical breakdown because porn is mentioned on tv lmao.

How is it that some people fit stereotypes down to the littlest details?

Because stereotypes are based on real people

Based and real pilled

What sort of trauma involving porn do these women actually go through? It's reasonable to be critical of porn but these people act like porn killed their parents

basically, their boyfriends didn't fuck them as much as they wanted but also coomed to porn now and then, so they convinced themselves that porn is some evil that needs to be defeated, instead of that they need to lose weight or be less of a cunt or whatever REAL reason their boyfriend preferred to not fuck them.

also, for a white girl, your bf preferring to jerk off rather than fuck you counts as a horrible trauma that literally gives you PTSD, because they are JUST that fucking sheltered.

Insecurity makes sense. Still weird to make a community out of it instead of just moving on after the breakup.

Good for drama though

That is not acceptable in my sober household. Strictly PG.

We have a service called Vidangel that censors many sexual scenes. That helps quite a bit.

When it comes to self censoring, he is excellent at FF thru unnaceptable material when he can, given the scene gives him time to do so.

If it is a quick in and out, he averts his eyes even going so far as to make it obvious he is looking away...mostly for my soothing as he knows it make me uncomfortable.

At this point in his sobriety, these things don't really effect him anymore, but I am still damaged.

That is just fucking sad.

This seems so much worse than when Tipper Gore and the Christian nonprofits were trying to censor reality for some reason.

Imagine being this pussywhipped.

This sounds pretty kinky, like a psychological chastity cage.

These people are psychotic, and it's not their porn-"addicted" boyfriends

People need to stop hanging out in communities, or at least stop making one community such a large part of their life. Purity testing, groupthink, petty social dynamics. It is not healthy and seems to make people actively feel worse than they would feel if they were alone.

They take the approval of their community members way too seriously, because that's all they have. If you had 4-5 group things you did, there would be little incentive to stick with any one of them if they stopped being fun. But when you don't leave your house and your only source of human contact is a furry fan fiction board? That's when forum drama begins to feel like actual drama.

Everyone should live in single-person huts in the wilderness tbh

At this point in his sobriety, these things don't really effect him anymore, but I am still damaged.

It may be time to detonate an EMP over the continental US.

This is what happens when the roles of f*male and male guardian are reversed

We need sharia NOW

That sub and r/coomer should start a dating service for morons.

Surely I can’t be the only one who thinks it’s a little ironic that she despises porn, but is super into pole dancing and always posting on r/ladyboner

Absolutely pathetic

Is anti-porn the new psy-op?

You've got the classic two prongs of rightoids spamming COOOOOM memes and leftoids spamming novels about how porn is harmful to the whatever.

I say its a backlash to sexual liberation in a society that historically was extremely private and conservative about their sexuality. Masturbation is disturbing to the puritan mindset because it is "unearned pleasure". Its not balanced by responsibility and consequence in the way that marital sex is, and so they frown upon it.

Right or left doesn't really matter here, since it runs so deeply into cultural roots.