There was an election in bongistan, so naturally r/UK ponders why all races aren’t equally intelligent

1  2019-12-13 by gnome_mage


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womp womp


  1. There was an election in bongistan,... -,

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On the one hand it is funny that even talking about ethnic differences is a big issue, on the other hand rightoids are retarded too.

We are all retarded on this blessed day.

speak for yourself

I speak for all of us. Get used to it.


You were supposed to reply

I'm all retarded on this blessed day

for future reference:


Bro evolution is real but we're all exactly the same. Our evolution stopped at the neck and was only skin deep. Don't ask me to explain it it's science ok

Simultaneously believing evolution stops at the neck and that hormone therapy is the best way to treat gender dysphoria, name a more iconic duo.

Helicopter rides and the aforementioned people.

It’s not?

regardless of which is right, one statement is in conflict with the other.

Literal doublethink in action

Why would melanin count be connected to brain development? Answer: conservoids are brainlets who don't understand evolution.

Yeah 10s of thousands of years with completely different environmental factors and pressures could possibly only effect melanin count.

Are you saying Indochinese people are suddenly brainlets because they live in similar conditions to the Congo basin?

He keeps copy and pasting the same response, but never mentions that the same race science he loves also finds that Ashkanazi Jews score way higher than white people on IQ tests. Asians too. Can't imagine why white supremacists never point this out. 🤔

I thought white supremacists cucked themselves and admitted azn superiority?

Imagine committing to an ideal with supremacy in the name, and admitting that unironically.

You don’t get it, they’re supreme cucks. That’s what the supremacist but means, they want Jin to fuck their wives like the yellow bull he is

Clearly I'm not able to perform these Olympic podium level mental gymnastics

And that’s why you won’t get a pass when Our Lord returns and begins the mayocide

I believe the technical term for an asian Chad is a "Chang". Let's get our jargon right, thx.

Sorry thx


In the ethnicity tier list, white people couldn't be more average. Pretty stupid to be a white supremacist in the first place but even moreso when you look at Jews or Asians.

I wonder why history doesn’t seem to agree.

Whites are near the top of the list. It goes Jews, Asians, and whites (without that huge of a gap between each group), then a big drop down to Arabs and Hispanics, then a freefall to blacks and reddit moderators.

Uhh actually the fact that European Jewish people are so smart is usually stressed in correlation to their cunning.

Muh Neanderthal DNA

t. coping big foreheadcel. This is the mayo "we wuz kangs" lmao

Either you have Denisovan DNA or youre an evolutionary dead end waiting to happen, no inbetween

Not being half dog

And they wonder why white people are on top.

Ah, so this is the real reason behind the dogpill

these retards always conveniently forget that tied with East Asians, the people who carry the most Neanderthal DNA are Native Americans (they come from the batch of proto-Asians as East Asians)

go to a reservation to see how their big brains are faring lmao

Probably because before they crossed the iced over sea to America they were Asians dumbass.

Also I’m sure there are different segments of the Asian ethnicity that tend to be dumber than others.

because before they crossed the iced over sea to America they were Asians dumbass

I literally said that. You must be from the batch of retarded races then, since you clearly don't know how to read.

Even still you just cherry picked the single most vague point you read, so pretty weak

Follow your leader.

Where? To 10 Downing Street or The Whitehouse?

I'm fascinated by this post and would love to have a rational debate with you any time!

I don't even have a stake in this race but I know for sure the last thing this dude's gonna be thinking about when he's getting his skull caved in is racial IQ.

I don't even have a stake in this race but I'm sure when this guy gets raped by a gorilla he won't be thinking how much smarter he is than the gorilla.

>Whites are smarter than blacks

Sure, did you see the research that shows asians, jews and l*brals all have a higher average IQ than the average wh*te rightoid?


The UK is fucked, and I'm going to laugh my ass off as they self destruct