You ever see a post about someone having liver cancer and think to yourself "God I wish that were me"?

1  2019-12-13 by loveabigdick

I fucking hate living so much. I hate my job it makes me so miserable and depressed I even stopped working out I used to be a chad, on god! Having cancer will be the only thing that would allow me to quit and live with my parents until I die. I get 1 year of sweet neet life and then I die. The perfect life indeed. Imagine how much I'd shitpost here? Notice How I haven't been shitposting at all over the last year?


Every day.

That's funny, we wish the same thing.

Pizza. Get professional help. The internet has broken you. I suggest you take a step back from this site and any place you can read about father trump.

Please stop trying to rape children you disgusting fuck.

Sticks and stones may break my bones by pizza shill will never hurt me.

I don't care about myself, it's your victims.

You should call up your girl Rachael Madow to do an investigation into these allegations.

Please stop trying downplay the fact you're a child fucker.

Better than fucking the uggo discord trannies that you’re into

You're a child rapist.

Pizza you can’t just call everyone you don’t like a child rapist

HAHAHAHAHA. Holy shit you clown.

¿Por que?

I’m not

But you did get raped by a discord e-troid

you are a disgusting child fucker.

ok sweetie

He’s lost it don’t you think?

He probably caught syphilis from all those ugly trannies he banged and developed neurosyphilis.


-Problems with thinking, such as confusion or poor concentration

-Mental problems, such as depression or irritability

-Loss of bladder control (incontinence)

Solid point. I was just learning about this as well. Can’t believe I didn’t realize pizza is the perfect example

In your defense, the first instinct is to assume pizza is a virgin and this unable to get these stds. But you have to remember that even the biggest faggots in the world can still get laid if they buy a fat discord tranny McDonald’s

You are completely correct. It is very important you look at a social factors in patients like pizza

Dam Angela is here with the sick bantz

when even angela dabs on pizzashill you know there is a problem

She was dabbing on him in the other post about the southern White House as well. You LOVE to see it.

It comes from two things

He’s the easiest to dab on and the one who deserves it the most

You can't leave behind all those dramanauts, you live rent-free in their head, and they are so obsessed with you.

PDF checking in for doody!


If you find yourself comparing politics to sex you should neck yourself, because you're clearly doing both wrong.


  1. You ever see a post about someone h... -,

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What the fuck I thought /r/drama love their lives... How is anyone meant to take our smug superiorposting serious if we're just as miserable as them

No because I'm not a 'depressed' zoomer who thinks life sucks because he spends 20 hours a day on useless games.

I'm a millennial you inbred boomer, I work 9 hours a day 6 days a week I literally don't ever play video games

The last thing giving me will to live is the hope that one day we will revolt grab our ARs and shoot your generation dead in their homes. In minecraft of course

Get a different job?

Yeah I'll just head to the job store and do that. Took me a year and a half of interviews to get this one and it's only half related to my university degree fuck this shit.

What's your degree?

Bachelor's Degrees in mechanical engineering

Get in the field you fool.

There's dudes doing traffic control for prevailing wage steeper than what you'll ever make designing widgets in a cubicle.

Ah, you're just unlucky then. Mechanical engineers are not very sought after these days.

I don’t know much about the engineering field. Why is that type not sought after but others are?

It mostly only applies to entry level. Though there's also the issue with there being an oversupply of engineers and the whole getting into a core company thing which is very difficult to say the least.

Don’t electrical engineers do well?

Depends where you live tbqh but in general you'll have lots of options if you have an EE degree.

Yeah cause my girlfriends brother graduated with electrical and got a 90k job right out of undergrad.

I'm not a boomer, but saying you wish you had cancer because life sucks is some meirl tier shit

Not wishing you had cancer

Neet or rich?

i mean the solutions are in front of you. marry rich and/or build a neet lifestyle.

Notice How I haven't been shitposting at all over the last year?


We haven't even come close to peak current year yet, I envy that he isn't going to live to see it