Zoomerleft has been banned for libertarianism

1  2019-12-13 by Oh_hamburgers_


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You didn't even read it, did you? You just disregarded it because it doesn't fit your world view. You are pathetic, scum of the earth. People present you with scientifically backed evidence showing how the world really is and you disregard it because it is brought to your attention by a group of people you find inferior to you.


  1. Zoomerleft has been banned for libe... - archive.org, archive.today

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Snappy please 😭😭

Is this a centrist power move by Reddit telling zoomers from all sides to shut the fuck up? Based


ok pedo

fucking people born in a different millennium πŸ‘Œ

It’s been legal in every jurisdiction for almost 2 years.

Zoomers aren't people when will they learn this



Pick one.

Whoever Santa'd this post is probably a zoomer


Time to ban all underage zoomers on this site😎😎😎

/r/teenagers, consisting of mainly mayo men in the 50-65 yrs old age group, will obviously be exempt.

Too bad I’m not under age autist 😎😎

Are we sure it wasn't actually a rightoid sub under a false name?


Nah it's just Reddit protecting its image as being painfully millennial.

i thought they were just out right advocating for communism?

They apparently posted some very libertarian pictures

Trans Cutie Thread [Zoomer Edition]

What does that mean tho? I'm not up on these memes. Is this about lolbertarians being pedos?



The Libertarian is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a redneck, conspiratard, corporatist, closeted conservative, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Pedo and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: β€œI’ve been found out.”

Was that made by butt hurt altrighters from zoomer right, or was it a legit commie recruitment ground?

If it was generation zedong then it was a legit commie place no matter who made it



And mysteriously.... suspiciously.... they aren't discussing this on AHS.

It's almost as if AHS only cares about questionable subs being banned if the users are to the right of communism πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”


Yeah because it's pedophilia and not pedophobia, bigot

Do ahs call for the ban of liberal subreddits?

The mods are Liberal but the audience ranges from rabid Chapos to Liberal.


I know this, because I tried to post Leftoid Hate subs for drama, and it just resulted with Chapos silently downvoting whilst a couple Liberals commented about why it was at 0 upvotes. Anyways, they seethe for free.

So they don't call for the ban off everything to the right of communism then?

Liberals and Commies (on reddit) both hold the same belief that anything right of centre is neo-nazism.

Which is why they get along enough to use that subreddit. Because the spotlight is on the right-wing.

When we get into the left-wing, things get....blurry.

1 liberalism is to the right of communism

2 AHS has not called for the banning of liberal subreddits

Don't you see how retarded you are? Why didnt you just say they want to ban right wing subs?

I'm memeposting so I don't understand anything you have to say sweaty.

Your not memeposting. That was your genuine opinion about ahs and liberals. Be honest Faggot

No : )

weird internet communism has rotted this child's brain

Snally was right about the internet fucking the next generation

Snally is a JIDF-around-every-corner, cat-loving furry who won’t return my phonecalls. Why the fuck would you listen to her?

Don't you ecer say anything bad about the mother of my children even again, you son of a whore.

Thank Christ Chapo subs weren't a thing when I went through my Bolshevik phase in high school.

They were already Canadian, truly a fate worse than death.

I have never wanted to beat a child so badly in my life

How is it perfectly balanced? One is against the genocide and the other is advocating for genocide. But k lmao

The butthurt

Do these people think the next Nazi army is gonna form out of this shithole site or something

Yes. The internet is their whole world, they don't understand that Reddit is not reality

Exhibit A: their predictions and reactions for any election

their predictions and reactions for any election anything ever

If the Nazi army was filled with "pure" "whites", sure.

"An Aryan is as blonde as Hitler, as svelte as Goering, and as tall as Goebbels" -- old German joke

I was tempted to fuck with the teenagers too but I don't comment in that sub out of sheer principle.

I did it by mistake. r/teenagers is full of too many libertarians.

The messed up thing about it is that reddit is just allowing the very few actual children to be groomed and preyed on by these adults. But nope that’s not an issue for them, r/drama pinging people is the issue πŸ™„πŸ™„

Jesus zoomers are so fuckin reactionary.

/r/teenagers is mad that a libertarian sub was banned

hmmmm...... πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”


My upvoting Bernard Sanders is literally the same as D-Day.

Chapocels were probably asking zoomers to post hog. :v

Implying chapocels aren't all underage themselves.

They are NEET millennials creeping on underage zoomers trying to het them to undergo HRT

That's not true for 2 reasons:

  1. Some of them are zoomers or libertarian boomers.

  2. It's not called "trying to get them to undergo HRT", it's called educating them yikes


Where's pizza gonna go now

He spends most of his time in rule34 commenting on loli posts.

also r/libertarian discussing various age of consent laws around the globe

I spotted him in the wild once in conspiracy recently, he was fitting in well.

That dude is hilarious. It's rare that a sub if this size has people that are well-known.

Just when you get sick of his shit he comes with a good take

I've never seen someone post that much on reddit per unit of time.

it's a large sub here, but homely. So it makes sense.


Remember: anarchists are just libertarians who’ve accepted that they’ll never get rich.

Wow imagine not having rich enough parents to support your NEEThood. Jeez.

And the faggiest drama users are already in that thread sperging out.

Simply ebin, guys.

r/ZoomerCenter still up, proving once and for all the superiority of radical centrism

What a dumb post

Haha nice

Brb making another account to post BadStuff on subs I don’t like

Reddit is fucking doomed lmao

I bet it turned into a teenager trans cutie sub pretty quickly

I heard the mods and some others used it as a "hunting ground" to get vulnarable teens to send them bussy, guess it worked.

Yea I don’t care about jokes.

Says the biggest joke