Bongs grasping at any possible straw to somehow cope with election results

1  2019-12-13 by hyledog


This sub is what happens when minimally educated unintelligent people join together to find common ground and project their own self loathing to the rest of the world. There has never been anything clever that I have ever seen from this sub. I will continue to look for humor but I am just starting to think that loss and anger plus unemployment equals humor


  1. Bongs grasping at any possible stra... -,

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lol yeah but Labour got less votes and seats.

Yeah, but each labour seat required more votes it seems, by a lot.

This is a trend across the western world - disproportionate political power granted to the least intelligent members of society.

Might hold up for a while longer, but at some point the jig will be up and people are going to get sick of rurals.

Fuck rural people lets kick some cows to death to show them.