Cucks get their reality checked on when they're told how a real man should be like.

1  2019-12-13 by Ayyysthetic__


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  1. Cucks get their reality checked on ... -,

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Woman with Zelda tattoos don't make good wives. Sorry, that's just reality.

Unironically a good post.

Only woman I know with that tattoo went full San Francisco sex dungeon and her ex bf got an even bigger version of the same tattoo as a “tribute”.

Story checks out.

No Reddit tradcuck actually has a wife though.

Based and Spartan pilled.

And you're a woman on reddit. So 99% chance your husband wears a chastity belt while you fuck a black man.

The world doesn't revolve around your fetishes.

Why do they always go to the black man cucking them fantasy?

7% of Nat Turners are in 100% of the bedrooms.

Because rightoids like cuck porn

woke: because they are cucks

bespoke: because it undermines the old Jewish male pornstar stereotype

Big dicks.

fuck of MDEtard, keep your weird black dick obsession to your own subs.

What are you talking about?

"pssst, the jews are flooding us with porn to cause disharmony.."


you have been found out, now crawl back to one of your spin off subs.

I said nothing about the Jews.

oh god, this fucking routine again. why do you retards think it's clever?

"hey guys, uhh.... (((CERTAIN PEOPLE))) have a vested interest in fucking our society..."

"huh, jews?? who mentioned jews?"

powerful people stand to gain from racism

this is anti-Semitic


yes dude you tricked me. you totally got me. you guys talk about "the jews are everything wrong with society", every 10 seconds, and, by saying "powerful people", i knew you meant jews, and this means you tricked ME into being the one who is anti-semetic.

this really was enlightening, and fascinating. now fuck off back to one of your spin off subs that get banned every fucking week you RETARD.

Are you unironically saying that criticizing racism is an anti-Semitic dog whistle?

oh my god, you are so fucking dense, i called out your stupid routine 10 times already and you're STILL doing it like it's working??

jesus fucking christ you idiots have negative IQ i swear to god.

1488 spergposting WTF did you get Jews

The MDGfugee cries out in pain as it strikes you

Damn bro looking at your history you look to be about as obsessed with MDEcels as you say they are with Jews 😂

shut up faggot


Holy shit DILATE AND S E E T H E

Holy shit I thought that was just a meme but it’s real

yeah what a retard 😂😂😂

when have rightoids ever mentioned jews in any context? what a delusional leftoid 😂

The quote that this leftoid responded to said “powerful people” so my answer is often but quite literally not in this instance.


thinking MDEgenerates are stupid doesn't make you a leftoid, but then again, you're probably a rightoid too with the way you are everywhere here defending MDEtards and their retarded jew conspiracies.

Lol okay man keep sperging out I’ll wait

Literally everything bad is caused by the kikes, amirite fellow centrists?

Are you trying to accuse me of something?

no accusations here brother, we're all in agreement that (((powerful people))) are brainwashing the huwites into watching bbc cuck porn, it's been well established

Y’all’d for telling the truth

No sweaty, women like bitch made incels in denial who post about feminism on leddit. Try to drop the toxic masculinity mkay

Sometimes I forget just how fucking gay redditors can be.

but I need to cry!

It would also apply for foids if it wasn't considered impossible.