Troon-Yung-Fat with a galaxy brain take on the UK election

1  2019-12-13 by kevindurantalt


That’s a MtF but the f is for ferengi


  1. Troon-Yung-Fat with a galaxy brain ... -,

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Good title, OP

Yes, the biggest electoral landslide in the last 40 years was CLEARLY swung by the TERF/Troid wars...

It's always gotta be about them. They live on attention.

Troids are so grossly over represented in political discourse it’s disgusting. These “people” are less than 0.6% of the population but make up 85% of the online drama.

Look, it's literally impossible that labour retardedly handflapped themselves into hardcore unelectability. This is just the only explanation that makes sense.

On which planet do these people live where radical feminists (TE or otherwise) are able to sway an election?

yeah we fuckin wish lmao

If it makes you feel better, the rest of us will at least support you as far as women’s sports are concerned.

Based and competitionpilled

Speak for yourself faggot, I wouldn't support f*ids with anything