Bernie Sanders RETRACTS his endorsement of Cenk Uygur: Progcels on suicide watch

1  2019-12-13 by Joe_Rogan_is_bae


Because someone trying to defend their unreasonably hated interests is just soooooo fucking funny. I'm only here for this post. Sorry kid, but I don't get off on laughing at other's expense so I'm going to gtfo of this degenerate cesspool asap. People wanna get rid of furries. Well how about places like this instead? The world would be infinitely better without drama. This sub is like the young people version of watching the Hallmark channel.


  1. Bernie Sanders RETRACTS his endorse... -,

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Let the Chinese Communists handle this Uygur

The one time I'd support China

thinking Asian Daddy can ever be wrong

Over the weird foid blogs or his defense of bestiality


So Cenk said please retract your endorsements and Bernie did. Idk see how this is news other than wondering why cenk would not want bernies endorsement.

It’s because people were flipping out because among other issues he said he’d legalize bestiality if he were a dictator.

Ah I heard about that. So did Cenk just preemptively jump on the grenade and tell everyone who endorsed him to take it back?

I believe so. Actually apparently the controversy is mainly about his comments about women and using the n-word. I also heard (not sure if true) that he doesn’t live in the place he’s running for?

Here’s one article:

You can find more details and clips on Twitter.

Ya he doesn’t live in the 25th. My family does. He’s in west LA.


You can say nigger here, dumbass

Kek. So Athiesm is Unstopable actually took down Chink?

I think cenk realized Bernie would get incredible backlash so decided to take it for himself. He is to blame for his past issues so I guess he didn't want Bernie to take the blame

That’s certainly semi admirable. Basically saying my accolades AND flaws are mine and no one else’s.

I think it's kind of funny cause the Bernie Bros act like Uncle Bernie has never waffled....and that anyone who ever changes an opinion is Hitler.

But yeah it's all pointless in the end....the dude is dying from massive heart attack 2: Electric Boogaloo any time now...

Because more realistically he found out that people were going to start retracting in the face of the backlash so he preemptively said he didn’t “want” any endorsements.

If you believe Cenk didn’t want his idols endorsement I bet you also believe Biden when he said he didn’t want Obama’s

Someone explain the backstory here

Cenk Uygur = progressive youtube host running for congress. Cenk 30 years ago was a horny Turk saying horny Turk things. Cenk today is a male feminist hillary-lovin' retard. Bernie endorses him, foids chimp out, Bernie recoils, and Chapos prepare the nembutal.

Doesnt cenk want to fuck dogs?


all bc a nigga rated foids on a 1-10 in 2013 lmao

Berncels are berning down their houses


Ngl I'm sad about that.

"Foids" lol god you lot are utterly hopeless