Tankies out themselves in thread about autism therapy game for man-children.

1  2019-12-13 by xX_YogurtDude_Xx


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I like to think that everyone shitty on the Left is just a troll account created and maintained by Barron Trump, attempting to use his mammoth brain to make centrists vote Daddy 2020. Because if these people actually exist, and have these strange opinions that so many people supposedly might have, then I'll have to actually vote for Daddy, given he's the option most likely to put these fucking people in camps.

But I'm wise to you, Barron: you'll never actually make me vote.


  1. Tankies out themselves in thread ab... - archive.org, archive.today

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Fucking hell this website is mostly teenage champagne socialists isn't it?

It's hundreds of thousands of active kids who haven't ever had a bill in their name.

It's why I always reccomend rolling blackouts as a temporary solution for getting everyone back on the same page.

These are people who would die of hypothermia when it's 30°f outside without an infastructure to help them.

They need to have their hand held through basic real life problems and not enough of us did when we should have.

Bunch of satiated blobs of overripe fruit that won't fall off the branch.

Not even that. Reddit is filled to the brim with entitled and salty petites bourgeoisie who genuinely imagine themselves oppressed peasants yet utterly despise the actual economic underclass. They just wish they has more money to waste on funko pops.

isn't it funny how today's communists are rampantly consumerist drones?

What the hell happened lmao

Capitalism prevailed then devoured and shat their ideology in the sidewalk. You can actually pinpoint the moment where it happened. Link

Knew exactly what it was going to be but you're right.

What's with communists and vidya? These niggas know they cant get that Nintendo switch and all those anime jrpgs under communism/socialism, right?

"N-No! Video games existed in the USSR! L-look at all the masterpieces they made on computers imported from the West!"

This game was good for one dunkey video and then we should've moved on

At least 39,000 people upvoted that. This website makes me feel like an alien

How is the shirt gaming related?

It’s called untitled goose game. You steal shit from the farmers as a goose and bring it to the drop off point to win

Does anyone else wonder how communism seemed to suddenly become so mainstream and acceptable?

And I’m not starting a conspiracy theory I’m asking a legit question

I think it's the internet. Letting people share information without gatekeepers lead to all kinds of retardation

The internet and it’s consequences have a been a disaster for the human race

The comfort allowed by Capitalism bred these contrarian, edgy retards that think Marxist literature is the most profound shit ever written. Schumpeter predicted this phenomenon and called them the anti-capitalist intelligentsia which is a fancy term for pseudo-intellectuals.