Mayos upset that the superior skin tones shows them their place on r/conspiracy

1  2019-12-14 by employee10038080


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A downvote from a commie is the equivalent of an upvote from someone with braincells. So thanks, man.


  1. Mayos upset that the superior skin ... -,

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Thank you for the wise words snappy

Plenty of cope in that post, I just linked the best thread.

I don't see the drama, its one of those not immediately stupid conspiracy posts.

Honestly fuck that sub and those mods.

They should hold true to their name and not let any real world prospectives taint the beautiful crystal clear crazy shit that is conspiracy theories.

They could be arguing about what frequency the higher dimensional reptilian body snatchers could be operating on but no... we get to deal with real world stupid political ideologies.

It's an affront to everything that subreddit name means.

I find OP trying to back track things hilarious. W..wait..that's too redpilled.

when an autist meets a full on downie

Also, the front page might suck, but if you browse new, you can find some pretty good tinfoil hat certified conspiracy posts.

This one ain't bad.

How are they wrong though?

Diversity is our strength, duh

I love how every time a conspiratard says "nobody is covering it" all you have to do is google it to see 30 different articles in the media.

This is telling - because what they mean isn't that the media is covering it, they mean the media isn't spamming racist shit in line with their current views.

I had this argument with one of them once. Guy writes about how the MSM is ignoring something, I find 5 MSM articles about it in 30 seconds, and he says "yeah but they aren't naming the black."

No report by CNN, MSNBC, ABC, AP, Reuters, etc.

MSM isn't covering this, the only people even reporting the story are rightoid sites or local sites. If the races were reversed it would be front page news.

Show me one mainstream news outlet that reported on this that isn't Fox.

Lol, the articles likely aren't even done being written yet. The only people that instantly jump on this shit = right-wing media outlets looking to stoke outrage for the most part.

All of those outlets repeatedly have covered stuff like this. What I suspect: they're being careful in how they write the article and are actually making sure they have the facts.

The rightoids don't have this concern, they see it, take it at face value, and then write a bunch of articles "WHITE KID IN MAGA HAT BEAT BY BLACK MOB."

If they covered the Chicago torture shit, what makes you think they won't cover this?


You're acting like MSM doesn't jump on stories as soon as they happen even if they don't know the full story. That's literally what the 24h news cycle does.

Oh they absolutely do, but not when it comes to black people attacking white Trumptards.

So that's exactly what the conspitards are saying

No, they claim this every time before the media even writes real articles.

Been 24 hrs and still no articles by msm

Have the police commented on it yet?

It's under investigation but the black kids were suspended from school

Maybe they're just resistant to covering viral videos now after the last fiasco, at least until they have official reports from the police.