A post about a child having a heated gaming moment over Minecraft hits too close to home for the average redditer has they proceed to project how they are autistic and we're bullied onto a 45 second video

1  2019-12-14 by xXAssBlaster69420Xx


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  1. A post about a child having a heate... - archive.org, archive.today

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Zoomers are a truly oppressed generation.

Not nearly oppressed enough.

Redditors of course always side with the retards in videos of kids in high school.

Because they were the retards and never grew out of it

They gotta defend their own kind.

“This is bullying”. How the fuck is dying in a game bullying? Like kick the guy off your server or world? New game? Better yet turn that shot off and actually study so you don’t end up as a chapotraphouse regular? Idk

Nobody in that thread says the kid needs to grow the fuck up. They all legitimately empathise with him losing his shit at dying in a video game.

Good Grief.

Because they themselves are man children

And minecraft not even a game with rankings or shit


He even walks like a homo

This is so retarded. If you're gonna play fucking Minecraft why would you do it Multiplayer with someone who you know is an asshole? Better yet, why would you play Minecraft when you're supposed to be studying? Fucking stupid.

Looks like he was playing Bedrock edition, so in that case he definitely deserved it.

He deserved to get the shit beat out of him letting scream like a baby was the kindest thing they could've done