Stupidpol poster names the (((hick)))

1  2019-12-14 by unrulyfarmhand


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Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


  1. Stupidpol poster names the (((hick)... -,

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Wow maybe internet socialists will wake up to the reality economics isn't why they lose elections.

This coming from the guy who trashes the “rurals” everyday

I'm saying internet socialists think too much is based on economics. They keep trying to convince themselves rural hicks are the answer to their electoral problems, they aren't.

Except ps has a skanstache, has a favorite flavor of mt dew, and likely wears jean shorts. He’s a more rural than 99% of drama users

I’ve always said that. Now he says he has a gun range in his backyard. Dude is as rural as they come but always tries to dunk on them.

Definitely a hypocrite and a Florida man

He also lives in a trailer

Don't worry OP, real rednecks from outstate MN make fun of you citiots (city-idoits) living in the shitties (twin cities).

I love chilling with real rural rancher types and would do so any day over internet socialists

Politically I'd have more in common with the socialists and I'd still rather hang out with the rednecks. Them boys know how to party