I swear to Christ

1  2019-12-14 by TayloTayloBookito

If I scroll through another “normal” (hahahahaha) drama thread and run into another thread where Pizza and his gaggle of Romulan retards and a bunch of other D-list drama “celebrities” hijack it to call each other faggots or kiddy diddlers or whatever, then I’m gonna start continuing to do absolutely nothing and just sit on my couch seething over it.

Get a new shtick, you fucking mongfaggots.


It's unironically cringe to see the le epic insiders making le meta posts about each other, it's discord tier cancer

As a proud newfag, I say FUCK drama users and FUCK meta posting

I like to think that everyone shitty on the Left is just a troll account created and maintained by Barron Trump, attempting to use his mammoth brain to make centrists vote Daddy 2020. Because if these people actually exist, and have these strange opinions that so many people supposedly might have, then I'll have to actually vote for Daddy, given he's the option most likely to put these fucking people in camps.

But I'm wise to you, Barron: you'll never actually make me vote.


  1. I swear to Christ - archive.org, archive.today

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No one is making you post here nigger

At least you called me something other than a kiddy diddler. Develop yourself, Kaiser. We know you’re better than this. Get help.

I only call pizza a diddler cause he’s the only diddler I am aware of.

It’s pizza who calls everyone kid fuckers now apparently

Who am I kidding. Any minute now, he’s gonna swoop in so you can jerk each other bloody again 🙄🙄🙄

He blocked me I think

God, I fucking hope so, for all of our sakes.

The whole sub is dunking on pizza these days and you just wanna cope

You all get the wall.

You really are new here if you can't name multiple r/drama users who are probably pedos.

Well I don’t know without proof. Darqwolf had proof but he’s gone.

I want to believe he'll return someday. He's probably just in jail or something.

Who’s darkshit or wolf or whatever what he do to be locked up

Among other things he's stolen a car in the past. He's a renaissance man when it comes to crime so I wouldn't be shocked if he's found something new to get busted for.

Damn sounds like the real shit in a sub full of pussy as white boys

darqwolff also destroyed his moms boyfriend's air conditioner

And groomed teenage girls

we need a wall to keep libertarians out

If that asshole had just understood thermodynamics as well as his genius stepson, that trouble would not have been necessary.

Never forget the day of no AC.

and headphone touching

He made his millions now he's anonymously dabbing on us all

Oh shit, and I didn't buy any shares of Stark Industries when I had the chance! 😯

I actually just found Yamete again, so he's making a comeback.

We had an actual pedo on the sub though. Darkwolf. He's gone now.

We know you’re better than this.

Lmao, do we tho?

Get help.

Rope makers dont make that elephant grade shit anymore

Get out.

Who are you lol

Are you implying being a recognizable /r/drama e-celeb is a good thing?

In the past 24 hours, you have made 143 comments on /r/drama. Unironically, what mental illness do you have?

All of them

Is the pedo stuff all a big projection??



I think we know the answer to this question.

dodging the question, nice one.

Haha holy shit I have twelve and sometimes I think I have a problem

We all do. But yeah, he's on the extreme end.

Some of these people, I can't tell who, are kinda getting out of hand.

I would consider you to be one of the saner people here. You took a little too much TMOR, you realized it wasn't good for you, you quit that shit. You've at least demonstrated some self-control.

Go study.

What about me, am I a Romulan Tard or my own thing? I’ve talked to Pizza maybe 3 times ever.

You look like a bag of pus

I’ve been called worse.

Why are you commenting to yourself?

This is pretty meta.

I already covered you when I mentioned the D-listers.

Oh. That’s almost C-list, not too bad.

What list am I on nigga

Literally who

Am I on the list nigga

Probably a watch list of some sort.

What list you on the nigga

The ever-growing list of people sick of your schizoid shit.

I just do heroin nigga

Mainline fent like a real man

What about me?

Bitch who even

One day you ALL will know my name

You know they don’t really advertise school shooters’ names all that much on the news anymore, right?

No I’m white so it’ll be on every media outlet for a week straight.

Besides I said nothing about a shooting :)

Who the fuck are you

Oh look it’s the pizza slayer

Ok but there two Romulan tards, you have to be clearer.

Fuck that pizza shit pedo and fuck tzar Retardolus or who ever the fuck that is

Wow. Hurtful. 😿

Dude bussy lmao

I enjoy the occasional Pizzashill 30-comment marathon, but this thing where the rightoids are screeching about him constantly everywhere is just pure 😴😴😴.

I love that he lives in their heads rent free, just like real live living with his mommy.

It has nothing to do with rightoids. Its just Tzar and the rest of them beating a dead horse with this "DAE KIDDLY DIDDLER" meme.

I know, because rightoids will just post crime statistics at him, not be this elaborate.

I've literally never called Pizzashill a kiddie didler. That's the other Romulus. Pizzashill is radcen neolib why would I have anything against him?

> reddit

> beat a dead horse

you expected better?

from this sub, kinda yes.

The moment you have expectations about this place is the moment you lost.

Imagine having high expectations for a subreddit run by literal fucking retards and populated by literal children 🤣🤣🤣

Fuck you, I'm a fully grown adult

populated by literal children

true. imagine how much better this sub would be if it was like r/teenagers, where the average user age is 50+

thats where you went wrong, friendo

Amen. Cancer spreads even to the strongest parts of the body.

Until victory, always. Fascism is the last rasp of capitalism, seeking desperately to brutally suppress the internal contradictions inherent in their system with brutality and cruelty. It will exhaust itself. The left will be ascendant in 2025 after the post-Brexit looting of Britain by American corporations has run its course. We will be forgiving, as always, and piece things back together. The EU is a fascist institution anyway and stood in the way of the formation of a British workers republic.

Do not succumb to defeatism. Until victory, always. One defeat is meaningless in the long struggle, the left has had far worse days than this. Do not abandon struggle.

Direct action is necessary, but there is no reason not to combine it with other means of struggle to compliment the cause. We will face defeat from time to time, but we must not fall into nihilism and putschism. The goal of the workers movement is to guide and lead the workers to revolution, not to desperately try to seize power before an organic revolution has formed. We are the spark, we cannot be the fire.

That is how you wind up as some guerrillas in the forest 50 years later accomplishing nothing. Or slaughtered en masse like our Indonesian comrades in the ensuing reaction. Arm yourselves but do not take premature action, arms must be defensive, do not give in to the instinct towards juvenile violence like the Weatherman.

The Bolsheviks in the Soviet Union didn’t gain power by futiley just forming a violent faction and killing and exploding everything from the moment of their formation. They waited, they bided their time, they even participated in the system and electoralism. Only when the time had come and the weight of the workers were directly behind them did they attempt anything like a putsch to solidify their power.

Unionization. Direct action. Organizing the workers and the peasants. And an electoral wing. All forms of struggle at once, when one faces a set back, successes in the other field will hold that arm up until it can recover. Until victory, always.

Ma'am we've been over this before. You need to stop.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

I love this bot so much

Tbh about half of the time its responding to me

always a great day when pizza is riled up enough to get a response.

5 years is a blink of a historical eye

In 1925 Mao Zedong was allied with Sun Yat Sen and the communist party members were technically members of the Kuomintang

In 1930 he was deep in the mountains of Jiangxi forming his Soviet and in face of constant encirclement by the Kuomintang forces

His plight then was far worse than ours now

Do not be a defeatist

Until victory, always

You are in a mood tonight, I like it.

I wrote this on CTH shortly after the election while on a lot of Adderall, shortly after I'd finished progressing through the stages of grief. Like I often do I looked back at my own post and thought it'd make some nice /r/drama copypasta. It is always good when you're capable of producing your own copypasta.

I see. Pretty dank pasta, gotta love the adderall writing.

Must have gotten two servings at the bread pantry tonight

Some comrades have all the luck.

The server who made the mistake is probably crumpled in front of the wall already

He got a new delivery of Adderall.


Too long, didn't read.

Workers of the world unite

Long live revolution

shut the fuck up pizzashills retarded brother

Pizza is a boomer lib at heart, he'd never be this galaxy brain

Oh fuck off, 100% of self posts on this sub are shit. 100% of selfposts are also made by whiny faggot leftists screeching about "muhhh rightoid menace!!!) when mde hasn't even been relevant in years.

whiny faggot

Do you hear yourself?

rightoids are screeching

What else can they do ?



2% of drama posters making up 90% of the snoozeposts

fuk dat bussy yaaaaaa

There's one right now

fuk dat bussy yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Tay came out as anti male supremacy today been at tough day for drama basement weebs. Cope more dreamer

I miss pinging and I miss jewdank

Pizza Derangement Syndrome is a real thing and it's hilarious.

I won't lie, the worst feeling in the world is reading a comment, going "huh, that's pretty based, wonder who wrote it" and seeing its pizzashill

I have Pizza Derangement Syndrome Derangement Syndrome.

dude Pizza Derangement Syndrome Derangement Syndrome lmao


Don't come at the king if you're not ready to deal with the Royal Army

we have broken pizza lol

his defense force was shit tier

You can't break something that was born broken

They're the new trips get use to it

I propose auto-banning accounts older than a year to stop all the unfunny inbreeding between the regulars.


here we go again!

Making a post complaining about there being too much of something while simultaneously adding more shit to that ever growing pile is peak plebbit.

The only D-List celibrity on rslashdrama I need is u/Kellere31!

Wait you can ping yourself? u/zhcyIDnein

I'm glad I'm not an e-celeb here, that would be very sad.

i recognize your username tho. shame on u

And do you remember my gimmick? I hope not.

D-list drama “celebrities”

Now that's generous

This sub has become so lazy and retarded, the best it can do is half heartedly circle jerk the “power users”. The drama has become as limp as their dicks from over stroking on how clever they think their shit post is.

My plan to gather them all in one place in this post for easy extermination is working out, though.

This sub was never not lazy

You haven’t been here long enough to know that.

“Omg I’ve been subbed to drama longer than you, newfag”

Congrats on the autism

Thanks. It was a welcome gift when I joined the sub. Looks like all they had left for you was “little bitch”.

At least I don’t gatekeep a sub full of autists like it’s some sort of badge of honor. Nothing more faggy than being a hipster for a subreddit.

Yeah? Well, at least I don’t take the sub so seriously, I get offended at other’s behalf. Nothing more faggy than seriousposting on someone else’s behalf.

imagine not realizing there are hundreds of layers of irony

also not realizing the purpose of this sub is to blow everything out of proportion in a dramatic fashion

And you call yourself the oldfag smh

I didn’t call myself that, you called me that. I only started browsing drama a couple weeks ago.

Nice, if you enjoy r/drama then you should try subscribing to r/familyman ! It’s a good show and sub!


I’m not shilling, just sharing a good sub with a good friend !

Shill with crap taste I’m cartoon. Imagine not suggesting anime.



It’s like they don’t understand what “retirement” means.

This whole thread is about retards that post a lot calling out other retards who post a lot

This is why my occasional dog posts are the single best piece of content on this subreddit

Discord was a mistake

Best part about pizza is you can recognize his autism no matter which account he's using. You can be on a sub about baking pastries and you can tell he's behind some essaypost with 12 links to peer reviewed papers on why you should use condensed milk for your icing.

hijack it to call each other faggots or kiddy diddlers or whatever, then I’m gonna start continuing to do absolutely nothing and just sit on my couch seething over it.


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Alone we are but a stick, easily broken.

But together, we form a mighty faggot!