Spicy steam forum debate on "ackshually black people did exist in Medieval Europe and swordshit says so"

1  2019-12-14 by 2Manadeal2btw


Reminds me of that time some guy on Tumblr was absolutely convinced black people existed in medieval Bohemia because he found some paintings with the Black Madonna in them lol

The Moors pretty much ruled southern Europe for a long while. At least until the crusades anyway

Eh, not quite. Arabs, the Umayyad and Cordoba caliphates, at their greatest territorial extent only ruled Spain. A tiny bit of southern Italy and Sicily were ruled by Muslims too iirc. Certainly not black people, and they didn't go as far as the Alps, let alone Bohemia.

The Moors were pretty black, no?


Are you writing fiction now?

I don't even hate women, and I'm sure as hell not an incel. You seem to have just fabricated that bit. I've literally said like 20 times on here the "I hate women" bit is ironic.



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Steam forums have the combined traits of Reddits stupidity, Twitters smugness and a 6th grader's education and logical thinking.

Steam discussions are 90% Russians asking "why game.exe error vac when run cheat engine", 8% political whining, and 2% of something actually relevant.

I can totally agree with this. It's exactly like taking the worst of every social media platform

What’s the big deal

Loads of mercenaries were black, these kids are barely arguing except the black blacksmith troll.

Spot the autist


let it be known it twasn't me

Mde tribe looking to be removed

Complaining about Joan of Arc not being represented.

Apparently these zoomers didn't grow up on Joan of Arc: Siege & the Sword. It's okay. We can't all be born in chad times.

They were rare but the ones that did exist were educated or just noble. Medieval blacks were unique in that none were niggers. I

they don't care, they just cover their ears n eyes, using "historical accuracy" as an excuse

Cope. You just can't handle the truth

they are getting more upset by women being added in a video game and over mermaid skin color more than concentration camps existing in their country ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Based as shit

Anyone who goes on the steam forums for any reason other than troubleshooting deserves execution tbqh

Troubleshooting on stream forums is so fucking annoying.

Retard A: I have a problem.

Retard B: I also have this problem.

Retard C: I'm having this same problem.

Two weeks later...

Retard A: Anyone found a solution????