Pakistani lawyers form a mob and raid a hospital vandalizing it, breaking equipment, and beating nurses and doctors.

1  2019-12-14 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat




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Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


  1. Pakistani lawyers form a mob and ra... -,

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2 of the most highly paid white collar professions duke it out

Doctors actually do things that are good for society though, like saving lives and protecting the gene pool by performing vasectomies on bugmen and r*dditors.

apologize to these lawyers.

delivering beatings to womyn is good for society.

Also keeping the urban youth population under control.

pol pot was right

2 of the most highly paid white collar professions duke it out

*laughs in banker*

Yo but for real the jews did this

So mobs of violent pakis really are doctors and lawyers? I thought it was just a racist joke.

Just lawyers, not doctors. And lawyers there are basically just legal criminals apparently according to the article.

Wow, I should have went to law school.

Fuck me snow crash is a non-ficton book right now huh.

Not really surprising: Lawyers are scum.

Sharia law is superior cmv

Pakis once again demonstrate their Savage nature.

They've moved on from raping girls

are we really just posting daily weather reports of South Asia now here?

If the weather is a bunch of suit-clad highly paid professionals punching surgeons in the face leading the death of multiple patients, yes.