foids (x24) when a spade is called a spade

1  2019-12-14 by ineedmorealts


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The good thing about this community, is it’s still based on consent, as no one is fattened against their will. In a way it’s admirable seeing these women do this to themselves, as it shows a real dedication to work against the grain of society and become the sizes they do.


  1. foids (x24) when a spade is called ... -,

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Circumcision - early and often

Argue circumcision if you want, but we know it isn't a tool to impede sexual pleasure the way fgm is.

Idk, seems to me both procedures come from the same ideological place of suppressing sexuality.

The difference is really not the fact that both are mutilations but rather, the diff is how the society deals with it.

If we were to live in a matriarchy, we’d be all singing a different tune.

However, the way things are, it’s like, being white and someone calls you cracka and you just laugh it off. Same with male circumcision.

Isn't suppressing sexuality the very reason Kellogg advocated for it?


Male circumcision isn't a serious issue. The faggots on reddit love pretending they're oppressed by it. I do like that unpopular opinion just being downvoted tho

wormdick here and can confirm that it's better to be uncut. black men don't get cheese either so it's fine. stay jealous with your mayoid cock tho lmao

Have you tried being cut tho?

Sounds like you’ve been (((cut)))

Why yes I do have a penis that is desirable, thanks for asking random gentile person.

Desirable by who ? Burgeroid wom*n ? Gross.

Desirable to rabbis

It's not gold plated

But it bleeds.

black men don't get cheese either

Lol try to make your lies less obvious.

No men who exercise proper hygiene "have cheese"...

Western foids pretending to care about third world foids so they can get some of that sweet oppression

Pretending that they're oppressed by proxy because of shit that happens in the third world is literally the only way they can make themselves out to be anything but the most privileged demographic in human history.



lol why are burgers so desperate to convince everyone that chopping off bits of penises isn't weird? Massive, massive cope.

Imagine being an American """"man"""" and arguing for your right to be cucked at birth

Imagine being cucked by a brand of cereal 😂😂😂

Because then you have to admit something bad happened to you. I was cut, but it's not like I can change that. I'm not going to get my kid cut. People over complicate this issue.

Snip snip, give the tip men, you don't want to be misogynist incels now do you?

So on reddit killing a baby is fine but cutting it’s dick off isn’t?