femcels kinda quirky doe...😳😳😳😳

1  2019-12-14 by 2Manadeal2btw


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How can they be quirky when they don't exist?

Shout out to the real ass male feminists sliding into the dms of the lovely ladies of femcel subreddits.

All femcels are volcels CMV

Pretty much. The first self described femcel I met was saying shit like she just wants a guy that doesn't live with his parents, isn't fat, isn't a neet whatever. Which is reasonable on the face of it right? Until I found out SHE was a fat neet living with her parents lol.

I won't change something that's right. Keep your view.

Your mind is diseased. Pick a dandelion and hold it in your mouth until you feel the urge to urinate. Then, swallow the dandelion and urinate on the spot from which it was picked.


  1. femcels kinda quirky doe...😳😳😳😳 - archive.org, archive.today

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lol so it's "adorable" when femcels create fantasy subservient sex-boys but "creepy" and "problematic" when incels do it.


Dispite being 49 percent of the population moids are responsible for 100 percent of incel shootings.

Women have tried but they're bad at it. This is notably why transing incels is a good thing as it reduces their rampage multiplier.

Foids are self domesticated, moids need to be strictly trained or castrated.


Okay, that's a based sub. How the hell did it survive reddit ?

why would it get nuked? it doesn't shit on a no-no group, so it's fine

The badmin will ban everything that lead to bad press.

shitting on men

bad press


Okay, good point.



This is trans-erasure. We don’t know if those incels were actually pre transition trans folk

Killing is a man’s job

Looks like that’s just something else women are worse at than men

Girls can do anything tbh and someone will think it's cute and attractive.

Its really hilarious honestly they sympathizes more with these women because they know women are extremely harmless to the average male feminist and throw some tits on that thing and watch as they reeeeee about incels wanting robo sex toys

commie shit all over thread

Can we get McCarthy back please?

Implying they deserve trials

Jesus fucking Christ

Also I'm sure they would have no problems with an incel comic about a robot gf. I'm sure they wouldn't RRRREEEE about how it's objectifying and dehumanizing and how inkwells literally just want robot sex slaves

Let me guess... Bussy ?

Forget Incels x Femcels, MensLib x Femcels is new OTP.

yeah if you needed any further proof that inceltears is literally just lonely desperate nerds trying to shit on people barely one step below them then there you go

They're below the incels.

When FemcelTears ?