DankLeft becoming self aware

1  2019-12-14 by feedbackplz1


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Why is the left wing on the right?

Because in English we read left to right so the first panel to be read is the left one. The joke always comes at the end aka the second panel from the left. Since here the intended joke is that the left has ideas which are a lot more complex than "we good, they bad"

55 words to describe what a punchline is. Your post rings true.


rich bad

white bad

men bad

How is this hard?

Right wing memes have an aspect that the left can’t really copy, which is the feeling of doing something “taboo” or against “society”. Whereas the left’s punchline is always “equality good racism bad” which is basically the status quo right now, so it’s inherently not as edgy or funny.

exactly, humor comes from that taboo. its why saying "someone in here is wearing a thong" is a funny thing to say in almost any group setting. basically laugher is a way for our bodies to correct that situation. thats why the three stooges are funny still.

and why people laugh at this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9mnjFHaBMk

This explains why tankies are the funny leftists quite neatly actually.

Yes right wing ideologies are very much based on fear

Guys the planet is LITERALLY going to MELT by 2030!!1!11!

Oh my GOD there are nazis everywhere!

Not only that but their entire 2016 campaign was "We can't let the right win or we are all doomed!"

Why the sarcasm?

Read 👏 more 👏 theory 👏 chud 👏 clap

Its not our job to educate you do research


So like... Arguably the contemporary liberals have the best policies and ideas -- things like healthcare reform and good union jobs and higher wages and protections from the government and corporations

And yet "we have a hard time recruiting"


I've never really had a problem convincing people to look out for themselves by electing good leaders with good ideas -- but that's probably because I'm not an insufferable tranny with blue hair who wants to rape lesbians while watching weeb shit

People tend to listen to you when you're not a giant faggot they wanna punch


A lot of leftists have a unreasonable fear of using propaganda tho and try to replace it with teaching theory.

Integrity is the word you're searching for.

I didn't know posting unfunny leftoid copypasta was integrity.

I didn't know commies hated propaganda either, lmao.

those smoke stacks and chimneys they set up for photo-ops apparently weren't propaganda either

lmao Goebbels openly praised Lenin for revolutionizing propaganda.

what a great guy. Goebbels was a true centrist, he praised people on both the left and right. meanwhile the Chapos can't name a single person worth of praise on the opposite side of their political spectrum.

Kojima was right. It's all about the memes.

I was unaware the DPRK, USSR, and China were fearful of propaganda. Also everyone knows walls of hysterical text are the best ways to sway people.

Its not my job to educate you sweaty

Why not just post the actual meme instead of poorly copying it?

Because the actual meme has a no-no word in it.

I think the bigger issue is it's actually funny tbh.

and much more accurate

because the problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's bits

Because they wanted to circlejerk about how nuanced their ideology is as opposed to those stupid nazis, not self critise

When you kill niggs

Lmao bottom text

Read 👏 theory 👏 chud 👏 👏

Literally just 7 words more memorable than any lefty meme

This ^^^

It's literally just a shitty version of that exact meme.

Conversion can happen by theory, but there's no better way to appeal the lizard brain than pretty slogans and an awe inspiring aesthetic.

Translation: how to attract the negroes is to make it simple so they will be duped into thinking they won’t starve to death

I'll admit it, REEEEEvolution is a solid username.

I remember a post here about some obese leftist who did an hour long video on why Stonetoss was so successful. About 20 minutes in (yes I watched it for that long AMA) he shows an example of one of his own """""""""""""funny""""""""""""" comics that he made on Twitter. This comic strip was about 15 tweets long and it featured some superhero with Destiny's face photoshopped on it.

do these people really not understand whats funny about Trump saying "chill Greta, Chill!"

Did everyone on the comic look like a child too?




Vikki (male)

You were put down, in the future please refrain from discussing subjects you have no education in.


  1. DankLeft becoming self aware - archive.org, archive.today

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Propaganda that converts and propaganda that normalizes are both propaganda. Conversion can happen by theory, but there's no better way to appeal the lizard brain than pretty slogans and an awe inspiring aesthetic.

Not even hiding the fact that they just want to brainwash everyone at this point lmao

It's more like building a foundation with shitty concrete, I don't want the movement to collapse because people realize halfway through they were lied to. I want actual converted leftists.

This is the only guy who gets it. The whole reason people are denying things like climate change is because we've already been told gross exaggerations in an effort to drive us to fix things early. This kind of thing is a gambit that has been proven not to pay off

Like telling kids that marijuana will kill them, but if they try it themselves, they learn that they were lied to, so they assume we were also lying about heroin.

Man that shit drives me up a wall

Because there were so many lies about pot, now all these shitheads think it literally will cure cancer.

Al Gore's movie did more to harm the environment than Exxon could ever hope to do.

Al Gore's movie did more to harm the environment than Exxon could ever hope to do.

This is your brain on mental illness.

Alarmism hurts activist causes

It's more so your claims about Exxon. That company has been bankrolling climate denial since the 1970s along with every other oil company.

The idea Al Gore is to blame for Republican climate denial is completely divorced from reality.

Effective propaganda tells no lies. 13 do 50

Uhhh excuse me sweaty but it's not their fault they commit murder at an insanely high rate, it's actually your fault because 100 years ago your great grandfather called somebody a nigger and the police's fault for arresting black people for murder.

Look at argentina or other new world countries the communists infiltrated every facet of the government and people who murder and steal are just doing it not out of innate drive to succeed and subjugate others no. It’s because capitalism made them do it. And they get let out of jail and do it again

Man, you're trying hard to come up with some hotter takes than even Watermark lately.

If your best criticism of an opposing ideology is that you have to think to understand it, you should reconsider your worldview.


My comment seemed pretty calm to me.


A lot of leftists have a unreasonable fear of using propaganda tho and try to replace it with teaching theory

"Teaching theory" is apparently screaming at newcomers to read books about leftist theory.

Now they just need to realize that the theory amounts to 3000 mutually reinforcing layers of self-serving bullshit in the name of killing people who have stuff in order to steal their stuff.

Imagine not realizing every statement you utter is self serving propaganda with the aim of eating dinner tonight.

if you can't recruit new members as easy, maybe your philosophy isn't good.

You say that, but the comments are heavy cope.