Do SRDines just have racistly low expectations for black people or something?

1  2019-12-14 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


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Kid got what he deserved for being a fat nerd next time don't draw attention to yourself if you're a weakling


So fucking weird to me how now kids are buying presidential campaign hats. When I was 12 nobody at school talked about politics.

Every presidential election year my school had mock elections.

I remember picking on a kid because he voted for Gore.

Edit: it was just a gentle ruseing as schoolkids do. Not actually bullying.


Deserved it tbh

The same user probably celebrates the march for our lives kiddos while pretending that kids being political is some crazy unheard of thing

They’re not victim blaming, hermano. They’re saying that the kid wasn’t beat up because he was white, as is being claimed in the thread, but that he was beat up because he presented himself as a racist bigot who supports a fascist racist. That’s what that hat symbolizes now.

Lmao I genuinely cannot even comprehend the mental gymnastics at play here. Seriously, SRDines are unfathomably stupid.

I'm not victim blaming, but what was she thinking wearing that skirt? Around a bunch of frat boys no less? That's just what happens!

When someone calls Trump a fascist, its a disservice to fascism.

I'm not victim blaming, I'm just saying it's his fault!

Lol @ the OP effortposting that hard for just 30 upvotes

Short answer.....yes

I don't like upvoting you

In the words of that guy from "Cube", suck on it... keeps the saliva flowin'.

The black kids were just enforcing the no hats policy most schools have

Based and rule-pilled

Apparently it’s actually just a one-off argument that escalated, too. The kid wasn’t specifically targeted or anything.

Lol 5 adults entered a bus to stomp a child just a one off


they probably know it was race based theyre just afraid to say anything bad about blacks on reddit

alleged victim


Do they stink when you leave them out on the counter for a day?

Blacks or SRDines? It’s yes for either, though.

I did a research paper this summer on this subreddit and there was a published study that found that 74% of attacks on Reddit came from 1% of source subreddits. I assume that subs like r/Drama are the 1%.


  1. Do SRDines just have racistly low e... -,

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The kid deserved it.

His mom is super fucking racist on Twitter and it happened because he kept wearing a maga hat to school you can only assume he was super fucking racist too.

It's natural selection, not for being racist but for being so brazen about it while going to a minority heavy school while being a fat pathetic loser. What did he expect to happen of course he was going to get shit canned.

The black kids won too, he's more racist now but he's sure as fuck not going to share that with anyone else. He's going to keep his racism between himself and other fat pathetic losers on the internet. He's been quarantined because he's afraid if getting the shit kicked out of him

is this some parody account or something?

AssBlaster is a tranny lolcow. Thought she (male) left r/drama.

If he didn't want that kind of attention he should have dressed more appropriately.

Where is the lie, dear? 😎

Well check his post history. I don't memorize all the novelty accounts and holyy is it nuts if it's real. It prolly not.

Like... R sino, traaaans etc

Nah the little shit deserved to be hit. He was tempting fate and went too far

He is fat also. A double whammy

He deserves to get beat for that alone

yeah that skirt was too short


The black kids won

unless you count the rest of their lives lmao

all this shit does is make white people trust these dumb niggers less, theyre their own worst enemy

Who needs whites to trust them when they will just out breed them

they need trust if they dont want cops to shoot them or to be profiled or denied service or refused employment

black americans always feel real smug about beating up kids and getting one back on whitey, but theyre too dumb to realise it just makes normal people realise the racism is correct and they deserve it all

they think its bad now lmao wait until black people have curfews and random stop and frisks and areas theyre not allowed to visit

Uh oh seems like someone is dipping into their weird racist power fantasies again.

When the blacks out number the whites the tables will turn and all of the other minorities will side with them. Then the whites will have to beg the blacks to not be treated the way they treated minorities

Oh man.. If you think other minorities will side with blacks in your creepy little race war fetish then you really haven't spent much time around other minorities lol

It will be an uneasy alliance but the other minorities hate whites more than blacks so an alliance it will be


*breathe* *shudder*


Damn sorry my dude I didn't mean to break you

If their is anything I learned growing up in a multi racial neighborhood, it is that Mexicans, Koreans and Vietnamese absolutely despise basketballs.

Again, I just don't think you've spent much time around many minorities if you feel that way. Maybe your experience has just been very different from mine. But hey, it's your fantasy. If you want to imagine a future where everyone teams up and kills or enslaves whites then you go right ahead and enjoy that fantasy. Personally I prefer to believe in a future of equality. One where the Chinese crack quantum computing, buy up all our land and enslave us all equally. lol

you don't get out much?

While its good that you are standing up for AA rights here, you sound pretty delusional here.

other minorities definitely won't stand with AA at all, when push comes to shove. In fact, AA are more virulently racist against other minorities than your typical white racist. The worst other minorities can expect from whites is police brutality or middle aged white karen screaming at their face once in their lifetime.

AA, as a group of people are not sustainable groups of people. If they congregate in enough numbers, literally everything will devolve into chaos and violence or worse higher chance of mortality for yourself if you are forced to live amongst them.

This is not me being "racist" or anything. Its just that most people don't say this out loud in a hyper PC society we live in. Even white liberals won't dare say this out loud, but they know this just enough to stay away from them as a group of people and will only whine about the plight of AA while living in their 90%-98% white area or gated community.

This is hilariously untrue. I’ll admit I was surprised to learn.

pretty bold of a race that survives off the benevolence of others to pretend they can take over but ok

What?????? That's racist!!!! Do you understand what I just called you??

R-A-C-I-S-T! Rayyyyyyyysist.

I bet you're really crying now, praying that no one would call you the insult of all insults.

success stories like zimbabwe or liberia

You realize that blacks are not too fond of Trannies, right? You better hope that mayos win and implement white sharia so you can be a third-gender, otherwise black domination would be the worst possible thing for LGBT+ rights.

Anyways no need to worry none of that will ever happen since China is going to put you western dogs in your rightful place soon enough.

blacks are steady at 13%. it's hispanics who are outbreeding (or "out-immigrating") the whites.

and those hispanics are more racist than whites against blacks. they also can't be guilt-tripped as easily.

future not looking to bright

Blacks better start soft-shoeing for reparations quick because when Juan is in power there is no chance in hell they're going to get a single peso.

Asians and hispanics are the fastest growing races. The democrats put an abortion clinic on every MLK boulevard to keep the black population in check.

All of this but entirely unironically.

We need to bring back intense bullying. That's the only way to return both alt-rightoids and capeshitters to the holes they should be hiding in.


Early and Often

also its a good way to maintain black peoples inherent inferiority in society, by encouraging people to employ prejudice and imagine them all like this

I actually unironically agree people don't get bullied and beat like they should now that's how we evolved to keep people from devolving Into menslib cucks and incels

By holes you mean like this place?

This but unironically fat people arent people and so are zoomers

Imagine being such a disgusting pig you eat so much you it inhibits how you move. It's fucking disgusting and every fat person who has anything bad happen to them is getting what they deserve


t. Chubster

Man you’re a real tough guy

I'm a girl and not very tough but I'm able to see when a kid tempts fate and gets punished for it

You mean like trannies who tempt fate by pretending to be girls?

Yeah ones who don't pass. I hate those ones as much as you do.

I live as a woman and no one questions it so I'm not really tempting fate

I live as a woman

/r/drama is truly the funniest sub on Reddit.

Boring try again

I'm just appreciating good comedy.

Hey Adam, can you toss me one of those apples?

Never had one, bad post

Broader build than me, I respect that

If you're a skinny manlet you're already more trans than they are

Literally have a 50/50 hip to shoulder ratio so congrats on your child bearing hips soy ass

You dont pass. Anyone who tells you that you do is being extremely nice

I'm sure a incel on the internet is a better judge then everybody I interact with in my customer service job

How am I an incel again?

You are a girl (male)

Boring try again

someone being racist merits a 5 on 1 nigger chimpout


5 on 1 nigger chimpouts do not merit being racist

lmao, the brain damaged leftroon in action

His mom is probably racist because of a lifetime of watching other disgusting niggerish behavior, you monglover.

Waa waa I need the society to do something about getting my stupid openly racist fat white ass getting chimped on. Also about the Jews controlling everything and about the fentanyl epidemic and the corporations kowtowing to the Chinese...

White supremacism is fat acceptance of racial politics.

My god what happened here


Imagine thinking it's wrong for society to do something about unprovoked violent nigger gang assault.

So much for, you know, civilization.

My attitude is probably not very typical on this kind of issues, but I think that that event when a nigga pushed an old white guy to the ground and got shot for it was absolutely appropriate, and exactly the same for this little shit getting chimped on. People should know their place and behave accordingly, failure to do so should be allowed to be naturally selected against.

Sorry you can't tell the difference between violent assault and an innocent person who didn't commit violent assault, you mentally handicapped ding-dong.

The only people who think wearing a hat justifies trying to beat a child to death are niggers and people with the brains of niggers. I happen to want to live in civilization, chimpout-free, and believe that's a dream worth striving towards.

I would prefer to live in a polite society where the set of behaviors you can get darwined for is not limited strictly to physical assault.

Then bring back honorable gentlemen's duels or something, there's nothing polite about impromptu schoolbus gang beatdowns.

Also, how seriously mad are you about red baseball caps that support America?

there's nothing polite about impromptu schoolbus gang beatdowns.

You only say that because you're a mental midget and tribalism always overrides generalized reasoning for you. The chimpout wasn't polite but neither were lynchings, the important question is whether such corrective actions are deployed correctly and achieve societally desirable outcomes.

Now I admit that I don't have the full picture, but from what I can tell from the video and from his mother's twitter, lil' mr. Piggy had it coming.

love that mental leap from hat-wearing to lynching.

The leap is from lynching to what we see in the OP, as a response to hat-wearing or other unacceptable behavior.

lmao you're actually pro-lynching

I'm not a racist about it though!

good point ;)

Oh no the kid was racist :(

And racism is bad and unjustified how? Like unironically. I don't go around calling everybody niggers and spics (aside from being edgy on here) and assuming every black person ever is basically just a small step above a gorilla in terms of intelligence, I've met a lot of cool blacks and know that a very small number of black people have actually managed to contribute valuable things to this world, and I know that there are societal shitstains of every race, but on average, blacks are undeniably far less intelligent and far more impulsive (leading to the insane amount of violence and theft they commit, as well as their complete inability to develop functional societies). So why shouldn't we be racist against them? Why shouldn't we want to keep them out of our society? Because it might hurt the very small percentage of them that are civilized (since of course there's no such thing as nuance, it's gotta either be full genocide or full acceptance)?

It's like the other guy said, racism is the objectively correct worldview. Even the morons who go "duhhh no not blacks fault they violent" don't try to argue that they're not more violent and less intelligent than every other race, because it's such a well-established fact.

It'd be cool if instead of sterilizing black people again or something we could actually find a way to educate all 13% of them and make them "just like us," but it's highly questionable if they're even capable of being just like us. You wouldn't expect a trailer park hick to become a civilized person just because they got to go to a better highschool, so why do people believe you can do exactly that with blacks?

That degree finally paying off

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Oh no the kid was racist :(

No, much worse, the kid was inexcusably retarded. He committed an equivalent of sticking his dick into a wasp nest, and if you know what's good for the white race you celebrate such occasions, not try to outlaw wasps.

Except of course you don't, as I said white supremacy is fat acceptance of racial politics 🤦🏻‍♀️

So wearing a hat to school = sticking your dick into a wasp nest, because black people are as aggressive and impulsive as wasps? And you say I'm racist, lmao.

because black people are as aggressive and impulsive as wasps?

You are saying that as if it were a bad thing, soyboy.

Uhhh no I'm totally strong that's why I have to chimp out with my gang of buddies at even the most vaguely "threatening" thing

if you know what's good for the white race you celebrate such occasions

What kind of weak bitch of a sheep roots for his own kind to be preyed on on?

inorite? When I see a white guy who plays on his switch while a black bull plows his wife, I'm upset because I want that white guy's genes to be propagated in as many white children as possible.

I'm not sure what your fetishes have to do with your excuses for attempted murder by a gang of niggers against an innocent child who wore a baseball hat, other than the general tendency of people with weird fucking fetishes to dredge them up anywhere possible.

an innocent child who wore a baseball hat

Darwin says: terminally retarded child.

Actually, it's retarded not to defend children against violent packs of subhumans.

Let's just agree to disagree on who is a subhuman in this situation.

I probably don't need to go out of my way to hope you never have children, but holy shit I hope you never have children.

EDIT: To be clear: Because they will grow up to be fucking school shooters.

Anti-white-male dogwhistling, LMAO. You should demand rent from the Jews, because they certainly colonized your brain.

I mean, I really don't know where else your ideology of "murder any defenseless person who offends you BAMN" leads.


tribalism always overrides generalized reasoning for you.

I know this is hard for you to understand because you are a moron, but, I am in general against violence in response to political speech.

Pretty simple.

I know this is hard for you to understand because you are a moron, but, I am in general against violence in response to political speech.

I know this is hard for you to even imagine because you have been on a diet rich in HFCS and phytoestrogens for longer than you can remember, but some people don't just meekly propose to agree to disagree when insulted to their faces.

White supremacy is the HAES of race politics.

some people don't just meekly propose to agree to disagree when insulted to their faces.

Yes, dumb, irrational niggers and people with undeveloped child brains.

White supremacy is the HAES of race politics.

Sorry that you hate white people so much it's made you retarded.

some people don't just meekly propose to agree to disagree when insulted to their faces.

Yes, dumb, irrational niggers and people with undeveloped child brains.

It's the other way around actually, check out and

Wolves psychologically develop from obeying their parents to obeying the pack leader to challenging the pack leader. Most dogs never mature past the first stage, working dogs need special handling to imprint on the owner again as they mature to the second stage, no properly raised dogs ever get to anything resembling the third stage.

White supremacy is the HAES of race politics.

Sorry that you hate white people so much it's made you retarded.

I don't hate cumskins just like I don't hate the obese chicks that insist that they are as healthy as as anyone and their knees and beetus and whatnot issues are caused by (((doctors))).

I don't hate cumskins just like I don't hate the obese chicks that insist that they are as healthy as as anyone and their knees and beetus and whatnot issues are caused by (((doctors))).

Do you advocate for those women to be beaten to death by niggers, the way you do for innocent young white children who wear hats that tickle your butthole?

Not quite "advocate", I'm totally OK with Nature taking its course one way or another.

Nature taking its course

I mean, yeah, because you're against civilization, probably because you're a moron who doesn't understand what civilization is, and that enabling spontaneous violent chimpouts is anti-civilization.

"Letting nature take its course" is literally the antithesis of civilization, which involves humanity saying fuck nature, we can do better, by not doing things like chimping the fuck out when a small child wears a hat.

"Letting nature take its course" is literally the antithesis of civilization, which involves humanity saying fuck nature, we can do better, by not doing things like chimping the fuck out when a small child wears a hat.

As a radical centrist I look down on both "muh naturalistic fallacy" and "dysgenics are moral and sustainable" peabrains.

So you're admitting that you have no principled defense of free4all murder and the red hat just tickles your butthole?

Yes, I don't have no principled defense of free4all murder, LMAO.

The thing it should do about then is subsidize them tho. Accelerationist gang ho!

White supremacism is fat acceptance of racial politics.

wow, based af

Who cares what a magaturd and his mom thinks? Put the trash in their place!

Didn't say that it didn't Merit being racist I'm just saying the kid got what he deserved.

Also you're obviously racists and looking for anything to confirm your beliefs so your thoughts on the whole thing are pretty irrelevant

Everyone has a little bit of confirmation bias. However I do find it's impressive how many of my interactions with blacks involve violence or criminal activities. Maybe I should stop living in Detroit.

I've heard good things about Gary, Indiana...

Of course I'm racist, because racism is correct, you moron.

Sorry I have a bias in favor of being correct instead of being dumb as shit like you.


This, but unironically


So, have you moved yet?

Ya bitch don't think I forgot about you, too bad I don't live in the same overpriced shithole city as you cause you could live in my head rent-free

I'm moving Feb 1st actually we've saved up 4k for the move

tfw one douchebag neolib on rslashdrama has done more to help trans bodies than every basement revolutionary in chapotraphouse


If taking credit for the things I was already doing helps you sleep at night then sure

Lmao sure you were, sweety 💅🏿

Before I take too much credit, which city are you moving to? If you decided to take only half my advice and move to some overpriced shithole than I'll let you keep all the blame

I'm moving to a suburb of LA. My partner is getting a good job and my mom manages the company we'll be renting from we it's pretty cheap the big thing is the city will buy my vagina which will save me 40k which is neat

You had me until you said your mom was discounting your rent, then you lost me again when you said you're getting a neovagina.

Trussy>Bussy>Gussy>Neogussy. To put this into terms your neonazi bf would understand this is like you being born with the perfect Aryan features and then getting a hook nose implanted onto your face.

Im sick and tired oh having to prepare so far ahead to get fucked. I just want to be able to be fucked whenever without being anorexic

Lmao yeah, I'm sure that it's gonna be way easier when all you have to do is dilate daily and hope you don't end up having to flush out the necrotic tissue lmao

Also, Jesus fuck it's not that hard of a solution. One day you do the prep work to get trussy blasted, the next day he does the prep work to be bussy blasted. Just fucking alternate, like why even date Troons if they aren't blasting your bussy with shenis lmao

You only gotta dilate for 4 months or something.

Imagine expending the energy to fuck something when you can just lay there and get the same pleasure

I like how you totally dodged the possibility of necrotic tissue 😂

Also, ffs your name is assblaster and you don't even blast bussy wtf is wrong with you. Maybe you are a woman because only a woman could be this retarded 🙄🙄🙄

Ehh I'm a masochist a little rotting flesh pouring out of my fuck hole isn't that bad.

Sexist validation is still validation and feels like a drug straight into my veins lol.

Besides I date heterosexual men which often don't want to be fucked and I think gay men should be able to do whatever they want but I personally find them kinda gross.

Lmao you know my flair says I'm a consentual rapist, right? Do you think masochism is a foreign concept to me? 😂😂😂😂😂 I unironically cannot even cum unless I've spent a good 20 minutes genuinely beating a woman beforehand

Honey, neither you nor anyone else wants to see, feel, or smell necrotic flesh drip out of a neovagina, no masochist cope is gonna convince me otherwise. Also, if you're a woman than it's not gay for someone to get their bussy blasted, so I'll leave it up to you if you're gonna argue if you're a woman or if the men you fuck are gay.

The pus and slime from the necrotic flesh will just act like lube and the maggots will just massage your dick while fucking me. Seems like a win win to me.

You call yourself a kinky satist but you're not willing to fuck a puss filled neopussy? Come back when you're really a freak.

Counterpoint a guy fucking himself with a dildo is still gay, men sucking dicks or getting fucked is gay period regardless of who it's attached to.

The only exception to this is if your girlcock is small enough to not gag on then it's just a big clit

I bet if I keep being gross about neovagina fetishism it'll convince him I'm not horrified of the surgery being botched

OK, honey 💅🏿

Damn that cuts deep lol it is scary as fuck but if it means a lifetime of not having to spend half an hour cleaning if it want to sex it'll be worth it

Damn that cuts deep lol

No shit lmao you guys are super predictable it's easy to push your buttons

if it means a lifetime of not having to spend half an hour cleaning if it want to sex it'll be worth it

I mean that's your risk to take lmao

Imagine being so poor you actually have to save for an extended period of time just to be able to move to a new location lmao

And after all that time only have $4000 to your name. Absolutely pathetic

Lol that's actually pretty good, doesn't feel good to actually come up with something original rather than just spewing the same old tired bullshit? Good job 👍


They’re not victim blaming, hermano. They’re saying that the kid wasn’t beat up because he was white, as is being claimed in the thread, but that he was beat up because he presented himself as a racist bigot who supports a fascist racist. That’s what that hat symbolizes now.

It was in no way appropriate for anyone to be violent against him. It also wasn’t about his race, but his politics. It’s possible for us to discuss motivations for attacks, and correct the issue, without blaming the victim.

This isn’t even dog food grade victim blaming. It’s a discussion about the attacker’s motivation and nothing more. OP clearly stated the attack was not appropriate in their comment.

The Nazis are really all over this thread rn.

I cant even... One slight argument against the echo and you are a nazi..

They've banned anyone that goes against the narrative long ago, so the slightest ripple of disagreement is alt right.

There's a constant tension in these subs, you can literally feel it reading them. I saw a guy down voted to - 100 odd in r/selfawarewolves for misunderstanding a comic and he apologised saying he was stoned and all the replies were like 'maybe smoke less sweaty' and 'try and sober up before you post again bud' lmao they take the Internet so seriously, literally everybody who is like that is a barely human loser irl.

Internet points are serious business and if you're not advancing the echo you can fuck right off with that [racist/leftist/Republican/Democrat/etc.] nonsense.

That's why I gotta wonder, who are they really banning? They've already pretty much secured their bubble, so are they just eating themselves at this point?

You gotta think that every day, a normal person stumbles on to the sub and is like "wtf is this?" They might argue for a few days or weeks or even months, while the regulars there talk down to them, insulting them, mocking them.

The normal person ends up arguing: talking down to them back, mocking them, and then they're reported and eventually banned for "trolling" or "posting in bad faith" and the echo chamber is protected. But every day, there's gotta be a few posters that are in the midst of that life cycle. And SRD mods are busy keeping the sub woke.