Greta Thunberg taking a break from climate change, will instead focus 100% attention on boy she met on vacation

1  2019-12-14 by HodorTheDoorHolder_


This person is too boring to watch a video of her.

But inquiring minds need to know, is she dating Barron?

We could only wish

Please be Baron Trump, please be Baron Trump

that would be fucking amazing.

everyone would be pissed off

this is clearly photoshopped to make him look smaller

mog machine

The Chosen One

Literally protesting something she doesn’t understand

Does she really think CO2 levels would change in less than a year? I’m real retarded, sir, but even I know that CO2 levels would take, like, hella long to change dramatically

That’s like saying that efforts to stop global warming aren’t working because it was super hot this summer

Her parents brainwashed her, and exploited her for fame. It's fucking sad

She’s just been raised by her panicked libs telling her the world will end if the wrong guy gets office. If you were raised by her parents you’d think the same way, her emotions are probably legit and as week all know emotions are more important that logic, especially for us dramanaughtz.

Oh yeah, super tragic. I feel really bad for her. Puppet for powerful people to take advantage of, and personify, zoomer hysteria. She also just happens to be a mentally disabled child. This whole thing is probably stressing her tf out. Sad!

shes swedish and her parents are also swedish

I may disagree with you about a lot of things, but at least we can agree on not being Swedish. 🤮🤮🤮

Erm Sweaty don't you know this 16 year old girl has read and understand several peer-reviewed scientific papers?!?!?

I can't take her seriously because she doesn't say shit about China.

I don't even understand the argument you're trying to make here.

She’s saying she’s disheartened that she’s been protesting for 6 months and the global CO2 levels haven’t dropped

I’m saying that that’s definitely not how global CO2 levels work (major changes don’t happen in 6 months)

So the fact she’s the TPOY and the face of climate change protesting and doesn’t know how CO2 levels work is ironic.

Obviously it’s not her fault, she’s a kid. But her puppeteers should inform her better

That is how CO2 levels work - if we up and stopped emitting any CO2 immediately, after six months you'd see the ppm stop rising - and likely see a drop.

The natural carbon cycle still has some wiggle room - the yearly tonnage in the atmosphere is growing by less than what we're outputting. If we stopped releasing CO2 at all, that extra absorption capacity would start bringing down the totals, and put the planet back on the path toward the next glaciation.

Her statement is still naive, but due to economics, not science. And more likely, she meant that she is frustrated that the CO2 levels are still rising at the same pace.

You’re way more educated in this category than me so I’ll let you knowledge-cuck me

I still think she’s woefully underprepared to discuss this in the way that she does. She’s mostly making pathos appeals that only make twitter activists emotional

I can guarantee that Greta Thunburg will be socially irrelevant in 6 months. Hopefully her and her friend go watch a good old fashioned movie like papa Trump told her

in 6 months.

she's barely relevant now. only reddit has a clue who she is.

my normie coworkers know who she is -.-

She's a product of the old-school 1990s 2-minute soundbyte on cable TV culture. I think she's probably getting more attention that way than online.

Based Greta will always be the times person of the year 2019 and those millions of followers in social media aren't going anywhere so she is set for life

The only time I hear about her is when righties sperg out at a child lol

Translation: "With this Time shit we've squeezed about as much out of this tard as we can. Time to start grooming the next kid you're not allowed to criticize."

The return of the Hogg.

I am amazed they could squeeze this much..

she changed the discourse

also emissions haven't gone down

She started a discussion, and 👏 that's 👏 what 👏 matters👏

a break from what lol all she did was go on free holidays

typical swed

Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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That's not Justin Roiland!. Wheres my Pickle Rick REEEEEEE

Her whole saga has been such a strange thing.

If we take an objective and realistic assessment of its impact, we would unfortunately find that it had no impact at all.

Thing is though, its quite ridiculous to place that standard of genuine change on one person's shoulders in the first place.

I do wonder if she thought she would change the game, as if nobody had tried before.

At the end of the day, she didn't really get people talking about climate change, she got people talking about Greta - which hopefully wasn't her motive.

Those that do talk about it post Greta, and credit her, they were already doing it before.

The best part about the "climate change debate", from my point of view at least, is that no matter who is taking political action for or against, they're having no impact. The scientists keep going no matter what, and if they need money, they'll get it - no doubt.

It's also funny to me people believe the whole species has to contribute to the solution, thats never been the case for any struggle, progress always moves on the backs of the few, not the many.

Unless the approach is purely mitigation, but if that's the solution we were doomed from the start.

The final solution to the issue lay in carbon capture and geo-engineering. A sort of man-made climate eugenics.

I disagree.

I do wonder if she thought she would change the game, as if nobody had tried before.

That's what every 16-year old thinks, even the ones who aren't legit retarded like her.

The final solution to the issue lay in carbon capture and geo-engineering. A sort of man-made climate eugenics.

Yeah, if we're gonna solve this, we're gonna solve it by doing more, not by having self-control. Humans are a lot better at finding technological solutions to problems than they are at just restraining themselves and not causing problems.