Queen Weeb dumps pedo boyfriend/manager, pedo creates unhinged hate site in retaliation

1  2019-12-14 by snallygaster


Oh hey some light readi.....wtf, that's a legit novel, snally.

Libertarians are known for using more words than they need to in order to make a point

Are you a journalist? You’ve always got the scoop?

Don't you dare insult Snally by implying she's one of them.

We don’t use the j word around here thanks

Almost all of Snally posts are encyclopedias.

When she came to Japan in April she started lots of trouble, then she started dating with some Japanese guys when she stayed. I scolded her and her new BF as her manager, "Don't hang around with guys in public because you're an idol" But she continued hanging with them every day. So I left her after that.

Shocking the pedo is also a wannabe controlling incel.

I think this was probably the correct career advice if she's an "idol."

A lot of idols in asia depend on seeming single. Anytime they're in public with dudes their fans sperg the fuck out.

Their fans are all weebs and incels

The Japs were a mistake.

Irradiating them only made them mutate rapidly.

That's why we should've given them a third dose. There can't be any crazed incel weebs if their ancestors are all rice krispies


Is racism normal in this sub or what?

...why? What do their fans care?

They have to appear single and innocent.


Do you think instathots would get as much male attention if they mostly posted pics of them with their boyfriend? It's the same concept, except even more important for idols because that male attention is the bulk of how they pay their bills.

It's not like they can actually sing m

Singing doesn't sell merch, projecting the image of a potential gf does

So idols are supreme thots.

Got it.

But we both had caught a very bad cold!

The reason was because it was so cold and we were very tired.

I went to buy some medicine for Yuka to take.

And then I took Yuka to the hospital to try and get her treated and well.

I cooked some good foods and I bought a warm pink blanket for her.

I was trying my best to make sure she would be healthy and well!

I neglected my own health (it was also bad at the time) to take care of her every day!

I was always by her side.

These "nice guy, I take care of my little baby" vibes are even more disturbing IMO.

I acted like a not terrible boyfriend -- I deserve her back because I got her medicine once and made sure my bread and butter that makes me money gets healthy to make me more money and to bang.

This is due to video games, specifically dating sims; a lot of them have this mechanic where you do enough "nice things" for the romantic interest and that fills up her love bar or whatever and then she fucks you.

Pretty sure this was around before dating sims, but I would not doubt some weeb believing that shit.

My knowledge of females comes from Reddit, reading way too many trashy romance novels and chicklit books, video games, sappy romance songs, having grown up with sisters, comic books, and my akward dating life, but even I know girls hate it when you treat them like they're your property.

Fans don't like it when idols date

That's because the Japanese idol weebs want her to be "pure "so she'll be appropriately shocked and horrified when they gang-rape her

Snally you know no one here can read for more than 5 minutes at best

I hate gross things, I like only beautiful things.

So wholesome! Also excellent post as always, snally.

Can someone bottom-line for me what exactly an "idol" is in the context of weird Japanese shit? Are they pop stars? Actresses? Escorts?

More or less all of the above to some degree. They form 'idol groups' that sing manufactured pop songs, but their primary purpose is to appeal to middle-aged men, and in the meantime they're pimped out but are supposed to remain 'pure' in the public eye, i.e. not date. When they age out they often become softcore porn stars or end up scraping together a living doing guest appearances on reality gameshows and things of that nature.


Also worth mentioning is that the fanbase is basically the same type as K-Pop stans, except worse. As a filthy chink I cannot grasp what the appeal of these figures are to the Japs when you've already got both legitimate musicians that are attractive as well as anime waifus.

Seems like they fill the same cultural niche as instathots. I'm guessing the people who are there for "idols" aren't really interested in music.

This sounds like a recipe for them ending up as insane wrecks.

See "backstreet girls" on Netflix. It'll explain everything.

So basically, Yukapon is/was an internet celebrity known as 'loli-chan' on 4chan and Yukapon everywhere else. She was known to pedos for looking way younger than she was (though she was a young teen when all of this went down) and well-known to weebs for idk, I guess not being as ugly as most weebs and for being able to do idol group stuff.

She could also speak fluent moon, and when she was somewhere around 13-15 years old, her parents sent her off to Glorious Nippon to become an idol. Naturally, letting strange adult men have free reign over your fame-chasing kid is a terrible idea, and Yukapon entered a "relationship" with her 40-year-old manager, who created the website above after the relationship ended.

She is reportedly now heavily involved in the Tokyo party scene and is aspiring to become an 'insta-baddie'/soundcloud rapper. It's safe to say that the adults in her life let her down

and Yukapon entered a "relationship" with her 40-year-old manager,

Workplace romance

So basically, she is Magibon 2.0

Yeah, I think her time was a few years after Magibon's.

I actually dated Magibons sister, that's how I found out about her

lmao seriously? How did they treat her e-fame?

Well, they actually had no idea of anything, until she was flown to Japan for the first time. After that, she was basically sorta shunned by her family, which she more or less did the same back, since she had this diva complex even after she was deported from Japan. Then some years ago she vanished abruptly

Apparently she's still in Japan doing camera reviews or something. It's crazy that her family had no idea what she was doing.

She kept herself secret doing videos in her room...besides her being crazy, her whole family is nuts

What's nuts about her family? Behind every attention-seeking internet celebrity is a dysfunctional upbringing

That I dont really want to spill in public. Suffice to say, I'm glad I don't talk to them

No problem, I'm glad you didn't get too wrapped up in that shit (hopefully)

Not Magibon herself, but let's just say I didnt come out unscathed.

At least you didn't turn into a turbo-weeb like Magibon!

Ah well that is a silver lining, lol

Why in the fuck do you know all that shit?

White women don’t belong in Japan,I’m not being whatever-ist any of you guys think.

Oh, I was following this nerd on lolcow, she dated weirdos and always ended up changing personalities to fit the guys' fetish. Clear wife material.

A sexual changeling.... the perfect waifu.

Sounds like she's crazier than a birdhouse rat.

That is interesting, because did you know It's always been a fantasy of mine to be a sex slave for 2 bears, male and female, pleasing the male when she's tired, and vice versa. Slowly sliding my lips up and down his thick shaft, tasting his pre-cum on my tongue. Once he's had enough of that, he rolls over onto his back, lifting me up as though I weighed nothing. Gently placing me on his cock, I guide him in, feeling him stretch me wide open. I moan with pleasure, feeling him fill me up. He growls softly, I feel it rumble deep in his chest, vibrating all the way down his body and through mine. He continues to lift me up and then pull me down. He's doing all the work for me, it feels so good, the warmth of the fur, his paws either side of my waist. He is in total control, I'm just nothing compared to his vast size and strength, but I have total trust in him, I know he won't hurt me. I feel the pace quicken, almost imperceptibly. I slowly stroke myself, feeling myself nearing the point of no return coming closer with every stroke. I can hear the growl getting louder now; he speeds up even more, forcing me further and further down onto his thick cock. If it wasn't for the fact I my body is releasing so many endorphines, I would probably be screaming in agony. Except I am panting and whining, just like a bitch, begging her mate to fill her up. His claws dig in deeper, the pain, its excsquisite. It sends me over the edge. My head goes back, I let out a short grunt, I feel my cock explode, covering his chest fur in my seed. I keep stroking, it looks as though I'm trying to rip my cock out. I let out another grunt, another torrent flows forth, then another and another. A drop lands on the beasts muzzle. He seems confused for a moment. That's what I think. He digs his paws in even harder now and slams me onto his cock, I feel his grumble turn into a roar. He's cumming, oh my god. I can feel in, filling me up. It's undescribable. He's mating with me, he's claimed me. I feel him slow, his cock still throbbing within me, it seems as though there's no more room for his cum. It's dripping out of me, onto his fur. I reach down, and then bring my hand up, tasting him. It's more than I ever expected. It's heaven.


  1. Queen Weeb dumps pedo boyfriend/man... - archive.org, archive.today

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What the fuck is a yukapon and why did she drink her own piss?

Some chick that posted nudes on 4chan when she was like 14 or something.

Seems like she gets mentioned now more because Epstein was murdered and all the implications that come with that and rich famous white people being libertarians.

Huh, thanks for the info.

But why did she drink her piss?

She was recycling ♻

Oh g-d this isn’t Martini-chan is it?


Drank gamer girl liquid from a martini glass on 4chan

You're happier not knowing.

Quality Snallypost. Weeb, idol culture, and grooming all together, what a combination.

Japan was such a mistake.

...pedo creates unhinged hate site in retaliation

Imagine my surprise when this turned out not to be about reddit.

Or ResetERA

An actual good sticky on r/drama? Wth!

Snallyposting is love, snallyposting is life.

Yuka had been spreading false rumors claiming I raped her.

I would have never done anything to hurt her especially “rape”!

And I had no reason to do it.

Because she already wanted and cared for me.

When you're using the "I didn't rape her, she wanted it" defense, it's not looking good for you
