Athiest daddy (hate)sub jannie gets cleansed for trying to clean up a chapo infection

1  2019-12-14 by SlimjobDopamine


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Imagine taking time out of your day to write and discuss all of that for the price of $0.00 an hour

Imagine taking time out of your day to write and discuss all of that for the price of $0.00 an hour plus benefits

Hmm what would those benefits be Frenchie? 🤔

The feeling of success after a long, hard day at work with the added bonus of an empty bank account

Aka hiring a prostitute?

They do it for free

You know, they could've just got rid of the guy and just said nothing. That's what any smart mod team does when they have to fire someone. No need to write a fucking 5 paragraph essay.

You were put down, in the future please refrain from discussing subjects you have no education in.


  1. Athiest daddy (hate)sub jannie gets... -,

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