The MLB commissioner, a literal Boomer, wants to kill off Minor League Baseball, because in an act of totally not mad, he responds to the Minor League team owners who do not want their franchise yanked away from them. Imagine killing the lifeline to baseball, for fucking money. Go fuck yourself Rob.

1  2019-12-14 by wazzupnerds


Long title. Didn’t read it all.

Imagine caring about baseball.

Baseball is tied with cricket and golf for being the most boring ass sports in the world to watch. I’d unironically rather watch bobsled races.

If fat people can go pro it's not a real sport. All three fall into that category from what I can tell.

And I’m sure this is what you mean but to specify, the “fatties”, like O-linemen, in the NFL don’t count because their literal job is create a wall for the backfield. Only excuse for fatties in sports.

They could also out sprint most of the soy boys here.

That’s absolutely true. Who needs to out sprint though when you can just pick them up with one hand and toss them.

Have to catch them first

Nah in cricket even fatties have to run.

You mean the 30 feet they need to go between the wicketiesplickets to score a hobknobber?

Internet says it's 22yards so like 60 ft. But they have to do it many times.

Clearly not enough times.

Look who's talking

Great movie. What's that have to do with pretending Cricket is a sport?

So not only are you fat but you have shitty movie taste 🤢

Travolta got snubbed at the Oscar's that year.

They usually get hid in the slips cordon tbh, and are either power hitters or not batsmen, so not as much running between the wickets. I'm a fat cunt and cricket is perfect for me.

Idk bruh I've seen lagaan




How is this related to Trump?


half the league is Cubans Venezuelans and Dominicans already taking the jobs Americans can't or won't do.

Look at all these losers who don't like baseball

Baseball is so antiquated that calling it a boomer sport isn't quite accurate.

In The Lord of the Rings, J. R. R. Tolkien drew upon the language and themes found in the old Medieval hero-tales in order to construct a kind of new mythology. The brilliance of Tolkien was in his departure from the Pagan modes of conduct and morality of these old tales, his creation of a syncretistic fusion between Christian thought and Pagan language, and so his work achieved a deep resonance with all who read it.

We find this passage at the conclusion of The Return of the King:

>The Dark Lord was suddenly aware of him, and his Eye piercing all shadows looked across the plain to the door that he had made; and the magnitude of his own folly was revealed to him in a blinding flash, and all the devices of his enemies were at last laid bare.

Adversaries in the stories that Tolkien drew upon, Grendel, Mordred and the like, often served as obstacles that the heroes could overcome through feats of strength and cunning. Sauron is not like them. When Sauron is defeated, it is not because Aragorn is stronger than him or because Gandalf is wiser. They are not. It is only that his hubris was so great that it never occured to him that anyone would want to destroy the thing he held so dear. It is not until the final few seconds of his existence that he realises his mistake.

I think that I Am Jazz displays a similar moment. In the pictured scene, Jazz's journey to what he believes is womanhood is almost complete. He is resting after surgery, a triumphant smile on his face, his rotting groin held together by a labyrinthine patchwork of stitches and grafts. But as Eru Ilúvatar nudged Gollum over the Crack of Doom into the fires beneath, so too does the God of our world intervene in this.


In a second, the follies of men are undone and Jazz's crotch explodes, a meaty froth of blood and pus pouring out of the hole where his penis used to be.

In that moment of blind panic and terror, Jazz is Sauron. All triumph and victory is gone. Only the Void remains.


  1. The MLB commissioner, a literal Boo... -,

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Any drama is needed to maintain some level of relevance anymore.

killing boreball

Wait this man is a hero.

Baseball is a dead sport. I'm glad that those in charge are pulling the plug, as it is the right and merciful thing.

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Did...did we just get a baseball agenda post?

based and Mud Hen pilled

Baseball is a fucking meme sport lmfao. Go watch rugby, faggot.

That's football for twinks, right?

Good luck scoping out talent to keep the big money games interesting you greedy fuck