How does one just ****remain**** fat?

1  2019-12-14 by Llamayoda

It’s honestly kinda impressive.

To have that level of self confidence/delusion that you can get up every morning and look in the mirror seeing your disgusting body and think “this is okay”

To struggle to walk up a flight of stairs, fully out of breath, weeding at the top and think “this is okay”

To be eating your fifteenth Big Mac of the day and thinking “this is okay”

God fat people just disgust me. Even the ones who just consider themselves a little big/chubby. You know who I’m talking about and if you have to wonder if it’s you, it’s you alright.

If you are fat, get off your ass and go make your life one actually worth living you disgusting cow.


Heavy denial. It starts with making excuses for the gradual weight gain (assuming they weren't fat as children,) then they may try to diet to no avail due to their worsening food/sugar addiction, it really doesn't take long before they start using phrases such as "Sorry I bought food instead of meth" or "You're only skinny because of genes/because you never eat." At this point, all is nearly lost. It takes either intervention from a concerned loved one or a heart attack to potentially motivate them to take action.

So for all my fat brothers and sisters that might be reading this, you can do this. Cut out soda, jog or head to the gym(don't be intimidated by gyms we are all here to help each other out) and most importantly, don't give up or make excuses to relapse.

And if you relapse take a deep breath and try again. You cant change the past but you can give it another shot. Itll be easier this time.

Imagine not eating 3k calories a day just to sustain Lmao /#smallniggasstaymad


I would ping lawlz/hardislife to field this question if I could

Unpopular opinion here, but acne is generally pretty unattractive.

Idk how that’s an unpopular opinion. People generally just have less control over it than being fat tbh.

Unpopular opinion here, people with yellow teeth make me squirm 😬

Now that I can get behind.

Bongphobia smh

its over for bongcels

Thanks shitty Tacoma water for a severe case of Bong Teeth

I'll make you fuckin squirm

Genetics? Wash your face son, it ain’t that hard

I think about this all the time. How do you get up in the morning, gaze into the mirror to see your 400lb nacho-cheese-stuffed garbage bag of a body, and think, "Yes, this is how I want to present myself to the world." and then make that same decision every day of your life.

Not fat, but as an alcoholic it's something that just gradually happens overtime without you even realizing it.

Like one day you're 17 years old having a couple beers with your boys, then one day you wake up at 26 in a random hotel room in Krakow with dozens of shattered bottles all over the floor and a script of ambien on the nightstand and a Polish hooker laying in your bed and you're not sure if she OD'd but she's definitely non-responsive and you don't even speak Polish so you just get the fuck out of there and go back to your Airbnb and take a look in the mirror and finally realize just what you've become.


You know whats really disgusting, ugliness on the insides, judgemental people....

Those “fat people” might be going through a really hard time, depression, loss or just simply have a hard time changing habits, or maybe they just dont care what superficial shallow people think of them and they love their body.

Maybe one of those “fat people” your judging might not look appealing to you on the outside but might be the kindest person on the inside feeding homeless people, or counselling people in need.

Maybe you should worry more about the insides of people (including yourself...)

feeding homeless people,

Doubt. Fatties dont give food away, they eat it. That's why they are so fat.

That’s not true! I’m a porker but I gave my local homeless man my McDonald’s large double cheeseburger meal with extra fries one time. My consciousness has been cleared.

What are you, some balloonish elementary school teacher? Being put off by fat is a purely biological, instinctive response. Brains go into panic when they see any visual sign of sickness. We are hardwired to avoid it, just like we do with smallpox and leprosy.

I have plenty of fat friends (normal BMI in this country is a lonely fate) and this is what I've always wanted to tell them-- you can only pass this off as coincidental for so long. You actually have a responsibility to hold yourself to some standard of personal accountability. Societies are built on certain norms and expectations of conduct, and it's high time we raise ours.



If YOU have a problem with people who are overweight it’s obviously because of your own insecurities. You obviously have body/eating issues. Your problem isnt other people your problem is within yourself. I suggest you look into some counselling


Your welcome to assume whatever you want.

Good luck, hope you get some help and can see the most important part of a person is who they are not what they look like. Your going to have a very unfilling life if you think outsides are the most important thing.

You know whats really disgusting, ugliness on the insides, judgemental people....

Yeah but exterior ugliness is still worse

This but ironically.

worry more about the insides of people

I do worry about all the disgusting blubber inside of fat people.


You are receiving this message because you posted in defense of Donald Trump. I no longer provide individual responses on this matter. It has been my experience that Trump supporters are universally incapable of accepting verifiable truths about him and, by extension, themselves, thus rendering discussion pointless and, therefore, a waste of time.

I wish you all the best in your ongoing battle with reality.

Yours respectfully, a logical person.


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Hard work and dedication

Imagine waking up every morning, seething because some fatty chooses to stuff their face and thinking “yup, I’m totally not retarded for giving a fuck”.

I saw a fatass drinking from a bottle of ranch during class today, and that’s when I knew I had to write something.

So instead of thinking “I’m so glad fat people exist because they’re giving my skinniness a meaning, otherwise I wouldn’t have a single redeeming quality”, you decided to shit all over fat people?




How are fat people supposed to provide that meaning without being shit all over?

As a food confused hoe, I love these shitposts

Its easier than you think!


because they see it as a normal thing that’s simply inevitable and out of their control? unless they weren’t fat as a kid. i dunno what they’re thinking

How? By not realizing how much of an obese cow you've become. Joining UPS has helped a lot with that though. Unloading is basically five hours of nonstop exercise.


Based and diet pilled

I didn't start losing weight because for a while I was just barely comfortable with how fat I was. I only really decided to get into shape when shit got out of control and I realized I absolutely had to start losing weight. By the time I got back down to where I was before, I had already developed healthy habits. But if shit hadn't gotten really bad I'd probably never have gotten the motivation to get it together. It's always easier to just stay the course whether it's a good one or a bad one. I imagine it's the same for many others.

Also there's like 0.5% of the population that has some kind of genetic hormonal disorder or something. Of course they are only ever acknowledged as a trump card to say 100% of fatties can't help being fat

Also there's like 0.5% of the population that has some kind of genetic hormonal disorder or rare disease or something. Of course, they are only ever acknowledged as a trump card to say 100% of fatties couldn't help being fat if they just stopped fucking eating so much.

as the fattie in charge said

They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.

I blame America for this.

Based and diet-pilled.

NPCs can't self-reflect, they have no internal monologue and no capacity to perform critical thinking, so they CONSOOM the first thing that activates their dopamine receptors. Cue food addiction.

Can't expect someone with the self-awareness and self-discipline of a goldfish to realize that they're even addicted in the first place.

Hello I am posting this cause you are a huge piece of shit for shaming anyone on their body. Who the fuck cares? Its not your body or your life so why take the time to put down people for their weight? Not everyone can help it and for the ones who can, once again, who the fuck cares?!

I do

Fatties are disgusting

Get off the couch blubber butt

Ah I see, your just on here to start shit with people, get a brain you ignorant piece of shit. I hope you get nut cancer.

I see the the fat has coagulated into your head and turned you into a smoothbrain you fat motherfucker. I hope the next time you’re out of breath from walking up a flight of stairs you think of me.

Too bad you’ll never walk up a flight of stairs because your naturally lazy mentality is what got you to this point of being so disgustingly fat in the first place. Every time you take the elevator, every time you sit on your fatass to play video games or watch a movie, know that it’s entirely your fault you are the way you are.

Haha after reading some of your posts you are really really obsessed with fat people. You should go get that figured out. I think you have a thing for them fatties don't ya? Bet you wanna tap those fat rolls with all you got. Have fun with your pathetic life.go eat a donut and enjoy your life

I eat as much as I want, all the time. My superior genes and God’s favor allow me to retain my impressive physique.

Are you over or under 300lbs?


I don't believe you

I'm ok with this