❤️Just a friendly reminder that we should treat the mentally handicapped with a little more love and a little less judgement ❤️

1  2019-12-14 by nayytay


Friendly reminder that the OP in question here got drunk, challenged me to a fight, sat in a discord channel incoherently screeching at the sky for over an hour until his mother came in the room and told him to shut the fuck up.

Do with that what you will.

Didnt you get drunk and piss on your keyboard once?

I believe that was the night he told the story of fighting off a gang of black people or some shit as well.

I got drunk and couldn't walk to the bathroom so had to piss in a bottle and missed and got a bit on my keyboard.

We live in the most amazing times

They aight.

I don't actually know what discord is, have been put of touch with the internet for a while, is it like ventrilo/mumble if you know that? If so I would love to come on, I feel we would get on.

It's similar, but with a dash of social media thrown in.

Don’t ever get on discord. Also, ps may be a alleged pedo that has a favorite flavor of mt dew and Cheetos, but that doesn’t mean his opinions don’t matter.

What would your ancestors think of this?

Sounds like an average Friday night

Alpha as fuck tbh


Edit: also I’d like to just add this


Just take the L you ape.

Pizzashill never loses

Obviously you barely sentient sack of ethanol drowned organs.

Alcoholism is the coolest addiction.


  • smell
  • can not operate heavy machinery
  • low functioning. Improved dancing at best, sit in their own filth at their worst
  • often poor
  • sad march to death as their organs fail

Coke heads:

  • rich
  • limitless energy
  • high functioning. Churn out screenplays, code, culinary delights
    • go out in a boundless surge of glory, coking themselves right into a swift heart attack

In short: you’re wrong I’m right fuck you.

Just smoke crack like a real man.

You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack


Without the comma that doesn’t read the way you want it to

Is there any recording of this because that would be hilarious.

Also has PoJM skyped you a titty yet?

Haha is this true? Pizza is an epic level tard rouser.

I am pizzashill. the person that posted this is who I am talking about.

Yeah sorry I was aware, though it was a reply to you that was meant to be read as a sililoquy.

It’s true, but to be fair, I needed the alcohol to be able to tolerate him

So was that different from the time when you threatened to fly out and fight someone, and then when he said he was okay with that you asked if he owned a gun, or a different time?

A) he didn't say he was ok with that.

B) I don't even think I asked to fight him.

C) mormons are low IQ and annoying so I just like saying mean stuff to him.

I gonna need this discord link.

There's not "one discord" there are like 60 populated by different factions of the dramapshere.

I'm actually kind surprised we do not have a "official " discord linked in the sidebar.

There is an "official discord" but it got removed from the sidebar because of some questionable happenings there, and naming said discord gets removed by the automod, but it's where most drama regulars hang out and argue.

But most of the serious drama happens in the splinter cords.

Be a bro and pm me the link? I'll lick your toes or something later.

dm me dont be shy

Imma put my lipstick on.

I've got the link but it no longer works. I've been a drama regular for a long time but imagine actually using the Discord lmao I fucking hate the people on this sub, why would I want to interact with them more personally? Imagine arguing with Pizza's retarded ass not just in comment threads, but in notifications pinged directly to all your devices that also overlay themselves over whatever the fuck you're doing. No thanks.

Remember when it was okay to talk about the server and mods would even do stickies about the schism thing?

I member

There's others who remember. Look for the ridge where peppers grow, and head towards England. There should be a farm somewhere in the region. They'll know.

But most of the serious drama happens in the splinter cords.

Idk having you in vc to shit on the mormon and explain how you didnt rape your e-gf was pretty funny

Every once in a while I like to go in one of those servers and sperg for a bit.

Yeah it was fun

Which one is the Jihad server pls?

I ran a jihad server but it got banned for raiding inferior drama servers.



invite link is kcruHg2


Lol. Imagine using discord or any other chat protocol to talk with other people from a fucking internet forum.

Yeah, imagine being most of the internet.

Pizza doxxing himself was unironically a great thing for the internet because he became the face of the "this is the type of person you are arguing with on the internet" movement.

Waittt... Is that a picture of pizza???

Ya wait til you see that one of him frenching his sister.

Oh God

Then zoomers had to fuck it up by sticking him in that tranny collage

How is that a "fuck up" and not the greatest thing ever?

Because calling Pizza a tranny is an insult to trans people

How did he actually dox himself?

He didn't, really. He just posted a few retarded-looking selfies (though to be fair, there's no other type of selfie he can take). His address and shit isn't public knowledge, sadly.

Who is that guy on the picture?


I didn't know he is that handsome.






What ethnicity is he? I'm getting former Yugoslavia war criminal vibes.

Le 56%

Are people from the Balkans not considered white in the US?

Sort of. I'm Greek so it kind of works the same. I'm white in the context of "being the oppressor of POCs" but I am not considered white to the "racial purity" crowd.

Like Greek Greek? Funny thing is where I'm from Greeks and southern Italians are some of the most racist people I know, while also being able to pass as middle Easterners.

Grandparents were Greek immigrants who came to the US in their adult life. Grandpa served in WWII for the US. I would be 2nd gen. part of my family could pass for middle eastern as well, me personally I look like a white sasquatch.

Doesn't that make you a literal Boomer? Yeah heaps of Greeks came to Aus after the war as well. I used to go out with a Greek girl and her family hated me because I'm skip, even though I'm Catholic and half Italian.

I am either the bottom of Gen X or the top of Millenial depending on who you talk to about that. I didn't live in a Greek community growing up so I didn't see a lot of it. I grew up watching mini race wars between the blacks, hispanics and polynesians.

There's Polynesians in America? I thought they only came here

I don't know how common they are in other states but where I live there is a pretty large community of them. It's a mix of Tongan, Samoan and Hawaiian and they usually have a yearly events where you can go watch them play rugby and eat various Polynesian food. Where I grew up Polynesians were a lot more common than Asians like the Chinese, Japanese or Koreans.

Ah ok I'm guessing you're in Hawaii? Yeah those cunts are built for rugby, scaffolding, and hangi.

Nope, Utah.

Makes sense, a lot of missionaries recruit from there.

We found the centrist skin tone.

slavs are the black people of white people

t. slav

But they're whiter than most Mediterranean people, how is a tall blue eyed fair skinned Croat less white than a short stocky hairy dark hair and skinned wog from Sicily?

i'm talking about dey culcha

Nah still not following.

Both of his parents are black but his mother's grandfather was from poland.


Are you serious nigga what

yes it's really him, he posted several pictures on the discord servers.

God I love when newfags first discover the true face of our patron saint. Also I've never joined the Discord, is Trappy still there or did she leave there too?

yes trappy left the discord too, she is gone from everywhere.




A well-known pederast.

Come on now, he's not that well known

At the very least, he can screen shot this and show xir.

Hang in there Pizza!

It's the same teenager racism hate cult that MDE was all about. It's just another boring /pol/ offshoot for lonely edgelord losers.


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Hard not to fall for this chad

Rent free 🙈🙈🙈

Imagine thinking I have anything but the upmost love for this man


Oof yikes bad praxis y’all 👺

Egg lookin fucker

gotta get more sleep the bags are pretty noticeable

He’s too busy patrolling thots and rightoids to sleep

This is legitimately the saddest thread I've ever read on drama. Thank you for making me feel good about myself.