Corbyn doubles down. Claims he "won the argument".

1  2019-12-14 by INBLOPS2CELSNAME


Ah, the PizzaShill card

they both hate jews ...

is pizzashill Corbyn?????

big if true

Would Pizzashill be so misogynistic he'd call Theresa May a "stupid woman"?

he would use the term foid, I suspect

Probably the most retarded Venn diagram I've ever seen and I work at a company where half the people don't know how to make bar charts in excel

Oh you work at Google too?


Victories that are moral = pointless

Morales that are... victorious (?) are pointless

this makes no fucking sense

So moral victories are pointless, but moral losses aren't?

Do you see a circle for losses in the diagram?

There's a line within the circle MORAL that divides it into two areas, one for VICTORIES and another, unlabelled, for ... what?

Idk i mean, what's a non-victory called?

Big ass cope. You lost a huge election that has now caused riots in the streets

Riots? What are you talking about?


A few Antifaschistische Aktion nu-males showed up in London and Glasgow to chant "#NOTMYPM"

The revolution has started, comrade. We must strike while the iron is thot


Dude just take a stance on UK free trade ports and stop talking about Trannies and Immigrants.

Honestly after all was done, I can see him sitting cozy at home, drinking his tea, with a huge grin on his face, thinking "We are getting Brexit done!"

Imagine not taking a personal stance on brexit before an election that almost entirely comes down to that singular issue. The utter-state of britbongs

All he had to do was to not be Boris, and he couldn't even do that right.

He could have doubled down on being Boris except just anti-semetic.

What could he realistically do? He's a lefty so he's obviously against the EU as it shits all over the working class, but his party has been overrun by the legacy of Tony Blair and "Labour" is all about the middle class neo liberal these days, which are the exact people who benefit from the EU trade agreement. Why do you think Reddit is so far up the Remain bunghole? It's because Reddit is a seething hive of white middle class kids.

It's why everything had to be "oooh brown people scary" instead of a frank discussion about who actually benefits from a neo liberal trade pact (hint: it's the capitalists)

Jeremy Corbyn's greatest sin was being the appropriate leader for a left Labour party that is actualy a middle class liberal party.

You're giving Corbyn way too much credit by thinking he has any other reason for opposing the EU than that those were the last orders he got from Brezhnev.

Jeremy Corbyn’s greatest sin was being a fucking retard

He had a personal stance. He just didn't tell anyone a public stance.

I'm just waiting to he just goes full 1488

Heβ€˜ll take a vacation trip to Idlib more likely

All I want for the sake of drama is for him to say "The Jews did this!"

It'd kick off the greatest tyre fire since brexit began.



Enjoy the time ⌚ you have 🈢 left πŸ‘ˆ. JUSTICE πŸ‘©β€βš–οΈπŸ‘©β€βš–οΈπŸ‘©β€βš–οΈ IS 🈢 COMING. Tick βœ…βœ… tock.


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This might come as a shock to you, but I do not care about your opinions, your ignorance or failure to comprehend the research, or what you believe. The only thing I care about, and I can not stress this enough, is what the empirical research says. And it says you are wrong.

Your personal opinion? worth as much as a pile of dog shit on the sidewalk to me. That is the absolute extent to which I care about what you think. This is where I stopped reading. I do not entertain the economic illiteracy of far leftists or far right-wing tards.

Both are equally misinformed on average, both are failures.


  1. Corbyn doubles down. Claims he "won... -,

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it was a moral victory :)

Actual quote:

I am proud that on austerity, on corporate power, on inequality and on the climate emergency we have won the arguments and rewritten the terms of political debate. But I regret that we did not succeed in converting that into a parliamentary majority for change.

I know this guy is retarded but fucking hell

Everything he wrote in this article is completely correct.

I am proud that on austerity, on corporate power, on inequality and on the climate emergency we have won the arguments and rewritten the terms of political debate. But I regret that we did not succeed in converting that into a parliamentary majority for change.

Like right here - this is what he's talking about and he's right.

Unfortunately that’s not worth very much if you don’t win the election :///

Nah history will vindica.... Nah they fucked up.

It is though, if they really did win the argument then it means that the votes in parliament on those issues will go their way even if the opposition has the government.

The opposition has a majority in parliament

I know.

That doesn't mean it isn't utter cope.

He might have been able to realize some of those arguments if he didn't allow new elections :^)