White women fuck dogs.

1  2019-12-14 by SwansonsJohnson


That woman is clearly not white

The white menace is spreading, soon all women will be fucking dogs.

Typical mayo behavior, infecting all the pure races with their bullshit

Let’s not blame all mayos for dog fucking. This specifically is the worst kind of mayo; the foid mayo’s doing.

May Allah forgive you for uttering their name

Most dog porn I've been shown seems to be Brazilian I think, let me say again, that I've been shown. I have never sought out Brazilian dog porn.

every dog you fuck you lose 10% of your melanin

One drop


Appropriation of mayo culture smh

Imagine if that dog had herpes and you have to live with the fact that you got herpes from a dog

Something like 86% of dogs carry the DPV, but it lays dormant.

That is Allah's punishment for these sinners.

Goddamn crackers at it again

A downvote from a commie is the equivalent of an upvote from someone with braincells. So thanks, man.


  1. White women fuck dogs. - archive.org, archive.today

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