Casting Announcement for Logain, Loial, Thom, and Padan Fain. Will this be a reflection of what Master Rigney meant to share? or will it just be a shitty hollywood cash grab?

1  2019-12-15 by The_Great_I_Am_Not


ALL of you have literal demons inside of you.

Demons DO enter your body through the anus, because the mixture of pain and pleasure caused by the immoral act of sodomy causes so much psychic confusion that a portal to your soul opens up in your anus for the demon to enter.

This is how demons get inside of everyone. They conflate pleasure with pain. They also conflate truth with untruth.

The anus is only ONE way that demons enter a human body, BUT IT IS ONE OF THE MOST PROMINENT ONES.

This is why so many of you have suffered from pedophilia and sodomy as children. The demons spread to you in this way, in the same way that vampirism spreads through bites.

Reject these homosexual demons and drive them out of your body. I implore you. The world will be a better place. I will forgive you if you expel the demons from your body and stop causing harm to the world around you.

This message is brought to you by truth and decency and concern for your well being as well as the well being of the world around, NOT "bigotry" or "ignorance".


  1. Casting Announcement for Logain, Lo... -,

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Also, I have never said I hate white men, quite contrary, I like them as long asthey recognize and acknowledge their place in the world: that is, under the foot of a black man, same goes for all you cucks. The true evil in this world is /r/SubredditDrama, which is my only enemy. Hitler was an animal rights advocate, and I quite like animals too, so I have nothing against white people per ce, just don't think rapid babboons should be running on the streets among people, smh. Once the /r/SubredditDrama cancer is gone and social order is restored, we can live in harmony with the subhumans, they in their lard, and we in our cities.


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The Wheel of Time is such superior fantasy to say, game of thrones, in terms of "high fantasy", that it's not even funny or remotely close in terms of literary quality.

Lord of the Rings, in the original literary quality, is the foundation, but Wheel of Time is the best of the best.

Is fantasy-shit not on the same level as cape-shit nowadays?

It might seem so, but the Wheel of Time is in a different playing field.

You might not know that, if you didn't know about it, but it is.


I'm having faith that u\mistborn and Harriet will keep them in check.