Introducing toxic masculinity's cousin, "petro masculinity." tl;dr - men are solely responsible for the undeniable climate crisis that is definitely going to destroy every living thing on earth in the next 2 years

1  2019-12-15 by jason_frg


skrrt skrrt my heart hurt


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Honestly the writing has been on the wall for a while. I knew they were gonna try to spin climate change as something men have done to women, ever since the UN fiasco when they claimed climate change was primarily killing "women and children."

"and" being the key there, they tried to lump women in with children.

Hi pizza! I have nothing to add except “thanks” for coming into my thread. Hope you had a great weekend!

Hell yeah baby only 2 years left of this miserable existance

Climate change is a 3rd world problem.

Damn Girl Are You Wearing a Diapy Cause That Booty Poopy


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Daily reminder most haircare products are bad for the environment so men are actually doing less

Also I can pee without wasting toilet paper which literally makes men the superior gender. Take that Feminazis!!!

How about climate change, but it's just for the fellas this time. Men only. Ladies are going to have to stay in the biodome.

That's what gonna happen anyway

I don't understand how men aren't responsible. Incels and the general manospear, including this sub, somehow can't fathom that the sex that's been in power politically, dominated corporate industrial boards, and worked the laborious, industrial jobs that contribute to the destruction of our beautiful planet, are responsible for our incoming apocalypse.

Femcels had it right. Moids are garbage.

I assume women would rather not have had piped water, mains sewerage, the power grid, road transport, factory-made consumer goods, cheap food from mechanised farming, and a few thousand other things I can't be arsed to itemise right now.

Almost all men who participated in that process did so to earn money to impress a woman. You can argue that that makes men more pathetic, but not that this gives men the sole responsibility for things going to shit.

women constitute 80% of all luxury spending.

men do all the work.

women do all the narcissism.

Wasn't this the plot of Fury Road?

Yeah, let's get rid of all the men in big business and see how that goes

Lmao who have 20 pairs of shoes and dresses ?

That's right, trannies and women.

I think they thought patriarchy meant petrolarchy