MRAtards and Weinstein are mentioned on SRD, a new copypasta is born. Plus - is menslib just another incel sub or 99% of the time the only reason someone brings up moid issues is to punch down wymyn?

1  2019-12-15 by ExtremeSquatting


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Lol, this man has a copypasta on Joker capeshit titled, only incels will watch this movie

Oh my fucking god this was the same dude that was posted here before for saying that D&D worldbuilding shit is fascist.

This guy is a really good lolcow.

The whole capeshit/swordshit/spaceshit is fash takes are almost always gigantic reaches that ignore all the stuff the makes fascism actually dangerous. In this case it might actually be a troll because he's arguing that attempting to take any kind of objective perspective is fash.

always gigantic reaches

Notice how their smoothbrain takes always entirely consists of phrases like "has implications", "comes from a place of" "is steeped in", instead of actually making any sort of concrete claim? Because the entire pseudo-intellectual discipline they engage on is massive counter-factual reaching, and the only way for them to continue their grifting is to never make any claims that can be challenged, because the moment they do, their whole movement would collapse as it becomes clear there is no actual merit to it. It thrives entirely from being infalsifyable .

Exactly they'll never be able prove an actual chain of this-causes-this-causes-this etc because doing so would expose how insane their logic is. They'll always use vague language to avoid that.

You wrangled up a fierce one, pardner! 🤠

I am all alone (poor me) in the White House waiting for the Democrats to come back and make a deal on desperately needed Border Security. At some point the Democrats not wanting to make a deal will cost our Country more money than the Border Wall we are all talking about. Crazy!


  1. MRAtards and Weinstein are mentione... -,

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Imagine thinking plating is gendered behavior lmao foids plate waaay harder than moids do

The fact that you know what that means makes you a loser

When I’m plating women, I’m sticking a metal rod through their abdomens 4 at a time in order to bench press them.

only benching 2 foid

lmfao post body

When I’m plating women, I’ve already sous vide’d them in a hearty chicken stock and garnishing with mint and sprinkles.

When I’m plating women, it’s with a very thin layer of sterling silver so I can wear them on a chain around my neck as jewelry.

I don't know what sane person can be on this site and see a majority conservative culture at work.