Finland decides to one-up the USA in terms of electing memes to high office. Gender-swaps leadership of the nation to subvert expectations. New cabinet is basically Charlie's Angels. Hot one is the Prime Minister.

1  2019-12-15 by SandorClegane_AMA


Their first week in office they tried to bring terrorists

first day

it was literally the first thing on their agenda

No shit? Link pls?


Hahahahaha, you're in college and you still spend your time like this! This internet troll shit is for lonely 14 year olds, not adults.

The rest of your life is going to be lonely and boring if this is what you do with your time during what should be your most exciting years.

Before you know it, college will be over and you'll have no ability to make new friends because you don't have anything interesting to talk about or any way to meet new people. If you're not able to make friends now when it's literally the easiest it will ever be, there's no way you're going to swing it when you're even older.


  1. Finland decides to one-up the USA i... -,

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Harsh, but fair.

Not joking about that part - unless you have vision worse than MasterLawlz, you can see that number 3 is the hot one, and she's the PM.

The one on the left is clearly the best looking. All others have those weird prominent jaws and cheekbones like 70 year old grannies.

2>3 Fite me

twitter tranny hairstyle




Yikes, bad opinion.

#2 has Amy Schumer's nose.

Two in the middle are hot, one on right is a qt too


Finland is rightfully a province of Russia, so technically they do have nukes.

Google 'Winter War' lol

Google 'Continuation War' lolololol

Damn the helped the Nazis implement the seige of Leningrad from the north. They were pushing the hell out of their luck, should be thankful the Soviet Union was tired and gave them an armistice instead of turning the post-WWII Red Army against them and making it west Russia. Post-WWII Red Army was an entirely different beast than Pre-WWII Red Army.

Also fyi Finland spent basically the entire Cold War kowtowing to the Soviet Union and censoring all criticism of it trying to avoid having their tanks rolled over it. In 1958 they even elected the Communist party the largest party in Finland.

The Germans would have given them fairer treatment (Jews aside) so they are the sensible country to side with. Russians would have destroyed their culture.



pick one

New cabinet is basically Charlie's Angels.

Oh my god!! You sexist ReeEEEeeEee!!! Charlie's Angels objectifies and sexualizes women!

hot one

3 mayo foids


Finns wish they were mayos. They are just mayonnaise adjacent.

3? whats the 4th then?

Tranny probably

i doubt that tbh



They are Mongolians.


no. Just no.

I like how you can tell just by looking at them that they’re going to spend a bunch of money they don’t have

Well yeah, they are women

Political equivalent of findom egirls.

wow i want to live there

fyi this is the government of the Finns, not an example of every Finns personal harem

Not yet.

Finland can get away with doing this because they know the USA and Britain will end up defending them or bailing them out no matter what happens because of their strategic position with regards Russia.

Doing this in a normal, grown-up country however would destroy it.

Finland can get away with doing this because they know the USA and Britain will end up defending them or bailing them out no matter what happens because of their strategic position with regards Russia.

Women should have been in charge of this country a long time ago then, they have a shitload of experience with making bad decisions and never facing any consequences for their actions

They will start the destruction by opening the floodgates to millions of muslims they secretly have rape fantasies about.

And then the Finns Party will win the next election.

And everyone on Reddit will say, “OMG how could this have happened??”

What are they gonna do win 20% of the vote and enter another dumb coalition with the Center and National parties. Like they did in 2015. Oh the horror.

2015 was half a decade ago. Get the fuck over it.

CIA has pretty much run out of Muslim countries to destroy and “secular, democratic oppositions” (that are in fact branches of Al Qaeda) to fund at this point so I doubt it.

Amerilard cope. Stop hating women incel.

Winter War 2: Electric Boogaloo?

But are they still all socially awkward/autistic fins?

Wouldn't, maybe, would, would.

hot one

Err 404: file not found

Not a single disabled black trans woman? What a misogynistic, racist, sexist, transphobic shithole of a country. Finland is cancelled.

Hush mdefugee