"I was literally shaking"- Said a britbong without a hint of irony. Witness the birth of a new copypasta.

1  2019-12-15 by Stoicpeace


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lmfaooo OP sperged out and deleted all his comments

The minute I saw it I felt sick. As I opened it I was literally shaking. I had the same reaction I have when my trauma is triggered.

I had flashbacks of my previous assessments and I started to imagine how I was going to explain my conditions, every detail of my life despite the large stack of medical evidence I have.

How I was gonna deal with this right before Christmas. How I was gonna stomach sitting there while they judged me and treated me like scum. The inevitable spiral that triggers afterwards.

I started to imagine how my life was gonna be turned upside down again and how I was gonna cope if they lied again. The hours I would sit there without moving, eating or drinking while I typed pages and pages debunking all their crap. Having meltdown after meltdown as my autistic brain implodes from the stress of being unable to focus on anything else.

I felt pure dread.

. . .

It was a Christmas bonus. Thank god.

I shouldn't be this scared of brown envelopes, for fucks sake. None of us should.

They just fucking expect everyone else to work and give them shit for free holy shit.

Like the dude who farms the cow, the guy who cuts it and sticks it in a fridge, the guy who delivers it to their supermarket, the guy who unlocks the store in the morning, they expect all them to just do it for free and they don’t need to do anything.

This is absolutely disgusting.

God what a pathetic loser. It is a shame pinging isnt allowed, but he might be reading this very thread! OP if you are, get a job and stop being such a disgusting tubber you freak

I'd be willing to bet the people making snidey comments in this thread overlap strongly with Tory voters.

The "Labour" party, everyone

"Snide comments = Tory voters."

Meanwhile, there's a tweet on Twitter where a Labour supporter says all the Tories are racists, with 40k+ likes to it. Is this person missing out on their own party's snark? That's some sweet, sweet drama they're missing.

Self reflection is alt-right adjacent

I hope Boris "Big Bad "Boris Johnson"" Johnson convinces the Tory megamajority to einsatzgruppen dole-scum, or at the very least, prevent them from voting.

The Tories got 56% of the seats. It’s actually not much larger of a majority than the House Democrats have right now (53%).


Labour is the elitist + immigrant party and Tory is now the working class party. I know hearing that burns your ears



my autistic brain

I started to imagine how I was going to explain my conditions, every detail of my life despite the large stack of medical evidence I have.

If your condition requires mountains of "evidence" to explain, there is nothing actually wrong with you, and you need to get a fucking job.

I'm seeing a lot of educated people who can read, write, and use a computer trying to come up with why they shouldn't have to work ever. And what's even funnier is a bunch of them don't actually have a bodily disability, they have "autism". Granted, there are people so severely autistic they can't live unsupervised, but they usually can't talk or communicate either.

And then they resent having to prove that they can't do anything ever. I would be curious to see, if someone put a literal gun to their head, how much call center/mechanical turk work they could get done in a day.

I have autism and I'm a software developer. If you are unemployed or poor in the U.S.A., it is literally your own fault.

Maybe that's their problem, that they aren't in the US.

That makes it worse, though. Other countries have actual safety nets (which you should use for as little time as possible) that can be used until you find a real job.

It's so bizarre to me that these people are communists, because Marx's "from each according to his ability" spiel and Stalin's killing of the workshy do not bode well for them.

Marx's "from each according to his ability"

Hey, its not cool to quote Marx on this subreddit, ok? This is a firmly radlib space.

It's so bizarre to me that these people are communists

Communism is the answer they add to the survey sheet to check for people who are crazy or trolling.

Hey, its not cool to quote Marx on this subreddit, ok?

It'd be a lot cooler to quote him if he'd been assassinated rather than dying from obesity in a decently furnished London home.

I have no problem with Marxism, so long as its means-tested.

I have no problem with Marxism as long as it's implemented properly as NAZBOL GANG with SHARIA characteristics ⚒️☪️

I guess sublety is not to be expected of sand people.

Have you ever tried minding your own goddamn business

Haha, I should stop replying to myself when logged into other accounts. Everyone disregard the above. I crossed the streams between my numbered "watermark" accounts, and my "wm" abbreviated accounts.

here's my 2000 word essay on why chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia are totally real and debilitating

Chronic Malingering Syndrome

Giving people on welfare Christmas bonuses


For Christmas!!


It was a Christmas bonus. Thank god.

Holy shit the poor oppressed person who gets free money at Christmas. Life must be so hard for you!

The minute I saw it I felt sick. As I opened it I was literally shaking. I had the same reaction I have when my trauma is triggered.

I had flashbacks of my previous assessments and I started to imagine how I was going to explain my conditions, every detail of my life despite the large stack of medical evidence I have.

How I was gonna deal with this right before Christmas. How I was gonna stomach sitting there while they judged me and treated me like scum. The inevitable spiral that triggers afterwards.

I started to imagine how my life was gonna be turned upside down again and how I was gonna cope if they lied again. The hours I would sit there without moving, eating or drinking while I typed pages and pages debunking all their crap. Having meltdown after meltdown as my autistic brain implodes from the stress of being unable to focus on anything else.

I felt pure dread.

. . .

It was a Christmas bonus. Thank god.

I shouldn't be this scared of brown envelopes, for fucks sake. None of us should.

Snappy get on that

Imagine speaking Bongistani.

What is a “DWP”?

Welfare office

I totally realize most people are going to disagree with me here but I feel compelled to say that closing the sub for a joke wasn't a very kind thing to do. We have seen TONS of posts from vulnerable populations talking about how this sub is a source of support and humor in a dark time. Irony and dirtbagism aside, taking away that support without warning was not okay.

You can say I'm being silly, or humorless or reactionary. Whatever. I love the show and I love this community. But sometimes I come home after dealing with ableism and our nightmare reality all day, and this sub is one of many things that make me feel better. It wasn't a good feeling to find this sub closed for the sake of irony. Maybe that's laughable or pathetic. But for me, it's true.


  1. "I was literally shaking"- Said a b... - archive.org, archive.today

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Lmao he is seething that people say its a copypasta 😂😂😂

Dont write a copypasta when you dont want people thinking its a copypasta

This preview of the epic reddit wide meltdown when Trump is re-elected Nov 2020 with a majority in the house and senate is great. It is going to be great. I think about a week after we will need to shut down r/drama as nothing is going to top that.

What about trump changing the law so he can be re-elected in 2024 again?

Well according to Reddit it was totally ok for the Bolivian President to do that

Not as dramatic as Barron getting contacted by aliens after his 2nd victory in 2059.

By then the economy will be so good that the people will demand it of him.

Psychological warfare to get you off welfare. They use every trick in the book.

dude psyops lmao

brown letter


Can a bongistani explain?

Department of Work and Pensions. AKA welfare. They use brown envelopes.

So they are evaluating if he needs to stay on welfare?

Nah they ain't even doing that, apparently they give a £10 Christmas bonus to dole scummers but this retard thought it was another assessment in which they would have to convince someone why they are too fat to work

And somehow they're still the bad guys. Despite giving her extra free money.

Well yeah; they’d be an absolute wreck if they had to hold down a job; let alone a 9-5.

They can’t do Monday to Friday because they’d miss loose women. And they can’t work after 2 because of the school run; and they have 6 kids under 7.

Lol they get bonuses? Do they have a welfare 401k too

Psychological warfare to get you off welfare. They use every trick in the book.

Literally gave them bonus free money.


Brown envelopes with bonuses for not working are worse than blitzkrieg

Imagine getting a bonus for being fake retarded.

Holy shit!! How do you even write this with a straight face!?! XD if you want people to take you seriously, you can't write like this. Major seethe and major cope on this post.

This is a good reason for Eugenics.

Bongicide when

This nation once had a global empire....

Imagine getting the opportunity to ask Churchill if it was worth sacrificing the British Empire to delay a German dominated Europe by half a century


You know what I now kind of feel bad if they have a genuine disability. Even if I think they're overreacting a bit.

A brown letter

A brown note