fuming, Femoid, blackoid, conservoid, compiles "tik toks" in a twitter thread. The common theme? Racemixing.

1  2019-12-15 by 2Manadeal2btw


This is my favorite thing I’ve seen on Twitter

The college age mayo foid stereotype is one of the most despicable in the world.

“I’m a helplessly slutty, emotional, stressed and over-worked, college girl!”

I’m a victim of my own sluttiness! Why do men suck lol?

I’m a victim of my own emotions! Why is birth control like this?

I’m the hardest working person in America because I have a MA101 exam and EN101 essay due next week, and my sorority has a formal! Why is life so hard for me? I’m a victim of school!!!! No one else has it as hard as me.

College mayo foids are the ultimate victim despite being the most privileged race in human history. They literally act like they’re in a pin ball machine getting bounced around by all the forces in their life that are just so hard and terrible for them. They act like they have no agency or control over their own decisions or emotions.

They act like they have no agency or control over their own decisions or emotions


These types of college girls have not developed consciousness. Read Julian Jaynes.

they’re in a pin ball machine getting bounced around by all the forces in their life

Replace "forces" with "cocks" and "pin ball machine" with "cock carousel" and the statement becomes accurate.

Hahaha! I keep fucking random frat boys every weekend! Why are my emotions so fucked up? Better fuck a few more random boys and drink a few more cosmos! Hahaha I’m just a funny and relatable and self deprecating girl who always acts like her life is falling apart! Can’t wait until a nice boy proposes to me in a few years! I’m gonna be such a bridezilla lol!

You sounds like a super jealous incel.

He does sound like that, but he also sounds based.

When you fuck enough women, you gain additional understanding of the foid brain.

An incel couldn’t be as accurate as that was

Painfully accurate. Fake self deprecation is the worst.

I’m a victim of my own emotions! Why is birth control like this?

Birth control really can mess with someone's emotional equilibrium.

Virtually ever kidnapping I’ve heard of in my life was of a mayo foid

I’m pretty sure that mayo foids are like the least likely demographic to get kidnapped

So much to unpack here. The one that sticks out the most is the "helplessly slutty". This is her desperate appeal for sexual attention from men. She thinks she's cleverly hiding it in ironic sarcasm but as with every other aspect of her life, it's juvenile and obvious, especially to other women. Her use of that phrase is the equivalent of a woman casually including in a text or Facebook post that, "I'm so drunk right now". This is her way of acting like a desperate whore, then later blaming it on the alcohol. 99% of these "sexually liberated party girls", down for anything "just like the guys", are the same ones who'll be accusing you of rape the morning after.

I must be getting old because a lot of the zoomers I see online talk like they are on weed 99% of the time. I wonder if I sounded that dumb when I was a teenager. I am not even biased here because I always admit that the teen me was a dumb ass bitch but these zoomers are making the teen me look like a fucking genius.

I also hanged out with some zoomers for a few weeks on another social media platform. All they talked about was weed, sex and soundcloud rap. At least when I was a teen, I was a freaking SJW talking about politics and social issues and shit. Like you couldn’t get even two words in with these kids. Every response from them was either a meme or edgy comment or sarcasm. Teenagers were always dumb but this is on a whole new level. We are witnessing the level of retardation that we have never encountered before.

They still less retarded than some kid talking about SJW shit and politics. Lmao.

Not to defend zoomers, but SJW and super insane political talk is way less annoying than esoteric memes.

Can you stop insulting my kin please?

They might be retarded, but they're my zoomers and I'll be damned if I let gussy speak about such matters.

So let me amend your flair, your opinion as a foid isn't really needed tho.

Back to the whorehouse with you.

Lol, like lawlz would belong in a whorehouse

He'd be a gloryhole

Wow, you just proved me right. Edgy sarcastic meme response.

If this was twitter, you would have gotten a sassy reaction gif response

Or a motion blurred “offensive” spongebob meme

Zoomers think their “funny nihilism” sense of humor is so original

Zoomers don't realised that people have always been depressed but past generations have the good grace not to make it a central part of their personality. Grow up

I thought we already did the nihilism with Gen X.

One of the many irritating traits of the young is their belief that they invented everything.

Its one thing if the social movement you are aping is 800 years old and poorly documented, quite another if you're wearing a nirvana tshirt because it fits nicely into your current irony-structure.


Past generations were taught to carry on in spite of their issues. This generation was taught that their issues are their identity. They compete to be the most fucked up person in every room. Generation Special Olympics.

I'm amazed he had the self discipline not to use the words "snarky", "trope" or "narrative". This vocab is Zoomer 101.

and you're still sarcastic to this day. So you must still be a kid.

Oh wait, all foids are kids.

I wonder if I sounded that dumb when I was a teenager

You always have and always will sound dumb.

All your favorite characters are here! Pick the one you like and form an identity around that!

The average person has 1-3 sexual partners in their lifetime.

There's no fucking way this is true.

People like monogamy and loving commitment. Deal with it degenerate.

Have sex, incel retard

No, I'm only 14 yrs away from wizard powers.


Sure except most people average at least 8-9 of those types or relationship throughout a life time.

It's true if you don't count dogs.

If you have the same number of partners as a remarried christcuck then you should really reexamine your life choices.

"Internalized misogynist" and "prude" are the new slurs for women with standards and boundaries. Don't let newspeak fool you. ;)


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"feminist" now means "free whore".


The only thing these tiktoks prove is the known fact that women are neither original nor funny.

Women have no soul. Men are innovators, women are immitators. That's why their comedy always seems so generic, and contrived like something you've already seen.

Quoting Wordless Chorus on /r/Drama

That's a move

they're black fishing like masters. I should also pretend to be black on twitter

Honestly it didn't have many bbc tik toks it had a lot more whore and single mom tik toks

pretty big overlap there tho

Of course a lot of single moms were campus bicycles in college almost all of the whore tik toks are highscool/college girls too

True, if you consider massage therapy classes at the Learning Exchange to be "college".

No dude, all those single moms were raped. Everybody knows that.

So many single moms. Probably because a lot of them are narcissistic.

Ngl tho this women is incredibly based DOWN with the mayo gussy

This woman is my hero

she cute

I love that alt-rightoids have this completely retarded idealized view of the 50's where teenage white girls never drank, never had sex, and they certainly didn't have sex with black dudes.

There’s a whole song in that musical grease making fun of that view tbqh

The 50s was probably the most censored decade. Like the comics code banned any mention of drugs at all (even for anti-drug purposes), good always had to triumph over evil (literally they banned tragedies), sex outside of marriage wasn’t allowed to be portrayed at all, or sexual themes in general, actually women specifically were required to be drawn so as to not be too, homosexuality was also banned. I me just absurd prudishness. The Hayes code in Hollywood was very similar. I think this gives people a mistaken impression of the culture of the era. They look at the media and somehow assume that’s how society was like. When in reality it was just the mother of all nanny states banning anyone’s eyes from looking at anything remotely theoretically unpleasant.

If you go further back before like the 30’s, a lot of media was surprisingly gritty and gave no bones about this garbage. Even in the Victorian era. It was just in the 30’s when society suddenly decided to ban all the bad stuff from all fiction for some reason.

Black foids are the best ngl
