Foids: gross incels are so entitled. Also foids:

1  2019-12-15 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


La vaca! Mu! šŸ® La Vaca! Mu! šŸ„

Support all sex workers.

Recognize the natural beauty of every person confident enough to be in what is a very difficult industry. (#)supportsexworkers (#)sexworkisrealwork

Literally tutorial mode

donā€™t wanna work out, eat whatever and get fat

donā€™t want to work for money, just lay there and let people fuck the hole I was born with

be defended by white knights on twitter and constantly told that Iā€™m a queen and flawless. And that Iā€™m in this industry because Iā€™m confident and naturally beautiful

Canā€™t imagine an easier life hahahaha

Recognize the natural beauty of every person confident enough to be in what is a very difficult industry.

I'm appalled by the attempts of these ""left-wing" chauvinists to paint sex work as empowering when it is one of the most abject and dehumanising industries imaginable

August 9, 1918

Comrade Fyodorov,

It is obvious that a whiteguard insurrection is being prepared in Nizhni. You must strain every effort, appoint three men with dictatorial powers (yourself, Markin and one other), organise immediately mass terror, shoot and deport the hundreds of prostitutes who are making drunkards of the soldiers, former officers and the like.

Not a minute of delay.

Yours, Lenin

Terfs are right about sex workers

lenin was a terf

Wow Lenin sounds like he needs to have sex asap

Have sex Lenincel

Are commies based now? Iā€™m confused, tell me what to think. Thanks in advance.

commies used to chuck firebombs to get the point across

now they run out of spoons if they hear you call someone fat or retarded. They just aren't the same as how they used to be.

You're not a communist until you and your gang have been on a bank-robbing spree to fund revolutionary activities, anything else is just larping

Shoot AND deport

if only commies actually gave a shit about grandpa's murderous ideals

they wouldn't be so insufferable then

Not one of these twittercels has read anything by lenin, they don't understand the contradictions of their own position

You have no idea how hard she has it. The strength it takes. The struggle she has to push through. Every time she stands up.

If Iā€™m going to pay money for sex Iā€™m 100% of the time going to just pick the hottest one. 100% of men are going to do the same. Itā€™s not a date, this is not a personality competition, literally Iā€™m handing you money to spend an hour putting my dick inside of you. Even bottom tier escorts are usually at least above average, why would I waste a second of my time looking at a fatty. There are people who have an exclusive fetish for fat women, it is a very small market though. If this feels unfair to you tough shit, moid sex workers have it worse and since your a sex worker I know already it would probably take me five seconds to look up a tweet of you hypocritically mocking some moid for whining about how they canā€™t be a whore unless theyā€™re an underwear model and take dick. Itā€™s like sw foids favorite thing to do. Of course when it comes to a QWEEN you get special standards to be judged by, as always.

Youā€™re a whore, itā€™s not a charity. When people say ā€œsupport sex workersā€ usually they mean support their rights and interests and listening to what they have to say. Not literally, itā€™s your responsibility to be a john, we need more johns. Donā€™t abuse the slogan to stupidly try to shame johns into guilt fucking you. Like Iā€™m already fucking a whore, itā€™s not a the brightest spot of my life, the last thing I need is for it to be some landwhale on top of things. Be happy with your small circle of creepy BBW fetishist boomers and shut up.

This is pretty based for you watermark.

Tbh watermark probably makes sex workers suicidal after fucking him, making him a bigger threat to women than pizzashill.


$500 to fuck a 100lb girl once, or $10 to fuck a 500lb girl 5 times. Think about the value proposition. $5/lb vs. $0.004/lb.

It's just frugal to buy in bulk.

Islam is right about women

Lmao wish the Reasons Why Trump Won account was still here.

jesus at least wash your face

pork is haram šŸš«šŸ–

Imagine the smell šŸ¤¢

> objectify me, bigot

pay for my commodification, incel

Twitter is soon to ban "sex workers" and overtly sexual shit.

And that's a good thing.

I've been saying it for years, it's a shame that governments, ISPs and websites should have to do what should have been parent's jobs at home, but here we are.

The government canā€™t crack down on sex worker ads because of the extremely basal nature of what theyā€™re trying to criminalize. Itā€™s two people in a room. It will always be easy to be just vague enough to have plausible deniability, just donā€™t mention paying for sex (or any code words) and thereā€™s no proof of anything.

When cops do stings of Johns they always have the place rigged up with video cameras and try to get an explicit quid pro quo for sex on tape. Without that itā€™s too hard to prosecute and not worth their time. As for busts of sex workers, any sex worker whoā€™s remotely competent with screening can blacklist the popo and make it extraordinarily difficult for them to investigate such that itā€™s usually not worth their time. When they do try, again, they often try to get an explicit quid pro quo for sex, which is a red flag.

Itā€™s not like, say, drug dealing. Drug crimes are literally prosecutors favorite crimes ever. Literally if you find a drug on a person youā€™ve got a slam dunk case. If you find over some arbitrary amount on them, you even get to press drug trafficking charges. Itā€™s so easy an braindead idiot could do it, itā€™s great for their career too, easy slam dunk cases to boost their conviction rate. It should be clear why our society is so obsessively focused on drug crimes tbh.

Sex work, again, itā€™s two people in a room. A lot of work to set up a sting that only busts doofuses, much harder than that to bust someone whoā€™s remotely competent and doesnā€™t ever specifically mention anything sexual until after payment is handed over. A defense lawyer could run circles around the prosecution in court if they tried to convict on such evidence. Prosecuting them can be difficult due to the lack of evidence, so prosecutors donā€™t even try because it doesnā€™t get their conviction rate up. Much better to bribe a cop to plant some crack on a nigger and get a guaranteed conviction, that will get you far in your career as an American prosecutor.

still unemployed then?

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still unemployed then?

Based LongPostBot

They legs can barely support they own body why would i support that


More like support fat sex workers by making sure to use your legs when lifting to prevent back injuries am i right boys?

You mean with a reinforced chair?

I wonder if she would consider eating a bucket from KFC using only her mouth sex work if I told her that was my fetish?

I don't know what I expected based on the title but it definitely wasn't as funny as this.

This man is an artist

The replies are 90% black people roasting this fat mayo.

But sweaty, neither fatties not sex workers are human, why should I support them



I wouldnā€™t support them if it was for free and they werenā€™t prostitutes šŸ¤”šŸ˜³

Send I-beam.

They targeted gamers. Gamers.


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Notice how they said fat and not chubby cause they know only fat fetishists like hamplanets
