Anti-Bernie Boomer loses her meds

1  2019-12-15 by CapeshitterCOPE


The anti-Bernie hysteria is really weird. I'm not exactly a fan of his, but they're like so desperately trying to make him seem worse than he is and it's not very subtle at all.

I saw an article the other day claiming he was running the most anti-semitic campaign in history or some shit.

He makes radlibs go fucking nuts by not constantly pandering to whatever their bullshit niche issues are, and instead focusing on simple things most people would agree are true (even if you don’t like his solutions).

Up until a month ago or so, the mere mention of Bernie on a lefty sub brought serious condemnation of causing Trump; yet suddenly liking Bernie is a good thing again. I think he's the DNC's bitch and will be milked for the donations once the primaries end just like last time.

But he is most of the time ideological. He makes calls based on ideological alignment without due diligence to a person and a wider context.

That’s the essence of communism failure.

Imagine Twitter style of crime & punishment but officially endorsed and embedded in every day life.

We don’t have to imagine, it’s being written about.

This is a pattern. Bernie is telling you who he is

He sounds like a guy who likes to fire bad people, why do they hate that? I thought getting people fired for being bigots was the ultimate form of activism to these woke spastics, lol.

Bernie is irrelevant. He will never win the primary

Braphog Mommy will make sure of that. 😍

Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser.

Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


  1. Anti-Bernie Boomer loses her meds -,

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