The eternal boomer decries the hand symbol of hate

1  2019-12-15 by lulmaster57


4chan was literally able to manipulate PMC libs into literally turning the OK hand symbol into a white supremacist symbol. You know at first I didn't think this would catch, but then the Christchurch killers last epic act of meming seems to have sealed the deal. This is my life now.

OK hand symbol

This isn't even the OK sign though, it's upside down for the circle game. This is like someone thinking a seig heil and raising your hand are the same because they both involve a flat palm and your hand above your head.

The main reason they did it was because it was used in black twitter memes and shit

So you’re blaming emojis?


ebin 4chin trole :D

I love how many boomers are in that thread crying about it being a white supremacist symbol. Guess they are happy the finally can educate younger people about something, even though the have no clue about it. I bet 90% of them dont even know what 4chan is.

I bet 90% of them dont even know what 4chan is

The infamous hacker, duh

Who is this “4chan”?

The Chan makes me think it's a cute gamer girl, bro

Gamer girl (male) sure

Truly, the most oppressed minority.

The okay symbol was a white supremacist symbol created by white racists in the 30s, only they waited till 2017 to release it. Before that it was covert, I read all about it on cnn and wapo

What I like is that it was never a white power symbols and these idiots got tricked into believing it is and are actually upset when people do it. That’s what I love.

Yeah basically instead of admitting they are idiots the doubled down.

People in that thread "Well I teach high school and NEVER saw that before!" What the fuck? Like, all my fucking friends and siblings played that shit. Just because your dumbass hasn't ever seen it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. "They are too old to be playing childish games" Bitch, do you even know what the military is?

Lol the swastika is a Hindu and Dine symbol for good luck. White supremacists stealing something because they lack the imagination for creativity is nothing new. Saying "these are the old symbols these knuckleheads are using amongst themselves nowadays" isn't taking the bait.

The difference is that 99.9% of people use it in the old way you mong

That's why context is key idiot.

Eating a pizza and wanna telegraph your rating of it to the chef 👌

Posing with it with a group of known white supremacists for the exact purpose of making a shibboleth? Not 👌

Yeah and in 99.99999999999% of cases, context is not white supremacists like woke twitter thinks.

Who gives a shit what woke Twitter thinks?

If it doesn't pass the smell test in context investigate a little then drop it. Which is what is happening now.

I wish you died

Seriousposters out out out


Downvoting lolcows is worse than white supremmacy.

Downvoting the lolcows ?,👎

Everyone knows what the swastika and Burning cross mean. Covert hate symbols are worthless l, since the primary purpose of a gate symbols is open terrorism. Secret symbols need to stay secret or else they are also worthless. The ok sign falls into neither of these categories.




how is it possible for people to be dumber than /pol/?

oh wait, blue checkmark

Looks like a kiddie fiddler

That doesn't look like Pizzashill

kiddler on the roof


This is the gay 4chan op that never stops giving. The level of histrionics these people can gather based on a hoax that they've been clearly told is a hoax will never stop being hilarious.

I'm not a militarycel, but I imagine West Point does not, in fact, expel for making meme hand gestures. Anyone here know military shit who can confirm?

I imagine West Point does not, in fact, expel for making meme hand gestures. Anyone here know military shit who can confirm?

I can tell you this. Certain factions of the military chain of command are doing all they can to root out even the appearance of a lack of impropriety, even when it's some ignorant, childish internet bullshit.

Huh, weird. I kinda assumed the military wasn't too concerned with the opinions of blue checkmark foids

It's dancing on the edge of a knife to make it all work

They had to double down on it after being told its a hoax. 'Maybe it wasnt a white supremacist symbol before, but it 10000% is now! The christchurch killer did it so Im right!!!!!!'

remember when stuff like “hitler drank water so other people drinking water is racist!!!” was just a fun little obvious joke? yeah...

You're right. It's a "n-no I'm not an idiot" cope


Well West Point DID expel the kid who wore a pro communism shirt under his uniform on graduation day. Rightfully so too.

They should have shipped him to Guatemala.

To the people who keep commenting, "it's the circle game" or "they fooled you into thinking it's White Power," i ask, what's the fucking difference. If the intent is to offend us, why would I care if it's a "real" or "close to real" hand signal.

me being offended is what really matters

Based and self-centered-pilled

what a fucking retard

who ever fucking said “close to real” lmao

Hysterical retards

Imagine being a man and also being this much of a pearl clutching faggot.

"Cadets are supposed to be our best and the brightest.."

Clearly this person has never done a day in the military. Military cadets are tards....

Eh once they're out the got that sweet gig at their dad's dealership waiting.

Jesus fuck look at these disgusting pearl clutchers.

Why would grown ass young men be playing a schoolyard game now, on tv??? And why have they never done it before? It’s not what it was 40 years ago, it’s what it stands for now, which is WP and racism.

Replying to @carolwriter61 @TAINA56 @bryanbehar Becuase we're guys and it's funny. My college roommate and I still play after 25 years (we have to be really creative since we live 5 hours away from each other now).

No, it’s NOT funny bc ypu just said it yourself - you’ve been doing it for 25 years. It doesnt mean now what it did then. Be careful- if you do it in front of the wrong people I can assure you they will not think it’s a “funny game.”

$100% that Carol huffs farts.

"ITS NOT FUNNY!!!!!" why? "BECAUSE I SAID SO!!!!!"

>grown ass young men.
Service folk are literally doing childish and gay shit all day and jerk it in a poo sauna. Not the height of class

On 9/5/18 I met my best friend. Nearly 5 months later she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Just a reminder that being a father is not about “blood” but about being available with unconditional love and support


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Okay so what about the game people do where they make that gesture and you’re not allowed to look at it if it’s below the waist?

Edit: it’s called the “circle game” and college aged kids do it all the time, and that cadet did it to troll people

I like it when people get triggered by this and the person doing it loses their job

No. NO! Anything but the sign. ANYTHING but the sign. I'm literally shaking right now. I can't. I CAN'T.


> TV writer. Emotional eater.

Eat shit and write me a show to tell how you feel about it.

Imagining showing vulnerability on the internet and not expecting to get bullied.


Thanks to my years of data analysis I have it decoded

Kind of big ngl

Why did I click that?

cadets are supposed to be our best and brightest

Since when?

It's painful how dumb people can be. Thousands have fallen for a 4chan prank.

Self-righteous virtue-signaling boomer libs will say anything to make themselves feel morally superior.



Why would grown ass young men be playing a schoolyard game now, on tv???

Yeah it's not as if the military is famous for dudes doing silly shit to kill time because most of them are recruited straight out of fucking highschool

The Nazis plan is coming along nicely. Soon, no one will believe the media when they tell them the government has been infiltrated by Nazis.