Chinese students graduate from their coding bootcamp

1  2019-12-16 by TheLordHighExecu


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I guess Bussy is getting summer classes

Damn Girl Are You Wearing a Diapy Cause That Booty Poopy


  1. Chinese students graduate from thei... -,

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Oh cool. I bet they were given free housing in gated communities as an extra bonus.

As always, Chinese get test answers BEFORE the test begins.

The sheer dedication of the Chinese, combined with computer hacking skills is a really fucking scary thing.

You have to admire it though. The dedication you speak of has been bred into the Chinese man. Since the 19050's they have practiced eugenics.

People also forget that during the Korean War the Chinese kicked out passes so hard MacArthur wanted to air detonate 30 atom bomb laced with cobalt in Manchuria to cut off the Zerg Swarm that was the PLA.

Once again, the Chinese question prove itself something dire rather than bs like Jewish question.

Based and gook pilled