Is Kaiser okay? Two days ago I shamed him for posting over a 100 comments in /r/drama in a single day and after responding to me he hasn't commented since.

1  2019-12-16 by RIPGeorgeHarrison

Went from posting 50 - 100 comments a day on the sub (can't link to his account and I'm not a big enough faggot to screenshot post so find it yourself if you want to see) to nothing after I called him mentally ill. I also don't think he has contributed to any subreddits outside of /r/drama. Quite pathetic really, but I hope he hasn't gone and bought rope.


You did the right thing

Your probably right, its probably the best for their health that they detox.

I find it funny though that despite how often Pizza is dunked on by basically everyone, much of it from Kaiser himself recently calling him a pederast, he's still here. Meanwhile kaiser got a few downvotes, was told his "pizza touches kids" schtick was stale, and I call him mentally ill and now he's gone, lmao.

Unironically this. People seeking approval and recognition from dramatards of all people are even worse than normal plebbitors.

Imagine thinking that being part is a /r/drama clique is cool lmao, that's like more pathetic than being a jannie

that's like more pathetic than being a jannie


Look into the mirror and try again, sweaty

Lots of folks running alts though. I might be the only user that only posts with one account. Bet he just switched accounts.

ever since they added these custom feeds so i can separate my tranny porn from the other ones it's pointless to have an alt.

Based. Devavrata17 was always really into water works etc too

I remember being called an incel bigot for use of the transphobic slur 'passable' so it's possible I've had a previous encounter there.

Isn't kaiser just a low-effort rightoid version of pizza, when you think about it? 🤔

He's the Yin to his YangGang.

We should all be so lucky someone bullies us out of here

Damn bro. Your bantz are so brutal you killed him!

What kind of hugbox shit is this? You'd better kiss and make up. 😙😙😙 If any of you faggots an hero without livestreaming it you ain't a real dramatard.

He’s fine. He started talking about discord and coding and socks and shit, said he was taking a few days to find himself.



>Appreciation for Socks

>Has to find himself

I fully support and wish well the HRT treatments.

The comment explaining the joke gets more upvotes

This some normie reddit shit


Caring about upvotes is normie reddit shit too.

She found herself.

Socksoff dot com! for your Coding Sockâ„¢ needs uwu

"Is Kaiser Romulus okay?" Is that really what you're thinking about rn?? The health, safety, and condition of a fucking drama poster? Jesus fuck you are worthless.

P.S. Don't reply to this mentioning my Oxford comma. I know youre autistic and thinking about doing it. For your own good, don't.

Based and punctuationpilled

No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


  1. Is Kaiser okay? Two days ago I sham... -,

  2. called him mentally ill -,

  3. /r/drama -,

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

hopefully not

I’m fucking honored to have caused this. I have to figure out my next stunt to continue my rise to fame in the sub. I thought at first that maybe I could fill in for Lawlz, who seems to be slacking, but I don’t want to be derivative. If I’m going to be a Drama personality, then I really need to brand my own variety of idiocy 😎

Shit you knocked him off just to take his place.

How can you not be a big enough faggot to screencap but be a big enough faggot to e-stalk? It’s like saying you’re not gay enough to suck dick while getting DP’ed in your asshole

IMO, /r/drama is wrong wrong about going through people’s comment histories. Yeah it’s a pretty faggy thing if you are trying to cancel someone or did someone but it’s a good way to find drama if someone is a known lolcow.

He realized he really was gay for pizza, and the two of them ran off to diddle kids together

It's the weeding out. They weren't strong enough to ride with us

Low blow

posting 50 - 100 comments a day on reddit dot com


posting 50 - 100 comments a day on reddit dot com slash arr slash drama


Imagine remembering any tard that posts here by name 🤣🤣🤣


Since you're unhealthily obsessed with 'drama celebs' Can you shame the rest of these losers to stop posting as well?